
The Hunt Begins!

Aksel watched the entire thing in awe. He was doubting his eyes the entire time as he saw Andres, a guy whom just awoken, execute movements that bent space. He was powerful enough to bend space which only those at the Grandelder Arc could perform. "Yer flames.." Aksel tried speaking but he was too stunned to speak. "Return." Andres spoke before all of the flames around the area returned to his hands and be extinguished.

"Was that enough?" Andres asked whilst smiling at Aksel whom was still stunned. "Y—yeah.. Follow me we can use a hand from someone as strong as ya." Aksel spoke before leading the way.

And for the next 2 hours Andres, Aksel, Lila and the others prepared all of the necessities. "Aksel!" Sister Lee called for Aksel.

Aksel heared this and called Andres to follow him. "The hunt is going to start now yeah." Aksel spoke with a grin. "You seem excited for this huh." Andres spoke. "If course it's our job and my hobby after all! But you look the opposite." Aksel spoke. "Yeah.. I.. It's just.. Lila and I lost everything to a demon.. so.. yeah.. that's why.." Andres responded. "I see.. don't worry yeah.. we'll eradicate this demon!" Aksel spoke to Andres before they went to the center of camp where everyone else waited.

"Alright everyone, The Squad will be split into three pgroup! The first one will be the Assault group which will fight Rakshan, the second will be the Guarding group which will guard the area incase Rakshan tries to escape, And finally the third group will be the Support group which will heal our injured members and will attack Rakshan from afar!" Ciel spoke.

With that Andres was assigned within the Guard group and Lila alongside with Sister Lee are within the Support group. Aksel alongside with Ciel is of course within the Assault group.

The Squad then began climbing the Volcano towards the crater. 'I wonder if it's the same demon..' Andres thought to himself whilst hiking with the others. He was worried that if it were the same demon, Lila might not be able to handle the fear she'll experience.

After an hour of hiking they finally arrived at the crater. The crater tho naturally unsafe to step on was safe. The layers of obsidian that covered the crater was as deep as 200 ft. Hence why it's safe to step on. The toxic gas are also absent within the Volcano due to the Seal that the Celestial Igna had set upon the volcano. The 1.5 by 3.5 kilometers crater of the volcano was wide enough to be a battleground for everybody.

And in the middle of the crater a cloaked figure could be seen sitting in a lotus position. "Everyon come into position!" Ciel commanded everyone. Andres and the others immediately went to position and prepared.

"Tsk." The figure was infuriated by the humans surrounding him. "You should've brought a thousand of you if you wanted to fight me!" The cloaked figure suddenly roared before unveiling himself and standing up. He released a roar that shook the entire mountain. When Lila and Andres saw the demon's appearance the two of them immediately clenched their teeth and fists. Lila was sweating hard when Sister Lee looked at her. "Are you okay?" Sister Lee asked Lila. "That demon.. He's the one that killed our friends, families, our entire village was destroyed by him!" Lila spoke in both anger and fear. "Calm." Sister Lee used her ability at Lila in hopes of calming her down. "Thank you Sister Lee.." Lila spoke calming down once again.

On the other hand there was no one to calm Andres down. Scales started appearing throughout his body when a voice suddenly resounded in his head. 'My Lord! That demon is near awakening! If he awakens here and absorb the volcano's divine essence, he will awaken the Demonic Eyes and become unstoppable!' Itra spoke in fear. 'Demonic Eyes? Is it strong?' Andres asked. 'Yes my Lord, It's an ancient eyes only the most powerful demons can wield. The Demonic Eyes hold one of the seven deadly sins within them! And if we are unlucky he might awaken Wrath!' Itra explained. 'Then I'll take it from him!' Andres spoke with killing intent. Itra could no longer speak after what Andres said as it was near impossible to do so specially at his low arc level.

"COME!!!" Rakshan taunted everyone with his gnarly and husky voice. Everyone in the Assault group began moving each of them transforming unto their beast forms except for Ciel. everyone launched their attacks at Rakshan. But he evaded most of it and blocked some faster ones coming from Ciel and Aksel.

