
Are you an idiot?

Charmel Külisk was just a normal girl, at least that's how she saw herself. She played video games, watched anime, read mangas, and was a total homebody. She had absolutely no interest in looking for love or starting a relationship, and she was perfectly fine with that. Did she able too find a love her life?

Madszy · วัยรุ่น
33 Chs

Chapter 21: Unknown Person

A person walking to an abandon street a person wearing black boots, black jeans, black hoodie and everything black the person see a drunk man walking. The person took notice of the drunk man, strolling haphazardly along the deserted street. Without hesitation, they swiftly followed the drunk man, keeping a close eye on his movements.

The person swiftly closed the gap between themself and the drunk man, raising a menacing baseball bat over their head. In a sudden and forceful motion, the person delivered a powerful strike with the bat, connecting directly with the skull of the drunk man.




It was lunchtime at the school, and the bustling cafeteria filled with the clamor of conversations and laughter. Charmel and Chika were engaged in conversation at their usual table, when Kai and Leo arrived, carrying their lunch trays.

"Hey guys did you know last night a drunk man end up beating?" Chika said

Kai and Leo's faces turned skeptical as they heard Chika's statement. They exchanged glances, unsure whether to believe her claim. Kai raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"Seriously? A drunk man being beaten? Where did you hear about that?" he inquired, his voice laced with doubt.

"all school know about it, they beat up in the abandon street based on investigation no one know who did it because they no proven, the drunk man didn't even remember anything and now he He can no longer walk of that incident" Chika explain

'Obviously he's didn't remember cuz he's drunk' Leo thought

Kai and Leo listened intently to Chika's explanation, their skepticism fading as the grim details sank in. Leo furrowed his brow, a mix of concern and unease on his face.

"That's scary," he muttered, his voice tinged with worry. "Who would do something like that?"

"Who know's, I think He got into a fight" Chika said

Kai leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Maybe it was some kind of gang-related violence," he suggested, scratching his chin thoughtfully.

Leo nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that could be a possibility. Or it might have been a robbery gone wrong."

Charmel's attention was firmly fixed on her food, her fingers skillfully maneuvering a pair of chopsticks as she devoured her lunch with a focused intensity. She seemed completely absorbed in her meal, oblivious to the conversation happening around her.

Kai and Leo noticed Charmel's laser-focus on her food, her chopsticks moving at lightning speed as she shoveled rice and meat into her mouth. Kai chuckled, a fond smile tugging at his lips.

"Looks like Charmel's got her priorities straight. Food over everything," he commented, shaking his head in amusement.

Chika glanced at Charmel, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "Typical Charmel," she said, shaking her head in mock amusement. "Nothing distracts her from her food, especially when it's lunch time."

Leo laughed, nodding his agreement with Chika's remark. "True. Charmel loves her food more than anything. Once she dives into her lunch, she becomes completely immersed. We could set off fireworks right next to her, and she'd probably just think it added to the spice of the meal."

The lunch hour soon ended, bringing an end to the reprieve from classes. Charmel, Chika, Kai, and Leo tidied up their spaces and prepared to venture back to their respective classrooms for the afternoon classes. The sounds of laughter and chatter gradually faded away into an expectant silence as the school day recommenced.

"Time to say goodbye to lunch," Kai sighed reluctantly as he helped clean up. "Back to classes we go."

Leo nodded in agreement, a hint of reluctance in his expression. "Yeah, no more breaks for a while. Let's make the most of this afternoon sessions."




The hours passed, and the school day eventually reached its conclusion. Students eagerly packed up their belongings, ready to embrace the freedom of after-school hours. Charmel, Chika, Kai, and Leo met up in the main hall, their faces illuminated with anticipation.

"Ah, finally, it's over," Chika exhaled dramatically, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "I thought those last few classes would never end."

Kai chuckled in agreement, stretching his arms above his head. "Yeah, those were some long hours. But now we're free."

Leo grinned, a playful glint in his eyes. "Now the real fun starts. How about we head to our usual spot and unwind for a bit before heading home?" he suggested, glancing at the others for their thoughts.

Charmel nodded in agreement, a smile lighting up her face. "That sounds great," she said, already envisioning the relaxation and respite that awaited them. "Let's go!"

With a collective sense of eagerness, Charmel, Chika, Kai, and Leo made their way out of the school building, shedding the academic constraints of the day and embracing the freedom of the afternoon. The streets around them came to life as students spilled out, their laughter and chatter creating a vibrant atmosphere.

After a short walk, the group arrived at their usual spot, a hidden gem known only to them. It was a small park, tucked away from the main hustle and bustle of the city. The park boasted lush greenery and a tranquil atmosphere, providing a perfect sanctuary for their after-school gatherings.