

"This is our new home now Andres. What do you think?" The lady asked the 5 year old Andres while flexing the house's wall to him.

Andres looked at her mother with a blank face before speaking. "I'm not sure.." He mumbled while lowering his head.

"You're still shy as ever Andres?" Andres's older brother teased Andres before laughing.

Andres turned to look at his older brother whom were standing behind him the entire time. "Kuya! You're here!"

Andres ran to his brother before jumping at him and giving him a hug. "Woah, calm down now." Andres's older brother spoke as he catches Andres.

"C'mon, let me show you the house!" Their mother spoke before leading them inside of the house. His mother and brother entered the house first before him.

And as he was sbout to enter the house, he catched a glance of a little girl in the middle of the busy road holding a doll, looking straight unto his eyes. Andres whom was a shy little kid, immediately entered the house all flustered.

"Hmm? What happened to you? Why are you so red?" His brother asked him.

Andres simply shrugged before running up the nearby stair. His brother looked at him confused. 'What's up with him?'

Time passes by fast as Andres grew up to a fine man. In his childhood, he became friends with one person only. Being the little girl he saw the first time they moved to the town.

Lila, the girl that befriended Andres, grew up besides him as his best friend now 14, the same age as Andres. The two of them would occasionally meet up to wander around the town or help with tasks. Lila would also force Andres to join her on random jobs.

"Andres! Join the hunting squad with me please!" Lila ran towards Andres whilst pleading.

"But we can't even hunt? how can we qualify to join?" Andres asked in a tone that sounded like he was pissed.

Lila rolled her eyes at Andres's words before speaking. "The hunting squad needs a skinner and butcher.. Not a hunter."

"But we don't even know how to do either of those?"Andres rolled his eyes back at Lila.

Lila, irritated, spoke loudly. "The word 'training' exist Andres!"

"Gee, calm down Lila.. Okay I'll join with you, but in a condition." Andres spoke while smiling in a sinister way.

"What condition? I swear if it's something that'll make me get in trouble again." Lila spoke with her eyes narrowed at Andres.

"Gee, I said calm down.. anyways, the condition is that if we don't get in, you'll have to treat me for an entire month worth of snacks!" Andres smugly said.

"No way! That's too much!" Lila spoke angrily.

"But if we do get in, I'll let you enslave me for a month! A fair trade if I must say so?" Andres followed.

Lila thought about Andres's offer while walking around him.

After a while of thinking, Lila finally decided. "Deal!"

Andres smiled at Lila's declaration with a sinister look in his eyes.

The two of them made their way towards the east side fo the town. They arrived at the location and was immediately given tools.

"Here. Go chop that boar." The captain gave a butcher knife to Andres before giving out his orders.

He then turned to loom at Lila and pulled out a dagger. "You go skin that snake."

Andres and Lila looked at each other dumbfoundedly before walking to their respective stations.

'Where the fuck do I even start?!' Andres cursed whilst lokking at the corpse of an wild boar in front of him.

On the other hand, Lila took a glanced before closing her eyes and taking a very deep breath.

She then began skinning the snake in a way that made her look like a professional.

Andres watched in awe as he admires Lila from afar. 'How is she doing that?' Andres thought to himself. But he wasn't the only one thinking about it.

"A prodigy!" The lady besides Lila, commented Lila's skills.

After a while, Lila finished on her task. She then took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Huh? Wha—" Lila spoke in confusion after opening her eyes. But she was interrupted by the Lady beside her.

"Accepted, you may go that way." The lady spoke whilst pointing at a direction.

"Holy shit! She's already done?!" Andres spoke in both panick and amusement.

Andres started chopping the boar in to pieces by instincts.

He removed the inedible parts from the edible parts like an expert, which in end resulted in him being accepted and becoming Lila's slave for a month.

A year later.

The hunting squad chased a injured stag towards the deeper end of the mountain. They chased the stag for hours until finally it was stopped.

But it wasn't stopped by them. A shadowy figure emerge from the shadows of the trees and began laughing. "KEHEHEHE HUMAN FLESH!"

"HOLY FUCK! A DEMON!" The groups captain shouted before signalling everyone to get ready for battle. Andres and Lila went away to hid in the trees due to the fact that thier non combatants.

They fought the demon for hours and hours but alas, the 3rd grade demon was strong enough to even fight a Master archive.

As the demon slaughtered everyone except for the captain whom remained standing despites his injuries.

"You're really strong human.. Take my blood and become my apostle.. I will give you power.. riches.. and even bitches." The demon extended his hand towards the capatin, offering mercy.

"I do not need your mercy demon! My men.. You had slaughtered my men!" The captain spoke as he swung his sword at the demon's neck. But alas the demon was faster.

"Tsk child's play." The demon sneered before beheading the capatin.

The demon then began eating his feast while Lila and andres watched in horror.

The two of them watched through the entire thing for 3 gruesom hours. After the demon left, they approached the corpese of their dead comrades.

"CAPTAIN!" Andres shouted in sorrow and despair. He cried and cried until he noticed that Lila had passed out.

He tended to Lila for an entire day until she finally woke up.

"Your awake.." Andres mumbled to her.

"What happened?" she asked.

"You passed out. Fear enveloped through your mind and body."

"So everyone's dead?"

Andres silently nodded at her question.

Lila looked at Andres in a solemn way. 'You changed..'

Shortly, the two of them made their way towards the village to report about the incident. But what met them was utterly horrendous and down right horrifying.

A mound of corpses is placed within the town square. Every bits of bones were cleaned off of their fleshes.

Everyone in the town including Andres and Lila's families are gone. It seems that the demon had found the village. and had killed off everyone weak.

"Mom.." Andres fell to his knees.

Lila began mumbling words that were inaudible to Andres to herself.

Andres noticed and askd what she was saying. "Lila?"

"Let's kill them.."


"Let's kill them all, all of the demons in this world."

Andres looked at the mound of corpse again before taking a deep breath.

"We'll need to get stronger to do that.." Andres spoke after a while of silence.

"Let's head to the capital. There.. We could get stronger there."

Andres stood up before approaching the mound of corpses and picking up a sword nearby.

Lila followed and picked up a dagger.

Andres then pulled out a worn down sword and hold it along with the sword he picked up.

"That's the captains!" Lila spoke before pulling out her personal dagger.

They vowed to destroy every demon and kill the very demon that killed everyone.

The two of them packed goods and necessities before making their way the capital.

They encountered mostly boars and snakes but they eventually encountered a grade 2 monster. And ArachniBeast, a sipder human hybrid that likes feeding on human blood. And since Andres and Lila are only both grade 1 humans, they couldn't do anything but run.

Eventually they encounter a grade 1 monster called Seedlet.

They took quite a long time dealing against the monster but they eventually defeated it.

They continued their journey defeating many animals and monster on their way before reaching the capital.

The two of them immediately wandered for a hotel, but they admired the beauty of the capital before finding one.

An old lady greeted them at the front desk with a tease. "What a young couple! Save money by buying our couple room!"

The two of them immediately laughed before dismissing the topic and actually buying a room.

Hello author here, Im pretty much new at writing so if you find some problems please comment it.

YEYOTOTScreators' thoughts