
Arcane: Twin Cities Mechanic

In a world unlike any other, where magic and mayhem reign, an ordinary individual from Earth finds himself thrust into the mystical realm of Runeterra. Struggling to make sense of his newfound surroundings, he discovers an extraordinary power within him—a mechanic system that grants him the ability to craft and control powerful mechs. As he navigates the diverse and treacherous landscapes of Runeterra, our protagonist soon realizes that this world is on the brink of cataclysmic destruction. The insidious Void, a malevolent force that devours everything in its path, looms on the horizon, threatening to consume Runeterra and plunge it into eternal darkness. With the fate of this world hanging in the balance, our hero embarks on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Along the way, he forges alliances with iconic champions from Runeterra, each with their unique powers and backgrounds. Together, they must rise to the occasion, honing their skills and mechs to combat the ever-encroaching Void. ================================================================ Hey, This is Turdy, I picked up this novel for translation because the other translator stopped releasing chapters. I mostly use AI for translation and then refine it so that words and phrases that doesn't make sense will fit into context. ================================================================ SUPPORT ME ON PAT REON IF YOU'D LIKE EARLY ACCESS TO ADVANCED CHAPTERS. https://www.pat reon.com/TurdTranslations ================================================================ Disclaimer: This work is a creative work of fiction based on the universe and characters of the Original Work (League of Legends, Arcane). The original characters, settings, and intellectual property belong to their respective creators and copyright holders. This fanfiction is a non-commercial, transformative piece of writing created solely for entertainment and the enjoyment of fans. The cover art used for this fanfiction is not my original creation. It is used purely for illustrative and non-commercial purposes, and all rights for the artwork belong to its respective artist or copyright holder. No copyright infringement is intended. Send me a message if you wish to have it removed.

TurdTranslations · วิดีโอเกม
320 Chs

CHAPTER 248 - The Gaboga Plan

The Progress Day conference concluded triumphantly with Li Lin's speech. Although Cassandra's plan for Jayce to introduce the Hextech Gate project didn't materialize, it was inconsequential. After all, given Li Lin's compelling vision for the future, people were unlikely to pay much attention to a newly constructed device like the Hextech Gates, which had yet to show its potential.

Under the guidance of the hosts and security personnel, most guests orderly exited the venue, leaving only a few members of prominent families and councilors who headed straight to the waiting lounge.

Knowing that the councilors would soon be discussing serious matters, Caitlyn decided to leave with Kai'Sa to find Orianna. Since it was their own banquet later, with both Li Lin and the councilors attending, she decided to head home first rather than wait for him.

In the lounge, Li Lin, now out of his armor, was discussing the content of his speech with Jayce and Viktor when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Child, that was quite a splendid speech!"

As the door opened, before anyone could be seen, Heimerdinger's unmistakable excited voice filled the room.

Following closely behind was Mel.

She smiled at Jayce before speaking up after Li Lin had finished.

"Medarda was right. Even I didn't expect you to have new inventions up your sleeve."

Cassandra wore a joyful smile on her face. Li Lin's speech today had greatly elevated the reputation of the Kiramman family. Now, when people talked about the Kiramman family, they didn't compare it to the lower-ranking families anymore but rather to the top-tier T1 teams like the Medarda and Ferros families.

"By the way, Li Lin, what you said on stage about developing basic electric appliances... is it true?" Mel asked curiously.

"Of course, just as I demonstrated with the holographic projection on stage," Li Lin politely replied with a smile. "But for the specifics, I'll provide the detailed design to Councilor Kiramman later, and you all can inquire with her."

Salo, Hoskel, Bolbok, and Shoola, the four councilors, exchanged glances. Except for Bolbok, whose expression was unreadable, the other three looked somewhat embarrassed.

Ever since they had given Li Lin a hard time at the council a year ago and forced Cassandra to vouch for him, the Kiramman family had gradually reduced cooperation with their families in areas other than thermal power plants. Especially after obtaining Li Lin's new Hextech energy weapon design, the Kiramman family had entered the military industry, intensifying the conflict with the Bolbok and Shoola families.

Cassandra smiled at the four councilors on the surface, but behind the scenes, they were all scheming, not showing any mercy to each other.

Inventions like these, which could enter the homes of ordinary families, would undoubtedly bring substantial profits to the Kiramman family and its collaborators. Unfortunately, these four councilor families would not get a piece of that pie.

"Whoa~~ Now that everyone's here, it's time I talked about my new plan for the future."

Viktor immediately caught on and nudged Jayce beside him. "Then, Jayce and I will take our leave, Professor."

"No, there's no need." Heimerdinger called out to the two who were about to leave. "You'll both need to participate in the upcoming plan."

Jayce's expression seemed surprised. "Us?"

