
ARCANE REVERIE ( A witch's dance with fate)

In the quiet city of Brixton 16-year-old Ivy lives an ordinary life, unaware of her extraordinary heritage. Little does she know that her life is about to take a dramatic turn when she accidentally overhears a conversation between her aunt and her uncle, after a nightmare,revealing a startling secret: Ivy is a witch. Haunted by the revelation that she was responsible for her parents' tragic demise as a child, Ivy's memories of that fateful day were wiped clean to protect her from the truth. Now, armed with newfound knowledge of her identity, Ivy confides in her best friend, Simon, who secretly harbors a deep affection for her. Driven by a burning desire to undo the past and bring her parents back to life, Ivy embarks on a perilous journey.

Jas_sy · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs


Reacting swiftly, Cecilia implored Jasmine to guide them to the old witch's hut, hoping to gain more insight into Ivy's misguided actions. Jasmine admitted that she didn'tknow the exact location but expressed her willingness to try and locate it.

As the old witch began chanting in an ancient language, smoke mysteriously began to swirl up from the objects in the bowl. Ivy and Simon watched in anticipation, curious about what would happen next. To their amazement, the objects transformed into an amulet, right before their eyes.

Confused and bewildered, they stared on, unable to comprehend what was unfolding. Just as the confusion started to overwhelm them, the witch burst into laughter, causing Ivy and Simon to flinch in fright.

The witch laughed hysterical and scolded them, saying, "Stupid, stupid children! Who told you that you could bring the dead back to life?!"

Ivy and Simon were dumbfounded and confused about what to do next. Suddenly, their attention shifted when the witch put on the Amulet on her neck and transformed into a younger, more powerful woman.

Simon wiped his eyes, attempting to see more clearly, while Ivy's mouth hung open in shock.

"I knew it! I always knew you had something up your sleeve, you lying witch. I never liked you, and my instincts were right about you!" Simon shouted, his anger boiling over. He took a step towards the witch, ready to confront her physically.

Before Simon could reach her, the witch twisted her wrist, and suddenly a powerful gust of wind erupted, forcefully pushing Simon away to the other side of the hut. He crashed onto the ground, the impact causing him to wince in pain.

Ivy trembled with fear and shouted in disbelief, tears streaming down her face

"I trusted you! How could you do this to me? You sent me on those dangerous quests, fully aware of the risks involved. So this has been your aim all along? I've been nothing more than a puppet in your sick little game!" Her cries echoed through the room.

The witch chuckled, a wicked gleam in her eyes. "Stupid, stupid girl. You should never trust an old witch!" she taunted, her laughter filling the air.

Suddenly, the witch unleashed her power, wrapping her invisible grip around Ivy's throat, slowly draining the life out of her. Ivy gasped for breath, desperately clutching at her neck, her face turning pale. Simon, still lying on the ground, could only watch helplessly, his pain intensifying with each passing moment.

The witch continued her sadistic taunts, relishing in their suffering

"Oh, two lovers! I hate to see you end this way. I'm sure you haven't even professed your love for each other. However, I shall take delight in killing you both right here,"she sneered, reveling in their torment.

Meanwhile, Jasmine, Ambrose, and Cecilia scouted through the dense dark forest, determined to find the witch's hut and rescue Ivy and Simon. After a long search, they finally stumbled upon the hut.

Cecilia's heart raced with a mix of fear and determination as they approached the hut. She gripped her husband's hand tightly, finding solace in his presence. Jasmine, feeling a surge of adrenaline, led the way, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

As they reached the entrance of the hut, Jasmine took a deep breath, and Ambrose placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

They burst inside the hut and to their surprise, they found the witch in the midst of attacking Ivy. Cecilia and Ambrose, filled with determination to save the kids, tried to intervene. However, the witch used an invisible force to wrap around their throat, causing them to choke. Amidst her sadistic laughter, the witch reveled in her newfound power.

Just as Ivy's breath began to fade, she experienced a vision. In her trance-like state, she saw her parents, her mother's loving gaze fixed upon her.

"My sweet girl, we have missed you so much, however, we are gone and can never be brought back to life. Please don't blame yourself for what happened to us. You have a family that loves you here and now. Be happy, for we have found peace. We love you."

The vision of Ivy's parents faded, and determination to overcome the evil witch swelled within her. Witnessing her family's struggle for survival pained her deeply, fully aware that her actions had led them to this perilous situation.

She exchanged a meaningful look with Simon, a spark of understanding passing between them as they recalled Elisha's words

" Always trust eachother , no matter what!".

Summoning every ounce of strength he had left, Simon fought to regain his footing. With sheer willpower, he grabbed hold of a nearby log, preparing to strike the wicked witch, but before he could execute his plan, Ivy's urgent voice rang out, warning the witch

"Behind you!"

The witch momentarily turned her attention, falling prey to Ivy's diversion. Taking advantage of the distraction, Ivy swiftly rose to her feet and snatched the amulet from the witch's neck. Instantly, the witch's powers diminished, freeing Ivy's family from her malevolent grasp.

Cecilia, fueled by fury, approached the trembling old witch and expressed her anger and she said , the witch deserved to die for her heinous deeds. However, Ambrose intervened, wrapping his arms around Cecilia and reminding her that they were not murderers.

Now able to stand once more, Simon joined the rest of his family. Ambrose proposed banishing the witch to the realm of goblins, where she would endure eternal suffering.

Uniting as one, they clasped each other's hands and chanted a powerful spell , while the witch pleaded and begged for mercy, her voice echoing

"No! No! No!"

With the last word of the incantation, the witch gradually vanished into thin air, leaving behind only a sense of eerie silence. Cecilia and Jasmine rushed to embrace Ivy, who tearfully apologized for the pain she had caused. In a moment of profound love and forgiveness, Cecilia assured Ivy of her unconditional love, and Ambrose and Simon joined in the embrace, forming a tight-knit family once more.

Finally, they arrived home, they sat down and started talking about their experience. Ivy excitedly shared the vision she had of her parents. After discussing for a while, Ambrose suggested that he had to drive Simon home, because was late.

Seeing the state of their son, Simon's parents got worried, but he assured them that he was fine and only neededto rest.

The next morning, they all woke up feeling so tired. Ivy and Jasmine reluctantly dragged themselves out of bed and hurriedly got ready for school. Just as they were about to leave the house, Cecilia called out

"Don't do anything mischievous, kids!"

They giggled , and both Ivy and Jasmine chorused

"We've learnt our lessons!"

As they arrived at school, Ivy immediately spotted Simon and walked up to him. He greeted her, playfully

"Sup, Ivy! What new quests do you have in store for us today?"

Ivy nudged him and put her arm around his neck

"How about we travel to end of the world? Or perhaps travel to egypt in search of Pharaoh's crown? She laughed

Just as Simon was about to talk, she interrupted

"Simon, I wanna thank you for your support and for always being a great friend despite my annoying attitude," Ivy expressed gratefully, hugging him tightly.

"Don't forget my rose and chocolate," Simon reminded her, smiling.

Ivy playfully replied

"I could do better" and surprised Simon by planting a kiss on him.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Simon who had long awaited this moment couldn'tcontain his excitement, but he just smiled .

With smiles on their faces, they headed to class together.

Unbeknownst to them, their troubles had only just commenced.