
Arcane Exorcist

Yin and Yang, Order and Disorder, Life and Death, The Universal Equation of Balance. My world was once in Balance, until it came, The Arcane Drift. A massive flare of Mana flowed through Earth, giving birth to The Arcane Prime, soul like entities formed from pure Arcane energy. Humanity was devastated, as half of earth's population were wiped out due to Mana toxicity. The Half left behind were soon preyed on by The Prime's. We couldn't defend ourselves, as Humanity brought down to it's knees. Decades Later, we had a breakthrough. Humans, who were once preys, instantly became predators. The Hunted became the Hunter. Despite the fact we couldn't wield Arcane, we found other means to defend ourselves. By drawing power from Yin Yang Force Factor, Humans finally had the upper hand, as they went into all out war against The Primes.

David_Volpir · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Strength and Technique

Abandoned Sector 9,

Outskirts New Chrisland.

Unlike the other sectors which were slowly been cleared by the Exorcists, this sector seemed untouched as one could see various wandering Primes of different Grades. Suddenly, two humans popped up out of nowhere, startling the lower Grade Primes while the higher grades, patiently stared at the humans.

"Now we're here, we'll go straight to your training!" Xavier said not minding the Primes around him.

"Okay, you're the boss!" Jeremy replied, cracking his knuckles.

"Are you ready?" Xavier earnestly inquired with a stern look.

"I was born ready!" Jeremy answered with a simple nod.

"Alright then, before we start, do you have any questions!" Xavier said, folding his arms together.

"Yeah, I actually have a lot of questions but I think the situation only allows me to ask one!" Jeremy promptly responded, awkwardly ruffling his already messy looking hair.

"You're actually right there, you see, you're learning" Xavier commented, easing up his serious demeanor.

"That's cool, so my question, What are you actually going to teach me?" Jeremy inquired with his interest piqued.

"Impressive, that's the question I actually wanted you to ask" Xavier answered, wearing a proud smirk.

"Unlike the previous time I and Adam trained you, I actually wanted to build up your Physical stats and later on, help you out with more technical aspect of being an Exorcist…. That's what I'm going to teach you, I'm going to teach you how to balance the equation between Brawn and Brain, Strength and Technique" Xavier explained, staring solemnly at Jeremy.

"Nice!" Jeremy exclaimed in excitement.

"Glad you think so…. Firstly, I need to explain a few things…. We Exorcist use three distinct techniques in combat, they include; Augmented Techniques, Derived Techniques and Domain Techniques.

The Augmented Techniques as their name implies, are techniques we Exorcist utilize in respect with our various Augmented abilities.

Derived Techniques on the other hand, are those techniques created by Abstract Exorcist which means it doesn't require the presence of an Augmented ability. This technique only feeds on its users Negative or Positive energy.

I'm going to be teaching you, two Classified Derived Techniques" Xavier extensively explained.

"What about the Domain Technique, what is it?" Jeremy inquired with his interest piqued to it's peak.

"A domain is an area in which a being has absolute power, through which may be a physical area or an entire dimension while The Technique itself, Is basically altering reality with an Augmented Technique/ ability….

These type of Technique can only be performed by High Tier Exorcist, also you need an Augmented ability to pull it off" Xavier promptly answered, clearing off Jeremy's question.

"What a bummer, I won't be able to use a Domain Technique…. Do you have a Domain Technique?" Jeremy said, staring at Xavier.

"Of course I do!" Xavier replied.

"Back to the actual lesson, The Techniques you are about to learn will require you to be able to be fully aware and understand your Innate Negative energy…" Xavier promptly explained.

"Which I can't perform" Jeremy politely interrupted, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Don't worry about a thing. Most Exorcist just wake up with that fine tuned control while some have to train for a long time… but we have don't actually have enough time, so we're gonna try a different method" Xavier commented wryly, slightly waving his wrist.

"What method?" Jeremy confusedly inquired with a stern stare.

"Forget about that, all you need to do is trust me " Xavier nervously replied, trying not to make direct eye contact.

"The way you said that makes me not want to trust you" Jeremy worriedly commented, earnestly staring at an awkward Xavier.

"Just close your eyes and trust me!" Xavier out rightly complained, rolling his eyes.

"Alright… alright, I'll trust you!" Jeremy agreed, frantically waving his hands.

"Good, now close your eyes" Xavier promptly added.

Hearing Xavier's order, Jeremy immediately closed his eyes, waiting for his next command.

"Now, Visualize your self in a void, free of any form of existence" Xavier slowly said, solemnly glaring at Jeremy.

"Void, what's that?" Jeremy curiously inquired.

"Just visualize yourself in a dark, empty room" Xavier answered, smacking his face.

"Alright!" Jeremy replied, immediately following Xavier's orders.

"Negative energy is a form world energy, that perpetuates itself by breeding on the Negativity that resides deep within any humans soul structure, despite what Force Factor user…..