"More accurately, all the professors at the Piltover University will be involved!"

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room, including Li Lin, was momentarily stunned.

"This is inspired by the mechs that Li Lin showcased today and will be the culmination of my life's work..."

Li Lin's heart skipped a beat.

Could Heimerdinger be influenced by me and create a Titan mech like in parallel universes...

But his next words dispelled Li Lin's fantasy: "I'm going to develop a giant mech, a... um, how should I put it? Oh, yes, a Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

The room fell into silence.

A giant Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex...

How much money would that cost? What's the point of building such a thing?

Are you sure you're not joking?

In the quiet aftermath, Li Lin broke the silence, asking, "Is this your new idea, Professor Heimerdinger?"

"Oh yes, just as I said, it came to me after seeing your transforming miniature mech tonight," Heimerdinger replied, rubbing his chin.

No blueprint yet... Li Lin pondered.

After a pause, he shook his head. "I find it inappropriate, Professor."

All eyes, including those of the council members, Cassandra, and Mel, turned to Li Lin.

Among them, Salo and Hoskel were giving him encouraging looks, hoping he could persuade Heimerdinger to abandon the idea.

Of course, Li Lin wouldn't do that, choosing to ignore them.

This was about the future construction of the giant mech. If Heimerdinger's ideas couldn't get through, how could the Leviathan Mech possibly gain support?

"Oh?" Heimerdinger raised an eyebrow, blowing on his mustache. "What are your thoughts and suggestions then, considering you are the pioneer in this technology?"

"I believe... Your rush to create a Mechanical Tyrannosaur is ill-advised," Li Lin shook his head. "Without blueprints or a construction site, can you really decide to build a Tyrannosaur out of thin air?"

Salo and Hoskel looked at Li Lin with approval.

Heimerdinger furrowed his brow, displaying a pensive expression.

After about fifteen seconds, he looked up at Li Lin. "Child, what do you suggest?"

"Just creating a technological device isn't enough. Building a Mechanical Tyrannosaur, aside from adding pressure to Noxus on the battlefield, is practically useless in other aspects."

"Right, we seek peace and shouldn't engage in conflicts with other nations," Salo smirked, rubbing his hands together, but no one paid him any mind.

"So... I should focus on practicality?" Heimerdinger asked. "Then, can the transforming Tyrannosaur do?"

Why are you so fixated on your Tyrannosaur?

Li Lin felt too exhausted to comment.

But upon careful consideration, a transforming Tyrannosaur wasn't too bad...

"Professor, forget about the Tyrannosaur. Why not build a humanoid mech instead?" Salo and Hoskel's smiles froze, suddenly realizing something was amiss.

Replacing the Tyrannosaur with a giant humanoid mech...

Isn't that essentially the same thing?

Just as Salo was about to retort, he was glared at by Mel, causing him to choke back his words.

"A humanoid mech... a humanoid mech..." Heimerdinger mumbled, stroking his furry chin, repeating the words.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, focusing back on Li Lin. "Yes, why not build a humanoid mech! Your suggestion is excellent, child."

"Just one mech won't do. If we're going to do this, we must go all out. We need to create a mech capable of reaching the pinnacle of combat power in the Runeterra, one that can rival the divine warriors and demigods!" Li Lin suggested.

Even Cassandra, Mel, Jayce, and Viktor were stunned by Li Lin's idea.

A mech rivaling divine warriors and demigods...

Can technology truly reach such heights?

Before anyone could raise objections, Li Lin continued, "I've heard that the seals of the ancient Darkin at the Ionian Sacred Grove have been released, and a bloodthirsty monster from Freljord, rumored to be one of these Darkin, has arrived on Valoran's continent."

"They are corrupted fallen divine warriors, intent on destroying humanity and the entire world. We must take appropriate precautions."

Li Lin's gaze swept over the faces of Salo, Hoskel, and Shoola, who clearly showed discontent.

"I believe you all know about the legends of the Darkin and how they treated their human subjects... more accurately, enslaved them."

Even Salo and Hoskel, whom Caitlyn regarded as foolish and effeminate, now frowned in contemplation, revealing expressions of unease.

The major families have never focused on the defensive capabilities of the city-states. If such a thing were to happen, if a Darkin were to return to Piltover...

Even with the combined strength and technology of the twin cities, I'm afraid...

No, it's not just fear; it's an absolute inability to resist their power.

After a moment of silence, Heimerdinger chuckled. "Yes, indeed! That's it!"

Li Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness Heimerdinger proposed the idea of ​​building a mech first. Otherwise, the council members of the other families would never have agreed.

"Since building a humanoid mech was your suggestion... Child, you have the right to name this project."

After a moment of thought, Li Lin said, "Then let's call it Project Gaboga ."

(End of this chapter)