
Arrancar Ascension: Apex Predator of Hueco Mundo

In the unforgiving landscapes of Hueco Mundo, Esteban Vortice emerges as an entity of disorder, chaos, and entropy. His existence, a result of a turbulent vortex of chaotic reishi energy catching and carrying countless Hollow souls combined with a transmigrated human soul, from another universe, caused by a spontaneous spatial rift, disrupts the fragile balance of life and death. Then as Esteban navigates the delicate dance of his newfound existence, he becomes a potential adversary for factions such as the Soul Society, who are devoted to maintaining harmony, or other potential competitors vying for the throne or the original protagonist himself. Embodying his raw power and primal instincts, Esteban sets out on a journey to ascend the hierarchical ladder of the Hollows, with his eyes set on becoming the apex predator in the world of Bleach. This path to power is not only paved with formidable adversaries and chaotic battles but also unexpected alliances. Despite his disruptive nature and his insatiable hunger for power, Esteban forms surprising friendships that further complicate his character and journey. The narrative further intensifies as Esteban encounters some of the most powerful and captivating women of the Bleach universe. These relationships, layered with allure add another dimension to Esteban's character, showing that even amidst chaos and disorder, connections can form and perhaps even thrive. . . . . . . . The Patreon link with up to 30 advanced chapters there -----> patreon.com/hanma_jack

Hanma_Jack · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
54 Chs

Esteban's War: A Battlefield Distorted

Esteban's laughter echoed ominously, a mocking counterpoint to the hollow's bravado, "You think consuming a fraction of that power makes you my equals?", His gaze was scathing, stripping them of their misplaced arrogance, "That power chose me. It birthed me, and molded me. You are nothing but thieves, basking in the glory of my birthright."

Another Vasto Lorde interjected, his tone challenging, "And who's to say we won't take it from you?"

At that, Esteban's expression darkened, "You're welcome to try...", He retorted, the threat in his voice unmistakable. The air around him crackled with tension, his Reiatsu spiraling chaotically, mirroring his wrath, "And when you fail, you'll realize your place. Beneath me."

A silence stretched between them, the challenge hanging in the air like a palpable entity. The four Vasto Lordes exchanged glances, their decision made. As one, they advanced, the battle lines drawn.

"These vermin...", Esteban snarled, his gaze bearing into each Vasto Lorde, "To think that you not only steal from me but are now even challenging me... Oh, you will pay. You will pay dearly now.", He scoffed, a dark smile pulling at his lips, "You'll soon realize your mistake."

With a rumbling growl, Esteban lunged at the Vasto Lorde, his every move radiating raw power. His eyes were ablaze, the fiery core of his fury mirrored in their depths. The air around them buzzed with reishi, the sheer pressure of their combined spiritual power threatening to crack the ground beneath them.

The first Vasto Lorde, a towering brute with a deep maroon mask, charged forward, releasing his special power, Cero Resplandor. A brilliant flash of light filled the arena, temporarily blinding Esteban.

But he was quick to recover, shaking off the disorientation and using the heightened strength of his hollow body to avoid the incoming blast. The blow connected with the ground where he'd been a moment earlier, sending up a cloud of dust and debris.

Meanwhile, the second Vasto Lorde was preparing her special power. Her mask resembled an owl, sharp and angular. She let out a high-pitched cry, her power Cero Eco reverberating in the air.

The shockwave disrupted Esteban's senses, disorienting him and making it difficult to locate his opponents. Before he could steady himself, the main Cero blast hit him, pushing him back.

The third Vasto Lorde was not far behind. With a mask resembling a crying face, he used his Cry of Despair. The eerie wail spread across the field, attempting to instill a deep sense of hopelessness in Esteban. But the chaos-born Hollow was undeterred, his heart filled with a fiery determination that refused to succumb to despair.

The fourth, however, proved to be a greater challenge. His special ability, The Juxtapose, granted him superior mobility and the element of surprise. He was there one second, and the next, he was behind Esteban, his sharp claws aimed for a killing blow. This Vasto Lorde was clearly more powerful than the others, his movements fluid and fast, his attacks powerful.

