Whatever it is. Can you believe this? Even at the end of the tunnel, there is a way, but it is not sure that it is the right one, and the future, be that as it may, in this life or the birth of a god? Or is it just our imagination playing with us? Or not?
It took some time before I reached the waterfall, I was already running with all my might towards the forest, I had to get there, I have to bring Yoriko's father home safely because otherwise I wouldn't be able to look her in the eyes and I don't want to see Yoriko break down, it's bad to even think about it, it won't happen, no way.
Unknown Bandit: - You see, this is what happens if you don't pay your debt, old man.
Another Bandit: - Why did we have to take this old man with shabby clothes instead of the girl? She was much cuter.
Unknown Bandit: - Shut up, we will always collect what you owe us, if we don't succeed, we will do it in another way.
I got to the middle of the forest, then I climbed a fairly big tree, which was slightly bigger than the others, looking for Yoriko's father or the bandits' location. I spotted a sufficiently loaded campfire and 5 or so bandit-like figures next to it, I deduced this because of their covered faces. I also spotted a huge tent out of the corner of my eye just as I think the person I'm looking for will be there, so I just hope...
What kind of idiots they are, that they are discussing their plans right in the middle of the forest, where anyone can go, although it doesn't matter much to me, but at least I can get there in the back, preferably inconspicuously. I was able to crawl in with success, as I looked at a couple of people kidnapped, but almost only children and women, among the elderly I only spotted Yoriko's father, who was currently talking to one of the prisoners.
Mizeya: - Good evening or early morning?
Shimazu: - It's the voice, but not.
Mizeya: - But it's me, Uncle Shimazu.
He looked at me and then hugged me.
Shimazu: - Is everything alright with Yoriko?
Mizeya: - At the moment, Yasuha and I are waiting for us.
Shimazu: - That's good, but kid, you shouldn't have come here, turn back before it's too late...
Mizeya: - I can't do that, I promised Yoriko that I would take you back.
Shimazu: - Not then, I won't drag you into danger with me.
Mizeya: - Well, we could just go home.
Shimazu: - I can't leave the others here, there are children and women here too.
I thought about what I could do in this situation, maybe I could get them out of there too, but how? Think Mizeya, think, I have no idea, I can't do this without a fight, I'll have to.
Mizeya: - Uncle Shimazu, I have an idea.
Shimazu: - Tell me, my child.
Mizeya: - The children and women would run away quickly while the bandits outside are talking.
Shimazu: - How?
Mizeya: - Where I came from, I will distract them until then.
Shimazu: - Don't do it, my son, you would just kill yourself, is there no other solution?
Mizeya: - I'm afraid there isn't.
Shimazu: - Then I'll stay here with you until the others run away.
He was here with me until the last child also ran away, although they noticed them, I heard from outside, at least 2 of them wanted to run after them, but I stood in their way and when they saw the huge sword attached to my back, they became a little shy in front of me. Unfortunately, one of them caught a woman who was saving her child so that at least he could be saved.
Shimazu: - Let her go.
One of the bandits walks up to him and starts beating him with his fists, then Yoriko's father, falling to the ground, starts kicking him, coughing up blood, looking at me and just saying that.
Shimazu: - Run.
Unknown bandit: - Shut up, you're lucky I won't kill you, then they wouldn't give you anything.
I couldn't see clearly from anger, so I ran at them carelessly with the sword I could barely lift. Despite all my efforts, I couldn't get my sword out, I received a huge blow at one point of my neck, which almost made me lose consciousness, presumably one of the bandits was rushing towards Uncle Shimazu, but he felt his ankle under the grip of my teeth and jaw.
Unknown bandit: - Agwwh, This damn kid.
He kicked me with all his strength and then started to line my ribs, which made me cough up blood, I thought I was going to suffocate, I tried to stand up, but they hit me in the stomach with more blows, which made me vomit blood mixed with saliva against my will, which this body couldn't handle from so many blows already, thanks to this I passed out.
Unknown bandit: - Tie up the child too.
Before I woke up, I noticed a strange vision, This is the boy who was swinging that huge sword in the darkness. Look at me, he said a few words to me.