"BLOOD BATH!" Rakshan activated his ability which covered the ground everyone were stepping on with blood. Then in the blood covered floor hundreds of spikes shot out off. Some slower people were stabbed, they were either instantly killed or unable to fight, while some were only grazed by it. Aksel saw his comrades get killed so he got angry. "You're not the only one that can do that!" He shouted at Rakshan before bending the blood on the floor and turning it into a massive blade that pointed at Rakshan. "A human with blood manipulation!" Rakshan shouted before the enormous blade of blood flew at him. Despite this attack Ciel also attacked with her own attacks to ensure that Rakshan doesn't survive. She created wind bullets which were shot at Rakshan. Dust of razor sharp obsidians filled the area.

The Support group took advantage of the smoke and retrieved the injured adventurers and healed them so they can fight once more.

"KEHEHEHEH!" A laugh resounded deep with the dust. Suddenly thousands of needle blood shot out from the smoke towrds all direction. "Cover Yourselve—" Ciel shouted before she was punched by Rakshan with a tremendous force whilst distracted on covering herself. Aksel immediately rushed towards them after seeing this. "Blood Bind!" Aksel Shouted as chains of blood tied Rakshan in place while Aksel slashed him with his claws. Lila and the others from the Support group also began to move. Lila threw her dagger that were imbued with her lighting at Rakshan. "YOU FUCKERSS!!" Rakshan shouted unleashing a roar that stopped all projectiles. Seeing this Aksel immediately retrieved Ciel. Rakshan then raised his hand and summoned a rain of blood that could pierce through the obsidian floor. "KEHEHEHEH THE SEAL HAD WEAKEN!" Rakshan shouted before he punched the floor.

'He's awakening!' Itra shouted in Andres's head. "Fuck I cant stand here and watch!" Andres then leaped from the craters wall towards Rakshan. 'Come Forth!' Andres shouted in his head whilst in mid air pointing his palms at Rakshan. Purple flames them began shooting out of his hands. Everyone looked at the direction where the flames came from.

"That idiot!" Ciel shouted seeing that Andres fired at Rakshan.

Rakshan whom was hit by the flames were enraged. "WHO FUCKING DARES?!!" Rakshan shouted angrily. His anger filled the entire crater with killing intent that even Ciel and Aksel couldn't handle well. 'It seems that you interrupted his awakening my lord!' Itra spoke. By that time Andres had already landed.

Rakshan suddenly leaped towards Andres with lightning speed. Seeing this Andres immediately pulled out his blades and enveloped it with flames. Rakshan threw a punch on which Andres blocked using his swords. Andres was pushed back by the punch. But the craters walls were oblitirated causing a candella. Andres and Rakshan Immediately dodged the falling boulders that cracked the obsidian floor even more.

"Everyone go and join the Guard Group!" Ciel shouted at everyone while she rushed towards andres and Rakshan alongside Aksel. 'Rakshan got even stronger!' Aksel cried inwardly after seeing the destruction he made in a single punch. Andres used his techniques at Rakshan which allowed him to dodge all of the attacks Rakshan gave and even manage to hit a few hit himself. "Blood Shot!" Aksel shouted whilst pointing at Rakshan Rakshan turned his back at Andres and blocked the attack Aksel gave out before he fell to his knees after Ciel used her techniques at him. Seeing that Rakshan had fallen to his knees Andres thought that it was his chance. He used Serpent cut with Itra in it using all of his strength to behead Rakshan.

"GRAAHHHHH!!!" Andres shouted has he cleaved through Rakshan's neck. A moment later Rakshan's neck were rolling at the floor. Silence filled the area before Everyone began celebrating. The volcano was filled with cheers and celebration.

Until a demonic laugh interrupted it all. Rakshan's body suddenly turned into a pool of blood and shoot out spikes which almost caught Andres. "Wha—" Andres spoke but was interrupted by another blood spike coming from behind. He blocked it thanks to his enhanced reflexes that he obtained after his awakening.

"KEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!" A disturbing laugh resounded at the other side of the crater when suddenly and adventurer shouted. "MY ARMS! MY FUCKING ARM!! HE GOT MY FUCKING ARM!!" the adventurer cried for his arms that suddenly vanished. Then Rakshan walked slowly towards the middle of the crater whilst biting at a arm and holding the other. He's eyes that were crimson red earlier had turned violet.

His black hair had turned into silver white his skin color from red to pale white with stains of blood from the arm he was gnawing on.

Rakshan had awakened with the Divine essence of Banawe.