
Arcane Exorcist

Yin and Yang, Order and Disorder, Life and Death, The Universal Equation of Balance. My world was once in Balance, until it came, The Arcane Drift. A massive flare of Mana flowed through Earth, giving birth to The Arcane Prime, soul like entities formed from pure Arcane energy. Humanity was devastated, as half of earth's population were wiped out due to Mana toxicity. The Half left behind were soon preyed on by The Prime's. We couldn't defend ourselves, as Humanity brought down to it's knees. Decades Later, we had a breakthrough. Humans, who were once preys, instantly became predators. The Hunted became the Hunter. Despite the fact we couldn't wield Arcane, we found other means to defend ourselves. By drawing power from Yin Yang Force Factor, Humans finally had the upper hand, as they went into all out war against The Primes.

David_Volpir · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Bad Luck [III]

"Shit, I'm so gonna regret this!" Adam whispered, immediately driving the Limo, heading into the City, at full speed.


Abandoned Sector 2,

Outskirts New Chrisland City.

A black Camry styles car was seem driving through the wrecked roads of the abandoned sector. Inside the car, were a total of five people with one of them being a Middle aged man while the Latter's were a group teenage. This group were obviously Jeremy's Squad and their Driver, Mr. Thomas.

"What's the mission?" Jeremy curiously inquired, staring at Mr. Tom.

"There's a report of a Horde of Fire-Class Grade-E Primes, so the missions is to eradicate them as quick as possible!" Thomas promptly answered, slowly pulling up by an abandoned parking lot.

"Alright then, let's do this!" Jeremy excitedly exclaimed, exiting the car.

Immediately everybody in the car, alighted it, curiously staring around their environment obviously searching for Primes.

"Where are they?" Yongje impatiently complained, glaring at Thomas.

"Please be patient. According to the report, we are in the perfect location to intercept them…. It'll just take sometime!" Thomas replied, awkwardly caressing his hair.

"Hmn-Hmn!" Yongje snorted, walking away from Thomas.

After a brief moment I'd waiting, they were accosted by the Horde of Primes that they've been waiting for.

"Finally!" Yongje said, unsheathing his reclaimed Katana .

"Alright guys, let's f**k these shits up!" Jason brightly exclaimed, colliding his fists together in the process, igniting his fists with Cosmic flames. These special flames had a more bright ember glow than the normal flames, making them far more destructive and hotter.

Seeing the incoming threat, Jeremy simply extended his right hand and like magic, the Exorcize tool which Xavier gave him, slowly appeared out of thin air. He casually waved the double blade staff around, making it dance around his body.

"I'm ready!" Jeremy exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Stella on the other hand, slowly manipulated the light around her, forming an energy staff construct. Immediately, she took a simple martial art stance, earnestly glaring at the Fire-Primes.

"I can do this!" She thought to herself, tightening her grip on her staff.

"Alright guys, this is the plan…. Jeremy and Stella, I want you attack the Horde from the Left and Right flanks!" Jason yelled with an authoritative tone.

"Cool!" Jeremy answered, wearing a maniacal grin.

"Yongje… Yongje!" Jason exclaimed as he noticed that the stoic Asian kid has already engaged the Primes in combat.

Since the Primes were Fire-Class, they had the ability to manipulate Fire. As they saw Yongje dashing towards them, they immediately spewed pure fire from their mouths.

"So predictable!" Yongje thought to himself, simply sliding underneath the attack.

Immediately it died down, he leaped into the air, gathering a large amount of Natural energy, forming a fiery aura of Ambient energy construct around his blade.

"Eat this!" Yongje exclaimed as he collided with the ground with his energized Katana.

Plunging the Katana into the ground, released an omnidirectional wave Ambient energy which in turn, killed a decent number of Primes, destroying their Mana source in the process. The Earth around him didn't go unscathed, as it immediately got pulled up and scorched by his attack. Seeing that he was still fixed to the ground, The rest of the Horde immediately attacked, flocking around him, releasing a decent amount of Fire. They soon discovered that their attacks weren't connecting with his body for some reason.

It then dawned on the Primes that Yongje erected a barrier around himself, right before their attack. Deactivating the barrier which had a bright Pink color, he launched himself at the Primes, engaging them into close quarter combat. One by one, he brutally drove his blade into the Primes that surrounded him, slicing through them with low difficulty.

"Shit, We've gotta help him!" Jason exclaimed, dashing towards the battlefield with Jeremy and Stella by his side.

Thomas did nothing but watch the ongoing battle between the squad of Tier-One Exorcist and Grade-E Fire-Class Primes.

"This should be fun!" He thought to himself, maniacally stroking his chin.

"Jeremy, left…. Stella, right… I'll take down the Leader Prime!" Jason said as levitated into the air, flying towards the Leader of the Horde which was stood idly behind the battle. At super speed, he flew at the beast, delivering a solid fiery fist to it's face, causing it to bleed while flying meters away from the battle site.

After settling down, The Prime rushed back at Jason, delivering a fiery fist of it's own. Moments later, the Prime found itself in fiery fist fight with Jason, with Jason dominating the fight.

