
Aries Chronicles

When Ezyze Mostiko is taken into a new world as Earth is doomed, he is tasked with creating a heaven for humans on Earth, but in a world filled with magic, dangers are everywhere.

Greypanter · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs


Algen and several others reach the Olive tree. With tendrils slowly creeping up the bark, they did the same than previously and killed several rank 3. Algen's tendrils creep up a wood cave and slowly approach a sleeping Tarasiers. He could feel a strong energy from this fellow. The real fight would begin shortly. Through roots' communication, every Ents were notified of the impending turmoil. The Gorillas were likewise ready to jump in the fray.

Quickly, Algen grips the unsuspecting tarasier and, with both hands now taking ahold of it, tries to crushes it while backpedalling.

A discharge of lightning explode in his strong hands. Luckily not shocked by the Thunder, Algen put all of his strenght into compressing the yellow monkey.


From the top of the olive tree, an ear splitting noise was heard. Immediately after, a cacophony of sound originated from the tree.

The golden Gorilla punched again and again and again and again. Bloodied, then mangled, then crushed altogether, a rank 4 tarasier was eliminated.

One then two then dozens and then hundreds of tarasiers come out of the olive tree.

The yapping of tarasiers was also heard in the vicinity of the forest. In the outer rim, several dozens of tarasiers appeared.

The fog was still thick. The Ents looked like even bigger giants. The tarasiers' shadows in the fog looked like fearsome warriors.

The noise did not calm in any way. Suddenly.


The gorillas escaped a roar, followed by other gorillas'.

The taraciers jumped from the Tree and into the fog. Rank 2, 3 and 4 jumped into the unknown.

It was the start of a territorial war.


Ents are slow creatures. Being tree people, their senses are without a doubt developed. Their roots provide then with a fantastic mean of communication. Moreover, their leaves are sensible to the wind, temperature and even sound vibration. They couldn't see but they could feel. They are feeling the fog moisturizing their bark, the rough breathing of gorillas on their shoulders, the tarasiers bravely jumping on then from the ground.

The Ents either grabbed, punched, pierced or constricted the first tarasiers that came in their vicinity. They could also connunjcate instantly, thus covering the whole area with their cumulative senses.

Tarasiers after tarasiers while jumping were caught then squished, or thrown towards their own brethren. Others were caught by tendrils and constricted, slowly taking the life out of them, or directly pierced by their fingers or other tendrils.

At some point however, dozens of tarasiers jump together on individual Ents. Those riding the wooden creatures jumped and intercept these monkeys.

Fewer tarasiers were dying, when suddenly a brown tarasiwr with an enormous tail jumps and strike a rank 3 Ent. Dancing around his head, the tarasier made quick work of the ent, leaving him standing with a caved in face, dead.

There was at most one hour before the crimson sun, with its warm rays, dissipate the fog.


The sight was very bizarre for Ezyze. Roars, punches, bites and groans could be heard all around them. It was strange to be in the middle of two clashing forces. Almost like a third party.

They quickly entered the fog and slowly advanced behind the advancing Ents.

As the Ent goblins have roots, they could tap in their connected senses.

Assuming an hexagonal position, with the Ent goblins and Zephyr at the extremities, they managed to not only navigate the thick fog without disturbing their allies, but also kill more than 4 times their numbers in Tarasiers. When they reached an open field covered in fog, they became more careful.

They now took a tortoise like formation. Hoplites were making the outer wall, the Ent goblins spread enough to inform the others of incoming enemies.

Ezyze fired spatial rays whenever he could see tarasiers and managed to kill several of them, even rank 3 before they could even approach the group.

Everyone ready to kill, they slowly advance in the open field. Ghoblin produced many spores. The first kind were Hallucinogenic ones. Transparent, they were not spotted easily and flew with the wind. The second kind were dark and stuck to the group.

On this thick fog, tarasiers were killed without knowing what hit them.

More and more tarasier are killed, in a fog that now becomes reddish.

After 45 minutes and many tarasiers dead, the sun higher in the sky, the blood fog slowly dissipates itself.

Tarasiers either went back to the Olive tree, next to their families, or aggregated at the periphery of the open field.

Bam, bam, bam.

Ezyze keeps firing at one tarasier after the other. They are so packed that missing is difficult. Most of them are hit. All of those hit are considerably injured. Some even died.

