

Emilia Patel an aspiring young adult with a heart of gold and a fiery temper, as a child like all others her age always wished they had some magical special adventures much like the ones she read in many fantasy novels. One fateful, she woke up tied up in a chair by an unknown invisible force and a robbed red-haired figure informing her she was to be conscripted to one of the four strongest institutes of Sorcery. Could this nightmare be a childhood dream come true? ------------------------------------------------- Feel free to message me if you have any opinions on the story that I might need to change or writing style... I'm always looking for something to improve on.... Or just a message me to tell you you're enjoying the novel =)

Vanilla_Crown · แฟนตาซี
260 Chs

Weekend plans

"Don't you guys think it was a little bloody?..." I asked on the way back to the dining hall for dinner.

"Kinda normal.... it get gets real bloody when two melee fighters are at each other to be honest.... and that was kinda one sided..." Grace replied.

"Do the other schools do anything like this???.." I asked.

"Well Fighting Pits obviously does.... but the duel only ends once the opponent is either dead or unconscious." Grace replied.

"Yah..... Unlike the other schools... I think this is Atlantis main source of income.... Eshia gets most their income off the thriving slave trade, Zessia sells alot of raw materials with their large labor force and Aspa sells technology to cities and other schools" Helen stated.

"By the way.... did you guys know what was going on in the duels?.." I asked still slightly confused with some of the contestants.

"Yeah.... most of them were quite normal roles for example the first two was a duel between an Artificer and a Rogue or Tickster...." Jay replied.

"Yah quite a few of the others were normal wizards/sorcerers, fighters and Gunslinger." Grace answered me.

"Ohhh I see..... Back in my world we never had Gunslinger in stories..." I informed them.

"Stories?.." They asked.

"Yeah..... Back where I come from.....magic and stuff are all fictional stories." I answered them.

"What like in story in books and scriptures?..." Helen asked looking confused.

"Yeah..... Like elves, goblins, orcs, magical artifacts... magic.... all stories where I come from..." I explained to them.

"Ohhh wow..... What sort of stories?.." Daisy asked looking extremely curious.

"There's one where..... A group of heroes needed to take a magical ring to a volcano to destroy it... Chosen children defeating an Ice Queen despite the unbeatable odds.... or my Favoritea boy discovers his a wizard and goes to a wizarding school defeating a one of the greatest evil wizards ever." I replied.

"It all sounds pretty unrealistic..... I can't imagine a bunch of kids or an untrained wizard ever beating a seasoned wizard..." Jay stated.

"What…. no?.... epic stories of archers?!! or Druids??!!" Helena and Grace asked in shock.

"Well.... there has been some stories about elven archers... Druids I haven't read about yet...." I answered them.

Grace proceeded by giving Helen the biggest grin ever, while Helen walked slower looking defeated.

"How about Clerics???!!!!" Daisy asked.

"Nope..... No cleric either.." I replied to Daisy...

"WHAT??!!!" Daisy collapsed on Helen also looking defeated.

Jay chuckled at everyone's reaction, "It's alright for you.....!" Daisy hissed at Jay.

"It's not my fault... I have nothing to do with it!" he replied but still grinning with joy.

"So What stories do you guys have here?.." I asked.

"Hmmm... Historical battles... Battles between Gods.... Fabled tales of Mighty Heroes.... Kinda the same stuff... but a little more realistic..." Jay replied.

"What's wrong with Clerics and Druids???!!" Helen complained.....

"I know!!! I can heal the wounded and you can command nature.... WHAT can be more awesome then that??!!" Daisy agreed.

"I'm so sorry guys.... but I think you guys are super strong and awesome.... if that counts for anything.." I replied trying to lighten their spirit.

"Yeah but not even one story about us?!!! That blows!!!" Daisy said complaining.

"Okay okay calm down guys we're entering the dining hall now..." Jay said turning to them.

"Fine...." Daisy said returning back to normal.

Entering the Dining hall slowly filling up with students we took the same seats we normally do, this time we all left a small mark on the benches to indicate the location.

"Ohhhh so Emilia?... can I come with you to see Ashley if you're going after dinner?..." She asked as we waited for all our food to arrive.

"Ummm sure..... But I don't know if the Teleporter he gave me can take 2 people..." I said.

"Wait what a teleporter?!!" They all responded in a look of complete shock.

"Funny you guys are more surprised than I am and I'm the new on here...." I chuckled and began eating.