Meanwhile, Jeremy and Stella had finally gotten to work with the Primes, brutally cutting them down, one by one. The Technique they used were practically similar, given the fact it was also similar with a move that Adam had used before. This was because, both of them were trained by Adam himself. The only difference was that Stella was more fluid and nimble than Jeremy.

"Alright, I'm try it now!" Jeremy thought to himself, as he raised his tool in the air.

Suddenly, it got engulfed in a massive Aura of Negative energy. The aura was slowly increasing I'm power and also became unstable. "Take this you Bastards!" Jeremy exclaimed, driving his staff into the ground, releasing an immense omnidirectional wave of Negative energy, completely destroying the Horde that surrounded him.

Compared to Yongje's previous wave, Jeremy's wave was completely superior and destructive, shocking Thomas who inspected the fight.

"That kid is just a Low level Tier-One, but what he just pulled off is far more stronger than even Low level and Mid Level Tier two Exorcist!" He thought to himself as he gasped in awe.

Seeing what Jeremy just did, Stella gritted her teeth's while she adjusted her glasses, also tightening her grip on her staff construct, "Augmented Technique: Reflective Dance!" She whispered.

She instantly vanished, shocking the Primes she was up against. Out of the blues, a bright blue of light suddenly appeared and disappeared, wickedly piercing and tearing apart the Primes, one by one. After a couple of minutes of complete brutality, the blur of light disappeared while Stella reappeared in her previous location. The move she just pulled off, drastically eliminated a great number of the enemies forces.

"That Girl might seem weak, timid and shy…. But she's definitely supposed to be a Tier Two Exorcist" He thought to himself, staring earnestly at Busty teenage girl.

Seeing that their mates were killed, the remaining Primes instinctively back away from Jeremy and Stella, but was greeted by Yongje, who wasted no time, in decapitating them and taking out their Mana source.

"I guess we're done!" Jason said, walking towards his comrades with a dark crimson colored crystal in his hand. His body was covered in a black gooey substance which signified the Primes Mana core/ Source.

Wasting no further time, he smashed the core with nothing but brute strength, as he casually strolled through the deteriorating Prime corpse.

"That settles it, These kids are definitely getting promoted. Even if those primes were just Grade-E, the way they effectively executed them was genius!" He thought to himself, giggling his car keys in his fingers.


Saint Stephens Diner,

New Chrisland City.

Xavier and Elena were seen casually sitting at an extremely fancy table, patiently waiting to be served. As Elena took a sip of her wine which she was served earlier, she noticed Xavier's awkward expression.

"What is it?" She politely inquired, releasing a slight giggle.

"Nothing, I'm just admiring you!" Xavier replied, awkwardly staring at Elena.

"Awwn, thank you" Elena commented, obviously blushing.

"By the way, are you sure those kids are safe?" She promptly inquired.

"Well, not a hundred percent but I think they'll be fine. Thomas is with them and besides, I'm tracking their energy signature.. So, in case anything happens, I'll immediately know!" He boasted.

"Alright then, let's hope nothing happens!" Elena cheerfully said.

Jeremy's Location,

Abandoned Sector 2.

The crew were seen in their car, heading back to The Bureau's HQ.

"Fantastic work guys. How bout I treat you guys to dinner!" Thomas excitedly commented.

"Yes, please… I am starving!" Jeremy exclaimed, tapping his stomach.

"That'd be great Tom, thanks a lot!" Jason hurriedly appreciated the offer.

"There's need to thank me, you guys deserve it. The way you handle those Primes, was absolutely flawless….. except the time that Yongje rushed in on his ow….." Thomas said as the car suddenly halted.

Soon, they fell under the influence of an immensely wicked energy pressure, which induces fear into their body.

"No-no-no-no, shit, I jinxed it…. I fvckin jinxed it!" Thomas cursed, slamming his fist on the steering.

"What the hell is that?" Jeremy frightfully inquired, staring Tom for answers.

"We're gonna die!" Thomas angrily exclaimed.

"What…. What…. What do you mean?" Jeremy further inquired.

"That thing…. Is.. a Special Grade Prime!" Thomas frightfully exclaimed, prompting everyone to exit the vehicle.

As they alighted the car, they clearly saw what was going on in the distance. A massive Demon-Class Prime was brutally murdering Exorcist, by slashing them into two, devouring their organs and drinking their blood on the process.

The Prime was three times taller than an average male and appeared stronger than a dozen muscularly built men. It had a long black hair, razor sharp talons, bright crimson glowing eyes and mouths, alongside, a bony and muscular exoskeleton which was completely covered in blood.

In both it's hands were the heads of two humans, with one of them a male while the latter a female. The male was missing his eyes, nose and fleshy face while the female was missing her skull and brain.

It wasn't long when the Special Grade Prime noticed Thomas and the crew, staring at it from the distance. It immediately roared at them, signifying that they are next on it's meal.

"Thomas….. Thomas, what do we do?" Jason frightfully inquired, tapping the Middle aged man on his back.
