

'Wake up.' A man with deep intimidating voice spoke coldly at Andres whom appeared to be sleeping at the volcano's crater.

With no response from Andres, the man sighed and decided to forcibly wake him up with force. The man opened his palm and began gathering arc energy. He formed it into a ball and began pouring it unto Andres's head.

With the sudden energy entering his body, Andres immediately woke up. 'Wha— Wh—.... Where.. Am...I?' He spoke slightly distressed. 'Calm down.' The man spoke calmly with an intimidating aura could be felt in his voice.

Andres looked at the man standing infront of him that shared quite a resemblence to him. 'Who are you?'

'I am your past yet my name has been lost for you. If you truly want my name, regain more of your memory. Now may I know your name? I already know it but introductions are important.' The man said whilst caressing the golden bracelets in his wrists that float and exceeds a murderous aura.

'Uh.. right.. My name is Andres. Why am in or where is this place?' He asked as he stood up.

'You are currently inside the domain of my soul that is within your—our arc Immortal Archive; where the 'others' also resides.' The man explained.

'And for the reason as why you are here. You are here to be warned.' The man spoke as he stopped caressing the golden bracelet. He then looked at him with a grim look.

'You used the Ethereal State to pull me out when you were revive by that vampire's blood; The blood was a threat to your body and you subconsciously pulled me out to resist the threat. As of now you are being corrupted by the blood, I am only buying you a small amount of time. ' He spoke with arms crossed.

Andres took a moment to process the information he was given . He sat there thinking for a while before speaking. 'What would happen if I get corrupted?'

'The power of our arc would vanish, cutting your connection with us. Meaning you will lose the ability of using our abilities. You will lose everything including the reincarnation cycle.' The man explained with a grim look.

'I don't understand, what are you trying to tell me?' Andres asked the man slightly frustrated.

'This is your last life. The final reincarnation. Once you die, there will be no next time. Seek help from the vampire as he is the only person that can help you now. If you succed you might or we might have another chance.' The man calmly said.

'You have to complete it. FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED ANDRES!' The man spoke as he gather a large amount of enrgy unto his fist and launching it unto Andres.

"GAHHH!" Andres woke up sweating. He tried looking around the area but he found moving difficult before realizing that he was strapped unto a bed. "Help!!" He shouted in confusion. "Somebody help me!!"

Somebody suddenly tapped his shoulder. "Calm down mate."

Due to the fact that Andres was strapped unto the bed; he couldnt turn his head and look at who spoke. He tried his hardest to look at the person that spoke until he accidentally used a power foreign to him which helped him look around better.

"Aksel?" Andres spoke when he finally saw the person that spoke earlier. "What's going on with my body? Please explain it to me!" Andres cried in fear as he couldn't understand what he felt; Thirst for blood and enhance senses, Immaculate stregth also lingered in his body.

"I turned ya into a vampire.. I'm sorry.. It was the only way to keep ya alive.." Aksel explained to him with a grim look on his face.

"But.. GRAGHHH!!" Andres tried speaking when he suddenly felt a killing pain in his head. "HELP ME PLEASE!" Andres cried for help but Aksel could do nothing but sit and watch Andres experience pain.

"I'm sorry! Everyone would've died if I didn't revived ya." Aksel apologized once more.

Due to the pain Andres used Ethereal State to ease his mind subconsciously before passing out once more.

After a few more hours Andres woke up once more but this time he was not strapped in a bed. "Finally woken up eh. Follow me." A man in his 50s with silver hair and crimson eyes spoke to Andres. And with no time to give the man walked away towards a hall. and unto another room. Andres followed the man but he didn't have control to his body. His body moved on its own and entered a room filled with symbols, His body laid down in the middle of the room. "What's going on?! Who are you?!" Andres shouted at the man.

"He is my master; Master Zarev. He's here to help ya." Aksel suddenly spoke from the corner of the room. "Help me? But how?"

"I will be sealing the vampire arc inside your soul thats all." Master Zarev spoke calmly. "But of course it'll be painful and mught take hours."

"Will it prevent me from turning into a vampire?" Andres asked.

"It will, but only if you don't use it's arc." Master Zaver answered.

Silence then filled the room only to be broken by Master Zaver's words. "I shall begin then."

With those word Master Zaver pulled out a dagger and cut a slight wound in his thumbs. He let his blood flows unto his hands and until it to covered his entire palm. Aksel then took off Andres's top and gave a slight cut in his stomach.

Andres normally wouldn't feel pain from such small cut due to his Awakened Archive rank; yet it felt like he was being stabbed to his very soul. Master Zaver then kneeled infront of Andres's body before pressing his bloodied palms unto Andres's bloodied stomach. He cloased his eyes before chanting in a ancient language that either Aksel nor Andres could understand.

"Seal." He calmly spoke.


Andres shouted in pain as the blood in his stomach slowly started moving throughout his body. The blood began forming a pattern of lines that spread throughout his body. Hours passed yet the process was still going. Andres was still screaming in pain to the point that his voice could be barely recognizable as a human scream.

A few more hours later. Andres's body was already covered in what seemed like tattoos from neck to toes. The marking released a demonic aura that suppresses the vampire arc within his body.

The marks stopped moving and so the pain. Andres passed out immediately after the sealing was done and he would not wake up for another day.

By this time it has already been a week since the fight against Rakshan. One third of the group were killed and another one third were severely injured we and the others were left with minor injuries. Andres was sent in a nearby resettlement away fron the others. Due to the fact that Andres fought Rakshan almost equally and the fact that he is turning unto a vampire that would kill if not controlled.

Lila wanted to come with Andres but Aksel stopped her; The area where the resettlement consisted of high leveled Elite monsters that could one hit a newly Awakened Archive.

'Wake up.' The man that appeared in Andres's dream once again returned. Unlike last time Andres now woke up from just one call from the man.

Andres slowly opened his eyes to only find that he was once again in his dreams and the man is once again standing in front of him.

'Did it work?' Andres asked in a low tone. 'Congratulations, you had successfully prevent the corruption.' The man praised him with a slow clap.

'I congratulate you on your accomplishment but do not carried away. More challenges that endangers the cycle of reincarnation will come. One of those are the demons that wields the Demonic Eyes.'

'Don't worry I wont. I'll make sure that I won't break the cycle and do what you said; Finish what I started.' Andres reassured the man.

'How long do you think I'll have to stay in here this time? The last time I was here you were absent and the scenery was also different. ' Andres asked the man.

The man sat down beside Andres. 'I am your conciousness and I merely took the form of your past life. You didn't needed me the last time unlike this time. I might take different forms or multiple forms and act as your past lives whenever you need something.' The man explained.

'Wait.. so it depends on my problem on whom will come?' Andees asked like an child eager for knowledge.

'That's correct. At the moment you need my guidance on how to handle the corruption. I am here to gove you knowledge base from my past experience.' The man explained.

'So you were corrupted once? But how come the cycle continued if you were corrupted?' Andres aske confusedly.

'Perhaps yes... The reason?.. I do not have the answers yet. Why don't you find it out yourself... You might discover more about yourself if you traveled the world.

Hello author here, Arc is like the mana for Archives. It can be used to enhance prowess or be used as a weapon on its own. With enough Arc energy one can transcend to the next Archive Rank;

Elite Archive 》 Master Archive.

And many more.

YEYOTOTScreators' thoughts