Bam, bam, bam.

He fires and fires, over and over and over again. Unable to keep being harmed and killed, more than 100 tarasiers charge towards the faction. While Ezyze fires at the incoming enemies, the hoplite form a reverse U shape and prepare to receive the monkeys. With 5 Aries warriors at each sides of the U and 11 Aries inside the U with Ezyze and Eve, the confrontation becomes imminent.

A big red monkey with her tail on fire launches herself towards the group.

Crimson burning tarasier - rank 4

The imminent confrontation becomes extremely dangerous.


The thing about monkeys in general is their vapabilities to jump around and fight in a 3 dimensional manner.

2 layers of 10 hoplites made for an impressive wall, however with monkeys throwing themselves at them, jumping around and doing all sort of manoeuvres, they were thrusting at many different angles.

Eve and Ezyze threw one bolt after the other. Ezyze was seriously impressive.

He did not move from his spot but every incoming tarasier was targeted by a spatial ray. If it did not kill the enemy tarasier on the spot, the hollies finished the injured ones. If tarasier dodged the ray, not only were they usually focused on the ray, distracted from the hoplites' wrath the ray usually ended striking a tarasier behind them, as they were so tightly packed.

The red rank 4 tarasier, 50 meters away from the group, created two 2 meters wide fireballs in her palms and threw them hiolently.


The hoplites taking this attack activated their shield skill together and on time, protecting most of them. They suffered from mild burns while some tarasiers ended up with grave burn injuries, struck from behind.

With intense smoke, they couldn't see a thing around them.

Broblin shouted.

"Hoplites! Stay on your toes! Be ready!"

They all re focused and are ready for the incoming shock. All around them, noises of battles, roars and screams could be heard. How quiet the immediate vicinity was felt peaceful in the middle of a war.

Ezyze teleported 25 meters backward and threw one spatial ray after another.

As they couldn't see a thing past the smoke, he assumed that the tarasiers could not see either.

As he was registered as a target, Ezyze, by casting his pink rays from a distance, may trick the monkeys into believing that they fell back.


A red giant tarasiers jumps through the smoke, and her expression is one of shock when she sees hoplites slightly below her. Arthur and the 2 Spearman jumped in the air. With intense gray energy, Arthur slashes the red monkey in a downward motion. The two Aries Spearman thrust their weapons, successfully hurting the monkey's belly. The hoplites below her thrusters their lances as well, cutting at her feet and legs.


She manages to defend against Arthur clashed but crashed on the ground.

"Surround her! We must kill her!"

Arthur and the Spearman in a triangular shape, the hoplites assumes a '\=/' formation where inside the '=' were the three Aries, attacking the monkey.

First, it was hard for her to stand up at first, the initial shock was aggravated when she was slashed, pierced at all sides.

These puny creatures are ganging up on me. I can't believe that I am so injured by such small and weak creatures.

She didn't see any tarasier coming to her aid. While she found it strange at first, she realized that most of then were shot or slashed or bashed mid jump.

With the stress of being harassed, seeing her family members dying one after the other, the pain of being cut open, she lost reason. She trashed around, the flames oh her tail growing the size of a bonfire. They suddenly decreased to a palm sized flame.

While screaming, her fur caught fire and flame burst in a huge radius around her.

.Arthur slashed the flames coming in his direction but the 2 Spearman were hit by the flame burst.

The hoplite formation opened, letting through 3 Aries warriors. 2 Aries warriors attacked the monkey while a fourth one dragged the 2 Spearman behind the reform hoplite wall.at every opening, the hoplites thrust their spears in the monkey.

Arthur and the 2 Aries warriors used their combat skills to cut open the monkey, leaving deep slashes on her body.

Suddenly, she jumped high in the ground, attempting to fall back from the the trap she was in.


Ezyze teleported above her and and, adding as much gravity to his strike as he could, slashed the monkey. While she did manage to take in the strike, her forearm was deeply cut and she crashed in the middle of the Ariss warriors again.

Ezyze threw spatial rays at very close range, impaling her, while concentrating his gravity manipulation on her.

She was heavy. It was hard to move. Blood escaped her wounds, whole her vision blurred.

The 2 Aries warriors trusted their swords deep in her torso.

She light her fists on fire, attempting to roast them.


She saw the world upside down. Arthur beheaded her.

They managed to take down a rank 4 being.