
Arcane Exorcist

Yin and Yang, Order and Disorder, Life and Death, The Universal Equation of Balance. My world was once in Balance, until it came, The Arcane Drift. A massive flare of Mana flowed through Earth, giving birth to The Arcane Prime, soul like entities formed from pure Arcane energy. Humanity was devastated, as half of earth's population were wiped out due to Mana toxicity. The Half left behind were soon preyed on by The Prime's. We couldn't defend ourselves, as Humanity brought down to it's knees. Decades Later, we had a breakthrough. Humans, who were once preys, instantly became predators. The Hunted became the Hunter. Despite the fact we couldn't wield Arcane, we found other means to defend ourselves. By drawing power from Yin Yang Force Factor, Humans finally had the upper hand, as they went into all out war against The Primes.

David_Volpir · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Family issues

[4:30 P.M],

Medical Department,

Bureau of Exorcism HQ,

New Chrisland City.

In one of the hospital wards, a young girl with enormous boobs, black lustrous hair and bright white skin was seen laying unconscious on her designated bed. Heavy medical equipment and drips were connected to her body, alongside a large amount of bandage, wrapped across her head.

Beside her was none other than Adam, staring earnestly at her, constantly hoping for her awakening. The girl in topic was obviously Adam's younger sister and only remaining family member, Stella Ackerman.

Subtly staring at his unconscious sister, he whispered to himself "Please, you can't die… Wake up!", vigorously smacking his head.

When all hope was lost, the girl suddenly sneezed signifying her consciousness. This sudden sneezed couldn't obviously escape Adam's attention, as his saddened mood slowly got elated with relief and joy. Her closed eyes began to open and her weakened limbs twitched, showing forms of movement.

Immediately, her eyes were greeted by the sight of the hospital ceiling, gravely confusing the poor little girl. Her vision was still blurry, as she tried ascertain her exact location. Trying to get back to her feet's, she was held back by the drips and equipment which were connected to her body. As she went in struggling, her gloomy eyes clashed with that of Adam, who earnestly watched her.

Trying to picture the figure she was staring at properly, she stuttered " A.. Adam!" clarifying her suspicions.

" Stella!" Adam replied, quickly embracing his newly awakened sister.

"Adam!" She stuttered, almost bursting into tears.

"I thought I'd die" She added, sulking on her brother's shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you!" He worriedly commented, tightly clasping towards himself.

"I'm glad you didn't die" He calmly said, slightly smiling with joy.

After their brief emotional moment, Adam released his little sister from their intense hug fest, allowing the young girl to relax comfortably on her bed.

"How and when did I get here?" She slowly inquired, sadly staring at her brother.

"What was the last thing you remember?" He sternly asked as his lightened demeanor automatically changed to it's usual state.

"Umm, I guess that would be when the S-grade Prime grabbed my head and was about to smash it like Jason's" She answered, obviously struggling to recollect her fogey memories.

"So, what happened?" He inquired, staring earnestly at his little sister.

"I mean, you're head is obviously intact… So what happened?" He promptly added.

"He saved me… He risked his life to save me" She subtly replied.

"Who?" He confusedly stared.

"Jeremy" She promptly replied.

"Hmm, I see" He said, slowly getting lost in his thoughts.

"That would explain why he was badly beaten up" He thought to himself while he softly stroked his chin.

"Where is he?" She worriedly inquired, wearily staring straight at Adam.

"Huh?" He blurted, returning to his senses.

"Jeremy, is he okay?" She worriedly asked.

"He's fine.. In fact, unlike you and Yongje, he seems totally fine, which is kind of disturbing. He's healing factor is tremendously insane…. With the amount of damage he incurred, it will take at least two weeks for a normal Exorcist of Tier Three or Four to completely heal and yet it took him a couple of hours" He sternly explained.

"So, where is he?" She solemnly asked, with a slight sense of relief engraved in her eyes.

"If I'm correct… he's with Xavier, obviously trying to get stronger" He answered, wearing a slight frown.

"Oh, okay….What about Yongje?" She inquired, earnestly staring at Adam, who was currently in thoughts.

"He has already regained consciousness, but for some reason he doesn't want to see anyone" He promptly replied.

Right after Adam replied, the entire room fell into silence, with the siblings wearing gloomy expression while they got in their respective thoughts.

"I want to tell you something!" Both of them simultaneously exclaimed, interrupting the other.

"You go first!" They continued their simultaneous chatter, confusing the other.

"Sorry, you go first" Adam apologized, earnestly staring at his little sister.

"No..no, you can go first" She promptly rejected, frantically waving her hands.

Taking a deep breath, he glared at his sister " I think you should quit being an Exorcist!" He stoically said.

Hearing this, Stella's already damaged psyche completely fell apart, as she stared at her cold brother with sad, pitiful eyes.

"W…. What?" She confusedly stuttered with weary eyes.

"I don't.." He tried to explained before he immediately got interrupted.

"Why?" She sadly inquired, breaking into tears.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to see you get hurt for any reason... I won't forgive myself If you'd die" He sadly commented.

"Please….I don't want to" She hopelessly begged.

"I'm sorry but you have to quit" He replied staring at the floor, obviously trying not to make eye contact.

"Please.." She continued to beg, burying her face into her palms.

