

I stared at Vander in disbelief. "You can't be serious..."

Vander responded with a laid-back smile, "I am. I've come to the realization that I've been viewing you as a mature young man in need of guidance, but you're just a kid with feral instincts. So, I'll treat you like a kid."

Vander then held out a large chew toy in front of him. "But I'll also have to train you a bit, like a dog. You're out of control, so maybe this will help whenever you've got an urge to hunt just try chewing this or playing fetch with it."


In the following days, I begrudgingly adapted to Vander's attempt at training me. The large chew toy became an odd companion, a constant reminder that my feral instincts needed taming. Vander introduced a few basic commands, attempting to guide me with the patience of someone dealing with an unruly pup but with little success.

I became accustomed to having Vi, Powder, Mylo, and Clagger around. They also joined in on the training sessions with Vander from time to time.

As I reluctantly played fetch in a secluded corner of the Undercity, I couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and resentment. Yet, beneath the surface, a small part of me recognized Vander's genuine concern. The Undercity was not a forgiving place, and my feral nature was a constant liability.

Despite the bizarre training sessions, life in the Undercity continued. Vander maintained a watchful eye on me, ensuring I adhered to the new rules. The memories of the recent altercation with the intruders lingered, a stark reminder of the consequences my uncontrollable impulses could bring.

As the days turned into weeks, a strange camaraderie developed between me and Vander. Our dynamic shifted from a mentor-student relationship to a peculiar partnership. I begrudgingly accepted Vander's guidance, realizing that navigating the complexities of the Undercity required more finesse than sheer brute force in my case.

Yet, even with Vander's attempts to civilize me, the feral part of my being was resistant. The hunger for raw instincts and the thrill of the hunt continued to linger beneath the surface, waiting for an opportune moment to resurface.


As Powder worked diligently on one of her "bombs," I reclined, casually munching on some raw meat. Despite their consistent lack of success, she never seemed to lose her determination.

Vi leaned against a nearby crate, eyeing Powder's efforts with a mix of scepticism and amusement. Mylo and Clagger, on the other hand, engaged in a mock sparring session, their playful banter filling the air.

Vander observed the scene with a watchful eye. The makeshift family dynamic began to feel strangely comforting, a reminder of a different kind of life amidst the chaos of the Undercity.

"So… can I like, go outside now?" I asked Vander hoping I made enough progress with my training and served my punishment.

Vander considered my question, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Alright, Arlo, but remember the rules. No hunting, no causing trouble, and if you feel the urge, use the chew toy or find another way to distract yourself. Understood?"

I nodded, understanding the precarious balance I needed to maintain in this community.

"Also take Vi with you," Vander added, mostly wanting me to have a babysitter.

"Why can't I go alone?" I groaned in response to Vander's insistence that Vi accompany me on my outings.

Vander's stern look didn't leave much room for argument. I begrudgingly accepted the company of Vi on my outdoor excursions.

As we ventured into the dimly lit streets of The Lanes, Vi, with her charismatic spirit, offered conversation and occasional laughs, creating a surprising sense of need to protect her.

Suddenly, a plot-related realization hit me, prompting a question "I've never asked this, but Vi, how old are you?"

Vi responded with a sly grin, casually adjusting a strand of her pink hair. "Quite bold, Mr. Wolf, asking a lady about her age. Just so you know, I'm fifteen."

Shit, the main story is about to kick in.

The main plot, the core of the unfolding narrative, was looming on the horizon. The air carried a subtle tension, signalling that the story's pivotal moments were soon to unfold.

Vi, oblivious to my internal musings, continued chatting, her carefree demeanour belying the imminent twists and turns that awaited us in this tale. As we strolled through The Lanes, I couldn't shake the feeling that the calm before the storm was slowly dissipating, making room for the stormy narrative that lay ahead.


I retreated to my room, the quiet sanctuary where I could temporarily escape the impending twists of the unfolding narrative. Despite the outside world's looming tension, my large makeshift dog bed provided a comforting respite.

As I curled up for a nap, the memories of the day and Vi's revelation played in my mind like fragments of a disjointed dream. The chew toy, now a peculiar companion, had offered a reprieve during our venture outside, a small victory in the ongoing battle against my feral instincts.

I closed my eyes, seeking solace in the temporary oblivion of sleep, hoping to recharge before the narrative's impending storm consumed us all.