
New Start

In the ethereal transition between life and an uncertain afterlife, I found myself face-to-face with an enigmatic being called ROB.

Death, as it turned out, was just the prelude to a complex twist of fate.

Forced to spin wheels that determined my reincarnation, my destiny took an unexpected turn, landing me in Arcane—the Netflix series inspired by the game League of Legends.

Unfamiliar with the intricacies of League of Legends or Arcane, my optimism tempered my uncertainty.

A second wheel, determining my race, bestowed upon me the intriguing title of "Chemically Altered Cyborg," a blend of humanity and technological prowess.

However, mysteries deepened with a third wheel, its ceaseless spin withholding the nature of my final "gift."

Frustration met patience as I sought answers from ROB, each inquiry met with cryptic silence. Eventually, the relentless spin ceased abruptly, revealing my fate: a portal to the mysterious realm of the Downbelow. Before contemplation set in, darkness enveloped me.


My awakening in this unfamiliar realm was accompanied by a putrid scent and a pervasive burning sensation that wrenched a whine from me.

The words [Acid Resistance] and [Pain Resistance] materialized, indicators of newfound abilities that wrestled my attention.

Blurred vision and disorientation compelled me to succumb to instinct, propelling me forward on all fours.

Amid the chaos and melting of my body, it adapted, evolving with each hurdle.

[Acid Resistance] and [Regeneration] levels surged as I tore through metallic obstacles, guided solely by an innate drive to escape.

Climbing through a makeshift hole into a dimly lit pipe, I traversed its length until emerging into the open.

The transition triggered another surge in [Regeneration], alleviating the pain as I collapsed onto solid ground.

As consciousness waned, [Pain Resistance] and [Regeneration] continued their ascent, marking the beginning of my new life.

The distant murmur of voices accompanied my descent into unconsciousness, foreshadowing the enigmatic world awaiting me.


[status screen]

Name: N/A

Race: Chemically Altered Cyborg


* Body: Covered in grey fur with metallic bronze-coloured claws and paws.

* Features: Claws, fangs, snout, and large canine ears.


* [Acid Resistance] Level 4

* [Pain Resistance] Level 4

* [Regeneration] Level 5

* [heightened senses] level 2


* Instinctual Awareness: Instincts guide him through challenges, and he instinctively reacts to threats and opportunities.

I awoke to the sight of a status window which I could easily guess was mine, but I didn't focus on it because I noticed I wasn't allowed and moved my head to look towards the man in the room.

Almost instantly I could tell this man was Vander.

Vander extended a hand towards my metallic, fur-covered form, his eyes studying me, the creature he had rescued.

"Easy, easy now," he murmured as I attempted to rise, my movements still unsteady.

"Hey, you're alright. Just relax," he reassured, kneeling beside me and I growled instinctively.

My growling response didn't faze Vander, who maintained a calm demeanour.

"Where am I?" My voice emerged deep and raspy.

"I took you to my home, pup. Found you in a terrible condition. Thought you were going to die on me, but I could clearly see your wounds healing, so I brought you home," Vander explained, his gaze fixed on me.

With a whimper, I struggled to sit up some of my wounds still healing, Vander offered a helping hand.

As I examined my metal claws and fur-covered limbs, Vander watched with a curious expression.

"What's your name, pup?" He inquired, sensing the complexity of my past.

"I don't know, I have no name," I replied making sure uncertainty laced my words.

"Do you know where you came from?" Vander asked, his eyes probing for any glimmer of my memories.

"No," I responded, pretending not to know anything, which isn't a complete lie.

"Would you like a name?" His question sparked a wagging of my tail and a perking of my long ears.

"Yes," I eagerly agreed.

Vander chuckled at my enthusiastic response before finally bestowing upon me a name.

"Arlo. Your name is Arlo."

"Arlo... I like that, thank you," I expressed gratitude, my tail still wagging, a symbol of newfound beginnings in the enigmatic world of Arcane.