"Stella, I hate seeing you like this…. Please stop it" He said, smacking his head in frustration and disappointment.

"I know that I'm not as strong as you to take of myself, but please, I don't want to quit being an Exorcist…. I really want to be strong" She exclaimed as tears ran down her eyes, soiling her dress.

Seeing his sister's current emotional state, Adam couldn't bare it as he hurriedly embraced her tightly, "I'm sorry !" He softly said with an unusually caring demeanor.

"This is all because of me…. You want to be strong and I want to protect you, I don't know what do now" He commented, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Wait a minute, what did you want to tell me" He promptly inquired.

Hearing her brothers question, she slowly eased up, cleaning her eyes while sniffling as Adam broke his grip on her.

"I wanted to tell you to train me, so I could become stronger. If I was a little bit stronger, I wouldn't get hurt by that Prime and you wouldn't have to worry about me all the time" She responded.

"Is that so?" He inquired, wearing a slight smirk while he shook his head.

"Damnit, if you had talked before me all this wouldn't have happened" He added.

"What do you mean?" She confusedly inquired.

"If I train you to be stronger, promise me you won't get hurt again… Promise me you won't die!" He sternly exclaimed, wearing a more serious demeanor.

Hearing her brother's words, her saddened mood slowly got elated with joy and excitement. Without any form of hesitation, she cheerfully replied "Yes… Yes, I promise you!".

"Good enough for me. Once you're discharged, we'll begin"

"Thank you…Thanks you so much!" She cheerfully commented, wearing a warm smile.

"You're welcome!" He replied, suddenly wearing a cheery smile.

Unlike his usual scowl, it was a weird occurrence for Adam actually smile. One could clearly feel the happiness, joy and sense of relief beaming out of his Adam's face.

"Whoa!" Stella commented, obviously surprised by the fact that her elder brother was actually smiling.

"What's wrong?" He confusedly inquired, staring solemnly at a presently confused Stella.

"You smiled. Ever since Mom and Dad died, you haven't actually smiled"

"Is that so?"

"You should smile more often , it looks good on you"

"I'll think about it!"


Abandoned Sector 9


Loud violent noises could be heard originating from Xavier's handpicked training site. By the looks of it, one couldn't actually say Jeremy was currently training as he was just leaping around, trying to furiously tag Xavier. Each attack the young lad delivered would either be dodged effortlessly or countered easily, there by annoying the young Exorcist.

"Shit, he's not even trying. I'm sure he's just toying with me like some kind of action figure!" Jeremy thought to himself, earnestly glaring at Xavier who was currently wearing a sadistic smirk.

"Come on Mate, is that all you've got!" Xavier mockingly exclaimed while performing a weird foot work dance.

"Damnit!" Jeremy cursed, clenching his fists tightly, as his body got shrouded in a brilliant looking Aura of Negative energy.

"Even if he hasn't landed an actual blow on me, there's no doubt about it, he's definitely improved!" Xavier thought to himself while staring at an annoyed Jeremy.

At the same time his body got engulfed with Negative energy, his applied a technique which caused his muscles and veins to bulge, increasing his muscular strength and structure. He was currently looking like he had been in a gym for at least two months.

"Physical Maximization…. Plus Negative energy Amplification…. result Fatality!" Jeremy said, dashing at Xavier with an insane amount of speed.

"By implementing both techniques, he's able to exceed his body's limiting point, increasing his physical strength by at most, sixty percent…. What a magnificent sight to see!" Xavier thought to himself as he easily blocked Jeremy fiery right punch with his hand.

"Too bad, I blocked your attack" Xavier cheerfully commented.

"Tsk… I'm not done!" Jeremy furiously exclaimed, obviously confusing Xavier.

"What?" Xavier said as he noticed that Jeremy threw his left fist behind himself, making a roundabout turn for Xavier's blind spot.

"Impressive, the amount of flexibility needed to pull off this kind of feint trick is simply unreal, due to the fact that it places a huge strain on your sacral vertebrae and collar bones!" Xavier explained with delight, easily catching Jeremy's fist before it landed. The young Lad's fist were now twisted in a crossed manner, causing him pain.

"What now, I know you still have another trick up your sleeves…. Huh?" Xavier commented as he noticed that Jeremy forcefully wounded himself up, reverting Xavier's 'pretzel' lock on him, ultimately freeing himself from Xavier's grip.

"That's impressive!" He thought to himself, commending Jeremy's display of athleticism.

Performing a classic split, which utterly spike Xavier's interest causing him to look down, Jeremy instantly sprang back to his feet with intents of delivering an uppercut with his left hand.

"Whoa, you just impressed me!" Xavier commented, obviously dodging Jeremy's uppercut.

Apparently, the uppercut wasn't the only thing Jeremy delivered. He also sent a furious right punch at Xavier's chest and due to the extreme proximity between them, Xavier couldn't technically evade the attack.

Despite the fact that, Xavier didn't block or evade the attack, he wasn't even moved by it, causing Jeremy to fall into an abyss of confusion. The frustrated lad soon noticed something strange. Jeremy noticed that his hand easily went through Xavier's body as if it was water. Soon, Jeremy lost his balance, falling right through Xavier's body, gravely shocking the male youth.

"What the hell was that?" Jeremy confusedly inquired.

"It was nothing…. The fact is… I'm Intangible!"