

The Species that had banded together, with the use of the Space Stone, the infinity Stones created when I became A Super Saiyan God Gold, the Space Part of the Infinity Emerald, the endless had created for my wife endless Death, in Celebration.

They wandered across the cosmos, for a suitable planet, but it was fortunate for them that they had manage to find, a planet, suitable for them...it was a flat suface, rocky, but livable. In their own Standards at least, with the space stones Guidence, Asgard was formed, however, it wasn't like the golden palace, of Asgard as we knew from the mythologies, movies, cartoons, and comics. This one was a rocky terrain, I realized that this was the creation before everything came to be.

The species worked together, building and creating, it took several months due to the space stones' assistance, but the 8 species worked together, building what Asgard would look like to form a beautiful Kingdom, A Beautiful kingdom that was 10 times, the size of our own Milky Way Galaxy.

"Well, all is said to be done, do you have a name for this place?" Sutur as the 8 species stood side by side, asked with a raised eyebrow.

Buri stared thoughtfully at the home that they had built, before he smiled, "Asgard."

"Ass...gaurd.?" Surtur chuckled, "I never heard you Swear before buri, I never heard, of that word, before, however, I assume it means your rear, highly doubt, that this city will be Strong enough to Gaurd my ass buri."

Buri rolled his eyes, "No no...I never knew of that word as well, however, that is indeed what it is, a safe haven for all of us. A home where we could call our own, and a future, where our children would be able to rise into prosperity blessed by the Archangel Kakarot."

Xenora smiled and placed, a hand on Buri's before she laced it her fingers together.

"I agree, and you shall rule this...Asgard as King, as I by your side, as queen." She smiled at him and planted a small kiss on the lips.

Buri looked unsure, as he had never ruled before, but as he looked around at the endless sea of people, their smiles, and their acknowledgment. Buri saw that there was no objections, everyone was content.

"Very well then, Asgard, it shall be." Buri Spoke. The endless sea of people from 8 different species Erupted in a deafenning roar of cheers.

Patience my friends, all will be revealed, reason why there are short chapters is because I am still trying to get back into the swing of things, I apologize and I will get back to writing thousand words and beyond chapters as soon as I am ready and able again. Take care, and I appreciate stones.

Elliot_Jacksoncreators' thoughts