
Arcane Exorcist

Yin and Yang, Order and Disorder, Life and Death, The Universal Equation of Balance. My world was once in Balance, until it came, The Arcane Drift. A massive flare of Mana flowed through Earth, giving birth to The Arcane Prime, soul like entities formed from pure Arcane energy. Humanity was devastated, as half of earth's population were wiped out due to Mana toxicity. The Half left behind were soon preyed on by The Prime's. We couldn't defend ourselves, as Humanity brought down to it's knees. Decades Later, we had a breakthrough. Humans, who were once preys, instantly became predators. The Hunted became the Hunter. Despite the fact we couldn't wield Arcane, we found other means to defend ourselves. By drawing power from Yin Yang Force Factor, Humans finally had the upper hand, as they went into all out war against The Primes.

David_Volpir · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

New Humans [II]


Reclaimed Sector 2

New Chrisland City.

Taejin slowly pulled out his Katana while taking a classic martial art stance, with the top of his blade pointing at Regal.

"No need to be alarmed, I'm not going to hurt you" Regal said with a mischievous smile.

"What the hell is he…. Is he a Prime or a Human?" Taejin thought to himself, staring wickedly at the maniacal being in front of him.

"You might be wondering what I and my buddy over there are. Well, I will answer your question…. We are both" Regal commented.

"We are both Human and at the same time Prime…. We are the New Humans!" Regal promptly added.

Regal had several distinct features that made him both beautiful and weird; He had a Spiky long white colored hair, pale white skin, bright crimson eyes which resembled blood and razor sharp teeth's and claws.

"What the hell are you?" Scott frightfully inquired.

"Are you dumb or something?" Regal confusedly inquired.

"I just told you what I am!" Regal viciously added.

"That's right your kind intellectual level is really low…. How about I show you what I am up close!" Regal maniacally said as lightning streaks rapidly danced round his body.

In a blink of an eye, Regal appeared in front of Scott, flexing his claws with the intent of striking him dead instantly. Not able to react to his immense speed, all Scott could do was freeze in shock. Instinctively, Taejin swung his Katana, easily slicing off Regal hand's, causing a black colored fluid to spill into air. Seeing this, Regal instantaneously returning to his previous position.

"He's fast!" This Phrase echoed in both Regal and Taejin minds.

"Regal, what in the world are you doing?" The Other New Human angrily inquired, glaring at his partner.

"Nothing Dragshik!" Regal responded as his hands instantly regenerated.

"Whoa, that was fast.. Regeneration is no something new for Primes but this guy's speed is off the charts" Taejin thought to himself, pointing his blade at Regal.

"I just got my hands sliced off!" Regal brightly exclaimed causing Dragshik to shake his head in disappointment.

"I told you not to underestimate those creatures…. Some of them possess that 'power'" Dragshik said.

Unlike Regal who was averagely similar to an Average Male adult, Dragshik was two larger and taller than most humans. He also bore resemblance with a common mythical creatures known as, Dragons. One could say that he was cross between a dragon and a human. He had bright purple skin with glowing crimson eyes, multiple horns and over grown spikes, decorating his body, to top it all, several dragon like Tattoos which glowed bright crimson.

"Do you think these things possess that 'power'" Regal inquired, staring at his comrade.

"I think that one in blindfold might possess the power!" Dragshik promptly replied.

"That means I have got to kill him first!" Regal maniacally exclaimed, flexing his claws.

"Shit, they're targeting me!" Taejin said, staring at Scott who stood by his side.

"Answer him!" Taejin angrily exclaimed.

"Huh?" Regal curiously inquired, confusedly staring at the blindfolded youth in front him.

"I said answer Scott's question.. what the fuck are you two?" Taejin angrily exclaimed.

Seeming fearless, Taejin tightly gripped his Katana, pointing it's shape point towards Regal. Watching the brave display from Taejin, Regal couldn't help himself but erupt into laughter, "I like this one…. Alright since you're this brave, I'll tell you!".

" I am Prime!" Regal said.

"I'm sure you might be wondering why I'm able orally communicate and the explanation is simple, We've evolved!" Regal promptly added, shocking both Taejin and Scott.

"E… Evo… Evolved!" Taejin stuttered..

"This cannot be happening" Scott said, shivering in fright.

"Could it be that this Evolved Primes are the so called Colossal Grade Prime…. If they're, then I'm doomed!" Taejin thought to himself, wickedly biting his tongue.