"Ummm because.... Personal Teleporters aren't cheap!!!! And Really hard to get!!!" They all shouted at me.

"They are?..." I looked back at the puzzled.... "Ashley just tossed it to me like it was worth nothing...." I replied.

"Gosh you're so lucky to know such amazing people Emilia..." Daisy replied.

"I guess you're right... I'm still new here so I don't really know much..." I replied.

"It's okay it was just a little shocking...." Jay said.

"Have they given you anything else?.." Grace asked her eyes wide open leaning forward and even stopped eating.

"Yah... The badge is the thing that does the teleporting... I haven't tried it yet..... It also acts as a communicator with Ashley, Paul and Scarlet... and Paul gave me a Bag of holding...." I confessed to them.

The news even caused Jay to stop his eating momentarily ".... you have a personal communication device straight to Scarlet and Paul??!!" Jay said in shock his mouth still filled with food.

"Yeah..... I know they are a little private…. so I wasn't sure if I should have told you guys...." I hesitantly replied.

"Yeah but... you can ask them to help us against our duels right....." Jay asked.

"Ummmm I can try asking.... but I feel a little guilty...." I confessed.

"How comes?..." They all asked.

"To be honest..... Back in our plane Paul and I had a big fight and we wasn't talking for years.... so I feel super uncomfortable if I ask him for help and stuff....." I confessed to them.

"Ohhhh.... We're so sorry... it must've been so weird the way everyone praises him and stuff.... we're so sorry!" they all apologized.

"It's okay guys.... don't worry about it...." I replied to them my confession obviously making them feel awkward and a little guilty noticing them fall silent and began eating quietly.

"Soooo... so any idea's which town we should visit tomorrow?" Jay asked trying to break the awkward silence.

"Let's go back to Triploa its moderately large so I'm sure there's gonna be work somewhere.... and on top they have a Hunters Guild there..." Daisy answered.

"What's a Hunters Guild?" I asked.

"It's a place where people go to pick up bounties.... for creatures and parts." Grace answered.

"Ohhhh I see... that sounds like it would be fun!" I replied feeling excited that I might be abler to see creatures and perhaps get into a fight or two.

"Yah.... there's a Help board if citizens are in need of help and stuff..." Daisy added.

"Sounds good!!!" Helen said with a giant smile bubbly as ever.

"Wait but am I ready?... I've only cast Cantrips so far..." I asked feeling a lot weaker then everyone.

"Don't worry Emilia! We'll take care of you!" Daisy said with a huge smile wrapping her arms around my shoulder swaying me side to side.

"By the way how is the food?... now you've had it a few times now...." Jay asked one of his eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"It's pretty nice.. But I really do miss Indian food..." I answered them, missing foods with a little more flavour and spice.

"Indian?" they all asked with their faces filled with confusion.

"Ohhhh sorry... it's the country where I'm from..... Back in my plane my Family is born in a place called India.

"Ohhh wow! What's it like?!" Helen asked.

"It's a nice country.... Lots of people you can get anything there... the only problem is the Heat.... it's always so hot there... so bad that in the summers we all tend to stay indoors where it's cooler." I described to them.

They all listened absolutely fascinated with what I had to say. "But what's it like without magic?...Like growing plants?..." Helen asked.

"Well tree and plants just grow naturally... very very slowly and we change what we grow depending on the season..." I answered her.

"And what about hunting?....." Grace asked.

"Hunting is normally done for sport.... we kinda have industries that mass breed animals for consumption." I explained.

"Like a farm?..." Grace asked.

"Hmmm yeah some are from normal farms…. But there as industrialised huge ones that grow vast number of animals." I explained.

"But no one does hunting anymore?.." She asked again.

"No people only do it for fun sadly.." I answered her again.

"Hmm I can see why though.... the thrill of taking out a deadly monster is quite addictive." She replied.

"How about healing people?..." Daisy asked.

"Hmmmm we have medication... it's things we take to speed up the healing process. It's mainly doctors and nurses.... that identify what's wrong then give you the right medication." I replied.

"I seeee.... but not healing powers?..." She asked.

"Nope nothing instantaneous like what you guys have here sadly...." I replied.

"Well that sounds horribly slow..." Daisy sat there pondering on the subject.

Finishing our dinner we retired for the evening heading to Helen and Graces dorm as always. "Hey Emilia…. Just wanted to keep you updated…. Your clone is doing fine nothing to worry about." Paul said through the communicator.