But Esteban was not an ordinary adversary. Even as he grappled with the unfamiliarity of his powers, the strength of his reishi granted him a formidable edge. His Cero blasts were far stronger than those of ordinary Hollows, his Hierro tougher, his Pesquisa more acute, and his Sonído faster.

Despite the onslaught, Esteban refused to be overpowered. He retaliated with his own Cero, a raw blast of concentrated reishi that collided with the attacks from the Vasto Lorde, creating a blinding explosion. He used Sonído to keep up with the swift attacks of the fourth Vasto Lorde, the friction from his speed sending sparks flying.

His Hierro shielded him from their blows, the power of his reishi manifesting as an impenetrable layer on his skin. And his Pesquisa, despite the confusion and disorientation from the Cero Eco, allowed him to predict their movements and respond accordingly.

The fight was intense, each second filled with fierce strikes, dodges, and retaliation. But Esteban was holding his own, fueled by his indomitable spirit and an unquenchable thirst for power. He was chaos incarnate, ready to claim what was rightfully his, ready to assert his dominance and carve his destiny as the true ruler of Hueco Mundo.

However, the four Vasto Lorde slowly began closing in on him, their grimacing faces twisted in cruel satisfaction, Esteban felt the tide of the battle shifting against him. His raw, unrefined power was being met with honed techniques and unified numbers.

Inwardly, he felt a growing urgency. The primal instincts that had driven him so far were quickly being suppressed by the tactical onslaught from his adversaries. He needed to unlock his unique abilities, and he needed to do so quickly if he was to survive this onslaught.

In that moment of escalating tension, of desperate struggle and an impending onslaught, Esteban felt something new, something extraordinary. It was as if a switch had been flipped within him, unlocking an ability that was inherently his. It was raw power, chaotic in nature, pulsating with his internal rhythm. A reflection of his origin, of the chaotic reishi he was born from.

His first unique hollow ability, of this world, Campo del Caos (Field of Chaos), came into existence. The space around him began to shudder and warp, the air shimmering with iridescent energy that pulsed with chaos.

The reality, as he knew it, transformed within this sphere of influence. It was like peering through a distorted mirror, the laws of nature bending to his chaotic whims.

A rock that fell into the sphere shot upwards, defying gravity. An attack aimed at him veered off its path, turning on itself. The boundaries of the sphere pulsed and flickered, a clear indication of the intense struggle to maintain form amidst the chaotic forces inside.

On a spiritual level, the chaos was magnified. Spiritual pressure was no longer a steady stream; it became a tempest, churning and surging like a violent ocean storm. Energy-based attacks were unpredictable; they could lose power, explode prematurely, or unravel completely.

Even the concept of space and time was not spared, as it turned erratic within his Field of Chaos. A single step could cover a vast distance or barely move an inch. A moment could stretch into what felt like an eternity, then snap back to normal in the blink of an eye.

The desert sand that formed the barren landscape started behaving erratically within the field, individual grains abruptly soaring upwards into the sky, while others dug themselves deeper into the ground. What was once a static, still desert turned into a whirlpool of unpredictable motion, a maelstrom of sand particles moving in random directions.

Even the wind, previously moving predictably across the flat plains, became a cyclone of conflicting gales within the field, swirling in impossible patterns. Gusts that were seemingly going to collide would abruptly change course, while those moving parallel would suddenly clash with unseen forces.

The sandstorms were no longer linear, the wind no longer followed its course, and even the occasional lonely structures of Hueco Mundo's landscape would suddenly shift and distort. From the chaotic vortex, Esteban became the eye of a storm, controlling and dictating the very nature of reality within his field.

The bleak, uniform realm of Hueco Mundo was no longer a predictable wasteland. It had become a dance floor for chaos, bending to the whims of the Campo del Caos. The shifting sands, the chaotic winds, the distortions in time and space all echoed one truth - this was Esteban's dominion, a realm where chaos reigned supreme.

His chaotic nature had finally materialized, providing him with a tool in the face of his adversaries. He felt a sense of exhilaration. This was his domain, his embodiment, his chaos.

The battlefield was no longer just a physical landscape, it was his realm of chaos. The realization brought a predatory smile to his face. The Vasto Lorde might have thought they were closing in for the kill, but the reality was far from it. The true battle was just beginning.

Up to 30 additional chapters ahead are available on my Patreon. The link is below as well on this story's main page!






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