In order to gain a mutual understand on how to materialize and stabilize your innate Negative energy, I want you to picture your fears, nightmares…." Xavier calmly explained, staring at Jeremy who was obviously having troubles performing Xavier's instructions.

"It's kinda hard to picture nightmares when you barely remember anything" Jeremy complained with his eyes closed.

"How about you this, I want you to picture yesterday's attack on your squad… Visualize Thomas' brutal death, remember how he was ripped to shreds and you couldn't do anything.

Picture Jason's death, remember how that Special Grade Prime completely smashed his skull to nothingness, remember how weak and helpless you were…. Remember how you stood idly by and watch that Primes destroy your comrades!" Xavier yelled increasing the tension he placed in Jeremy.

In Jeremy's self induced trance, he slowly began to relieve the horrible and agonizing moments that happened hours ago. Slowly, tears ran down his face, rapidly soiling the earth with it's saltiness.

Seeing Jeremy's current state, Xavier did nothing but smirk, nodding to himself in relief, "I guess it's working!" He thought to himself.

"Now gather that out burst of emotion, rage, trauma, anguish, bitterness…." Xavier ordered, glaring at Jeremy was currently traumatized.

As he began to gathered the negative thoughts in one spot located in his Mental trance, he slowly began to feel the physical, emotional and mental strain the process inflicted on his brain.

"Ahh, Make it stop, It hurts!!" Jeremy furiously yelled in pain, gripping his head as blood slowly oozed from his nose and mouth.

"Using that accumulated negative emotion, visualize it's adverse effect on your Psychology… Now, release the accumulation, giving it a materialized form!" Xavier excitedly exclaimed, wearing a sadistic grin making him seem drunk on power.

Immediately, Jeremy's body began to violently vibrate, as he slowly released a minute aura of Negative energy. The aura slowly started growing larger and larger, releasing an insane amount of pressure, which slowly tore up the landscape as his immense energy pummeled the ground. The release didn't end there, as it continued rise causing a huge energy surge which illuminated the skies with a Scarlet color and pitch black glow.

Seeing the scary but beautiful, deadly but brilliant, ominous but glorious energy light show, Xavier did nothing but gaze upon Jeremy's devil like energy aura in awe.

"Magnificent, Marvelous, I knew this kid was something else!" Xavier exclaimed as he incredulously stared at Jeremy's out burst.

Following his exclaim was loud round of applause, which caught Jeremy's attention causing him to ease up the accumulated energy he had stored up. Doing this, also reduced his Negative energy aura.

"That was awesome, honestly I didn't think that method would work" Xavier cheerfully exclaimed, giving Jeremy a round of applause.

"I did it…. I did it" Jeremy yelled with excitement as he began to naturally control his energy output.

"Wait, what do you mean by you didn't think it will work!" Jeremy promptly inquired, furiously glaring at Xavier.

"The grand fact is that it worked, just forget about my doubts" Xavier awkwardly replied, trying not to make eye contact with a furious Jeremy.

"So, what now?" Jeremy calmly asked as the his energy aura vanished.

"Now, I want you to come at me" Xavier answered, wearing a mad smile.

"Huh?" Jeremy confusedly inquired, weirdly staring at Xavier.

"I want you to attack me…. With nothing but your physical power!" Xavier promptly answered.

Hearing Xavier's answer, Jeremy immediately took a basic Martial art, with his legs spread apart and his two fists in front of his face, aligning them side by side.

"Alright!" Jeremy commented, entering a more serious mode.

"Adam once commended your prowess in Hand to hand combat, so I want to test it….. Come at me Little boy!" Xavier sadistically exclaimed.

"Remember what Adam taught you…. To maximize your physical power, you have to draw in power from every fiber in your body. To do this, I've got to tense my entire Muscular system. Once that's done, immediately release the tensed up Kinetic energy, making your entire body act like a spring!" Jeremy taught to himself as his veins and muscles vegan to bulge, making dents on his skin and Uniform, causing it rip in multiple places.

In a sudden instant, Jeremy furiously leaped at Xavier with intents of smashing his sadistic face.

"Impressive, to imagine you've grasped the concept behind Physical Maximization is practically unreal, but If you think you'll be able to even graze my sneakers with a sloppy move like that makes me laugh" Xavier cockily commented, sadistically grinning at Jeremy as he watched the lad dash at him.

Right before Jeremy could even land an attack, Xavier suddenly vanished from plain sight gravely shocking the poor lad.

"Did he teleport?" Jeremy blurted, staring confusedly at his surrounding.

Before he could get wrap his head around the situation, he felt someone tap him on his shoulder, "I didn't teleport!" The Unknown being commented.

"Xavier!" Jeremy exclaimed in shock.

"That's me!" He brightly answered, wearing a cheery smile.

"How did you?" Jeremy inquired.

"Like I said, I didn't teleport…. I'm just faster than you" Xavier subtly answered, solemnly staring at Jeremy.


"My level of power is at a point known as The Pinnacle of Yin Yang Exorcism"