
Armour God (KAMI KABUTO)

Nabil_Narh · แอคชั่น
2 Chs


Leaves fell from trees. Not caused by the wind, but by the rustling and shaking of branches. A human like silhouette, moved from branch to branch. Fur covered his face and arms and he only wore what looked like a chest plate. There was a frustrated look mixed with anger on his slender face,as though he was trying to get somewhere in the nick of time.Soon enough the figure dashes out of the trees and revealing a hidden land known to only the natives of that place.                           SETTING:Flower Fruit mountain     But what was seen was an unpleasant site to bare witness to.A streaming flow of blood,corpses of people he once knew scattered around everywhere he turned his head.Being fazed by this he takes of his hood showing his face having  revealed himself to be Sun Wu Kong .He moves swiftly and faster , Running up the stairs of the temple, hoping to find his family alive.But what he gazed was so unimaginable,A man with long black hair and blood spilt all over his face who seemed to have a very menacing aura while holding  the throat of a dead person.The mysterious man drops him and in his other hand he carried a child he was holding captive and unconcious.Standing in shock Wu Kong yelled some "inaudible words" in anger , then the man smiles ,creates a portal trying to escape . While he was entering ,Wu Kong tried to close the gap between them but he was too late.The man was gone.

Wu Kong still trying to cling unto his will of hope rushes to the insides of the temple upon the altar of Buddha lied a child.He rushed to his cold body bursting into tears, grieving  with anger and as the setting showing the temple slowly drifting away, he yelled "No!!!!....curse you all to the depths of hell and beyond!!!"

Chapter :00 fin.

This is a manga I'm working on.But since I am very busy I couldn't have time to Begin the manga.So I thought of starting with the novel with the little time I have on me and here's where I'm starting with ,hope you guys enjoy Armour god because I'm giving it my all.


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