
Episode 1

Jiang Yu disappeared after taking a phone call at my birthday party.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yu's beloved, Chen Xinxin, posted on her Moments: "Thank you for being there for me when I was most helpless and desperate."

The picture was of Jiang Yu sleeping soundly with his eyes closed.

At that moment, I finally gave up on my ten-year wait and erased him completely from my heart.


Jiang Yu came back, bringing his beloved Chen Xinxin with him.

When he came to find me downstairs at my place, Chen Xinxin was there too.

Jiang Yu gently caressed Chen Xinxin's cheek, his eyes full of tenderness.

Strangely, even though I had liked Jiang Yu for ten years, watching him being affectionate with another woman right in front of me didn't make me sad at all.

I walked over with my usual smile and asked, "What's up?"

Jiang Yu handed me a box and said, "Sorry I left in such a hurry that day and didn't get to give you your birthday gift."

I took the gift from him and smiled faintly, "Thanks."

Jiang Yu then said, "Xinxin and I are going to have a meal later. Why don't you join us?"

I waved my hand, "I don't want to be the third wheel."

As I turned to leave, I inadvertently heard Jiang Yu's voice, "See? The relationship between Tang Ying and me isn't what you think."

Chen Xinxin clung to Jiang Yu's arm, stuck out her tongue playfully, and said, "Okay, I misunderstood you. I apologize."

A self-mocking smile tugged at the corners of my lips. So this was his real purpose for coming to find me today.

I had liked Jiang Yu for ten years. Once he finally pursued and won over his longtime crush, I went from being a backup to just a friend.

But what made me angry was that they flaunted their relationship in front of me, making me feel offended.

I returned home, plopped onto the sofa, and tossed Jiang Yu's belated birthday gift aside. Without them flaunting their relationship in front of me, I felt inexplicably relieved and much lighter.

Although Jiang Yu and I didn't work for the same company, our companies were in the same office building. He was on the 22nd floor, and I was on the 21st.

Jiang Yu was very particular about his food and had a habit of skipping breakfast. Over time, this led to stomach problems.

Since our workplaces were close, I would get up an hour early every day to make breakfast for him and bring it to work on my way.

That morning, I arrived at the office empty-handed, and a colleague jokingly asked, "Why didn't you bring breakfast for the guy upstairs today? Did you two have a fight?"

I smiled and said, "No, just too lazy to get up early every day. It's exhausting."

After chatting with my colleague, I put the breakfast matter out of my mind. Three days later, Jiang Yu suddenly came downstairs to find me.

He looked a bit pale and said, "Why haven't you been bringing me breakfast lately?"

Seeing his indifferent expression, I couldn't help but smile in my heart and replied, "I can't bring you breakfast every day, right?"

He paused for a moment, before he could speak, I received a phone call.

After finishing the call, I said, "Our manager is coming to check on us, I need to hurry back."

Without waiting for his bewildered expression, I hastily left.

During a break at work, I scrolled through my social media and casually saw a post from Chen Xinxin a few minutes ago with a video: "Adopted a little expert in undoing stitches."

In the video, a tabby cat was unraveling a navy blue scarf.

At a glance, I recognized that scarf as the gift I brought back for Jiang Yu last winter when I traveled abroad with my best friend Yao Yao.

I noticed a friend joking in the comments below: "Rich lady, casually wasting a scarf that costs thousands!"

Chen Xinxin did it on purpose, and I could tell right away.

Shortly after, Yao Yao texted me, "The scarf that Chen Xinxin's cat unraveled in her post, isn't that the one you gave to Jiang Yu last year?"

I calmly replied to Yao Yao, "Yes, that's the one."

After replying to the text, I was somewhat surprised at my composure. Following that, I sent another message to Yao Yao, "Do you think there's a possibility that one day, I might stop liking Jiang Yu?"

Yao Yao replied with a tone of disappointment, "Impossible! If you could really stop liking him, you would have to throw away all the birthday gifts he's given you every year for the past ten years."

For the past ten years, I have treasured every birthday gift Jiang Yu has given me.

Suddenly reminded by Yao Yao's words, I remembered that I hadn't even opened this year's birthday gift from Jiang Yu yet. It felt odd that I wasn't looking forward to what he might have given me this year.

A few days later, as I stepped out of the elevator after work, Jiang Yu walked towards me.

"Would you like to go watch a movie with me tonight?" He spoke in his usual casual tone.

I replied flatly, "Why don't you ask your girlfriend to accompany you?"

Jiang Yu raised an eyebrow in resignation, "She doesn't like sci-fi movies."

I chuckled, "I don't like them either."

Indeed, I didn't enjoy sci-fi movies, but in reality, I had already purchased two tickets online for that sci-fi movie half a month ago. I planned to wait for the movie to be released and then invite Jiang Yu to watch it with me.

I had liked Jiang Yu for ten years, and I had grown accustomed to catering to his preferences. However, had it not been for Jiang Yu's reminder, I almost forgot to return those two tickets.

Perhaps Jiang Yu didn't anticipate my rejection. He looked at me in surprise, remained silent for a moment, then smiled faintly, "I'll ask someone else then."

I nodded and calmly said, "Alright then, I'll head off first."