"How's that even possible?.... I know what I'm sensing, these guys are definitely Grade Primes. Are my eyes deceiving me?" Taejin whispered.

"No, your eyes aren't deceiving you. It's true our energy signature isn't high, but the reason behind it is… We have the ability to reduce and increase our Energy Level!" Regal sinisterly cackled, as his body hot coated in an immense aura of Mana.

Seeing this both Taejin and his partner couldn't help but shriek in fright, "The amount of energy he's emitting is far stronger than that of a Special-Grade Prime…. Which means, this guy is a Colossal Grade!" Taejin thought to himself while attentively listened to Regal.

"We were once mindless Primes walking without a purpose in this world of infinite possibilities. After hunting and being hunted by you pathetic creatures, we came to the limelight… We discovered our purpose…. The sole purpose behind our existence is to eradicate you weak creatures and then we shall create a perfect Utopia with the remnants of this scrap you call Earth" Regal explained, waving his hands frantically in the air.

"Shit, he really loves to talk!" Dragshik thought to himself, angrily shaking his head.

"In other to fulfill our righteous purpose, we became this…. We became a product of evolution. We became beings that transcended beyond human imagination, ridding ourselves from any form of Limitation… We became The New Humans!" Regal promptly added.

"Enough talk Regal, just kill them and let's get out of here!" Dragshik exclaimed, rolling his weird eyes.

"Sorry Drag…. I got carried away!" Regal awkwardly said, caressing his white messy hair.

"Scott!" Taejin said, shifting his attention to his comrade.

"What is it?" Scott immediately replied.

"You've got to get out of here!" Taejin angrily said.

"What, why?... You can't take them on your own!" Scott promptly commented.

"I know, but if we fight against them, we'll definitely die!" Taejin added.

"You're sacrificing yourself for me… No, I won't allow it?" Scott angrily exclaimed.

"You have to. If we die here, everyone in the city will be in immediate danger!" Taejin responded.

"But…but!" Scott stuttered while he searched for more words.

"I want you to go now, warn the Bureau about these Evolved Primes… Is that clear?" Taejin ordered, fixating his attention on Regal, who was wearing a tremendously huge, wicked grin.

"Yes it is!" Scott said, immediately dashing away.

"Where is he going…. Are sure you want to fight me without him?" Regal confusedly inquired.

"It doesn't matter who or what you are, all I know is that I'm to exorcise you!" Taejin boldly exclaimed, tightly gripping his Katana.

"Alright then, Show me…. Show me what you got, Human!" Regal said, releasing a maniacal chuckle.

"But first, if you're going to fight me, I'll advice you to take off that blindfold!" Regal said, cracking his knuckles.

"If I do that, I swear you gonna fuckin regret it!" Taejin said, wearing a proud smirk.

Hearing Taejin, Regal erupted into laughter, "I believe you are mistaken, If you don't take off your blindfold, you are going to regret it".

In a blink of an eye, both Taejin and Regal bolted at each other, with Regal delivering rapid fast claw attacks. Using his Katana, Taejin blocked all of Regal's attack at the same time, simultaneously slicing off his hands. After a series of instantaneous attacks, both parties separated, earnestly staring at each other.

"Shit, this guy is fast!" Taejin said, obviously panting for breath.

"Is that all you got human!" Regal exclaimed as lightning streaks danced around.

Suddenly, Regal disappeared leaving a blur of himself. This level of speed he exhibited gravely shocked Taejin, as he frantically waved his head around, trying to pinpoint Regal's exact location.

"Fuck, he just got faster!" Taejin cursed.

"I'm here…. No, I'm here…. Wait a minute, I'm here now!" Regal mockingly exclaimed, confusing his opponent.

In a blink of an eye, Regal appeared behind Taejin, gathering a huge amount of electricity in his right hand. Before Taejin could even react, Regal launched his 'shocking' attack, blasting Taejin into a completely demolished building. The blast caused Taejin to momentarily lose control over his Katana, dropping it instantly while he flew into the building.

"Damnit… That hurts!" Taejin groaned in pain, trying to back to his feet.

Suddenly, Regal appeared right in front of Taejin, looking all powerful and menacing, " Now you die!".

"I don't think so!" Taejin said, wearing a proud smirk.

"What's with that….." Regal said as Taejin's Katana suddenly stabbed through his freaking face.

"Fuck you!" Taejin said, waving his middle finger at Regal who literally had a Katana sticking through this face.