

All her life she's been manipulated and stepped on, tossed away by her so called family and finally killed in a well plotted accident. She was given a second chance and this time around she wasn't alone... She had something inside her, big, strong and violent "Don't you want revenge Ari... LET ME OUT!!" He choose her body for a reason... She was his and whatever belonged to him... She was his to be protected!!!

Rin_Ella · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

SHOW TIME II- getting prepared II

After showering she tied one of the robe on her body and applied the skin care products she saw present in the bathroom... if she could live this kind of life from now onwards then she'll be a queen

Stepping out the bathroom she heard the door bell ring and headed out to open it.. she wasn't expecting anybody but it wasn't like someone could kill her her here anyways, security was tight plus everyone still thought she was dead so it didn't matter...

Opening the door she was shocked.. was this the suprise Ella talked about??? Wow this was mind blowing!!!!

The make up artists and stylists stood by the door with a pleasant smile in their faces .... they looked quite professional greeting her while bowing slightly, ushering them in she followed behind and they requested to do their job in her room after she had dressed up

How could she object, leading the way she took them to the room she was staying.

"Mam would you dress up so we can see the kind of mane up that will match your dressing" one of them said and she nodded

She took the dress from the bed and headed towards the bathroom to change.

Coming out they all gasped

Did she even need any make up??? gosh it was the first time they were seeing someone who's beauty changed with whatsoever she wore.. Right now she looked like a princess, beautiful, sexy yet giving off the innocent vibe gosh she was alluring

"Mam we're still looking for a model who would promote our spring designs if you're interested please be in charge this is my card, I will insure that the contract is to your taste " Another stated handing her card to Aria and the others blushed in embarrassment

Was their manager being stupid... seeing how much they were paid just to make this lady up .. with such backing how would she want to still work with them

Staring at the card Aria's eyes widen in shock... They were from HD???? seriously!!!! even though she didn't know much about the world she knew about HD because her cousin sister would always create a fuss about it been out of reach, they didn't even attend to people who didn't have their card!!!! but they were actually here to do her make up and hair even offering her a job!!! Kera would sure die of anger if she knew about what happened here

"I'll think about it but I'm sure I'll give you a positive reply" she answered and they gasped

She was willing to model for them!!!!! gosh this lady was sure down to the earth not only gorgeous... she didn't even look disgusted or angry about it... she was happy, genuinely happy.

Sitting her down on the dressing chair they started their work

After they were done they gasped, the simple and light make up only enhanced her beauty and made her look more charming, Her dyed black and red hair was curled and tied in a messy bun with few falling at the sides of her face, her face was beautiful

"Ma can we take a shot??"

"Aria.. call me Aria, you can" she replied and they smiled, giving her stances and taking her pictures.

"We'll post them on our pages and platforms if you don't mind and the offer is still up. You're a rare gem, HD wouldn't want to miss you"

"You can post them then I don't mind and ohh I'll give you a call tomorrow and let you know about what I've decided"

"ohh I almost forgot, you haven't chosen your accessories have you??"

"No just my shoes... I don't normally wear jewelries so I guess I forgot they matter"

Opening her wardrobe she asked them to come in as she took them to the jewelry stand...

The more they thought about it the more the felt she was humble... just a glance at her clothes and shoes they knew she was super rich, having all these brands most of them were from over seas and they were super expensive.

"Here which jewelry and purse do you think would match my silver heels" she asked with a smile and they gasped??

was she asking???? everything here would suit her well

"let's just choose this silver stop earrings they'll suit you well and for the purse I think that red one would do"

she just nodded taking out the things they recommended for her

"Ok thank you. You've been a huge help" she said as she saw them to the door

"Not a problem we look forward to seeing you bye" they stated as the left. She locked the door behind her and smirked

Since she was back she might as well make money, she wasn't sure what she should do but she knew taking what belongs to her would be tough and she needed to live until then plus she couldn't keep asking Ella for help... she's done a lot already and shouldn't be stressed. She needed to have a backing and joining HD was perfect, she would be known to public and any mess created by her so called family would be handled by them. She had already made her decision, since it was handed over to her on a platter of gold why not take it.

Checking her time she saw it was time for the party to begin sighing she headed to the small refrigerator in the living room and took out a bottle of chilled juice, sipping it directly from the cap she turned on the television and started watching a soap opera.

Going early to s party wouldn't cause stirs you needed to be late so you can cause the stare you're looking for and that was exactly what she going to do.

Bringing out her phone she ordered a cab and continued watching her soap opera as the cab would arrive an hour later

Some soap operas were annoying, how could you still love someone who kept hurting you rolling her eyes she sighed as she continued watching.... some things were too hard to comprehend

Checking her time after sometime she turned off the television and headed back to her room to finish her dressing, wearing her heels and picking up her purse she looked at the mirror and smiled devilishly as she licked her lips slowly, looking like a demoness who just rose from a long time sleep

let's see how you all are gonna react when I finally make my way to get your souls

Clicking sound of heels could be heard as she left the room and headed out

It was SHOW TIME!!!