Boy: - It's okay if you can't lift your sword while it's with you, it will help, just try to understand how that huge blade feels right now.
He pointed to the sword, and before I woke up I saw him smiling at me, but not at me, but rather at his gift attached to my back.
Mizeya: - How does a sword feel? I don't understand, it's too high for me.
I've been trying to understand what that means, but I've come up with nothing, how does a sword feel? It's just an object, not a living thing, it has no soul...
I open my eyes, but every part of my body started to hurt, as if I had been working out all day, what does this feel like? I feel my body much easier, I can move them much better than before, it's interesting.
Shimazu: - I see you have woken up, take a good look around, quite a lot has happened since you fainted.
Yoriko's father and the captured woman who was caught were tied up, along with me. But what was I thinking, I was barely 14 years old, what could I do against a punishing team, all by myself... I shouldn't be thinking about that now, but how all three of us could get out. I look at Uncle Shimuza and the woman, then tell them the plan to solve our situation.
Mizeya: - Any ideas?
Shimazu: - We don't have much of a chance anymore, especially since they tied our legs.
Mizeya: - And for you, lady?
Female prisoner: - Just call me Ichika, young man.
As the three of us talked like this, we still managed to come up with a plan, which I didn't believe was the first time, especially after they beat me and Shimazu, but it seems that there is a solution to every problem, you just have to approach the current situation perfectly and with a properly prepared plan, anything is possible. We heard that a chariot is coming for us at noon tomorrow, on which they will buy us up, so they want to sell us as slaves, there is still time. They change each other every 1 hour during our observation until then we have to take the rope off our legs, which we untie with a knife from my pocket, so after that, we thought of the next thing, we just wait for the moment of the change, as soon as the other one leaves, all three of us do it pushing him up, so Uncle Shimazu and Ichika can escape, and I catch myself again since I'm quite agile, I can escape under the tent as I came here, I just have to distract the guard.
Shimazu: - Isn't that a bit risky? Kid.
Mizeya: - I'll fix it, just run away, you know where to find Yoriko.
Ichika: - You are a very brave young man, thank you on behalf of my son.
We waited for a while for the next 1 hour to pass, we were perfectly prepared. Everything went as I had imagined, we waited for the change, one guard went out, the other came, we messed with them, they managed to escape, and I stayed here, as the plan required, although there was a mistake, they were caught by another bandit, another? Was there another one? Damn, I didn't count on 1 more hiding in the trees.
Unknown bandit: - You didn't believe that either? Did you think we were just a simple band of looters? We are assassins, such a poorly executed plan, it doesn't work, although the old man managed to escape, so I congratulate you, but that's the end of it.
I didn't expect this at all, he grabs Ichika by the hair and starts kicking her in the stomach, they started to line me up again, where I could, I was hit in the face, sometimes in the stomach, and I could barely stay conscious, it hurts, why do I have to endure so much pain? I just watched helplessly as Ichika was beaten on the ground.
Unknown bandit: - What's up kid? Won't you cry? Right? Right? If I were you, I'd be in despair, start worrying because we're going to beat her to death in front of you, watch it carefully.
They stripped the woman and began to tear her skirt and blouse.
Mizeya: - Your fucking mother, you rat.
One of their members, held me down, but somehow I pushed him up and bit him on the shoulder, which caused me to get such a blow on the chin that I immediately passed out, would that be the end? Am I going to die here? I couldn't save even one woman?
Boy: - Get up, get up Mizeya!
The mysterious boy appeared again, now I can see his eyes too, that pair of blue shining eyes full of sadness, full of feelings, perfectly connected to his sword, unlike me.
Boy: - You have to get up, but now, you can't let down the woman who needs your help.
Mizeya: - What can I do? I am completely helpless against them, I am just a child.
He comes to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, smiling at me.
Boy: - I know what you are capable of, I believe in you, I put all my faith in you.
What can I do to save her, someone help me, I said to myself with a horrified face.
Boy: - Belief in yourself, you may not be able to do it, but that's not a reason to give up.
He hands me his sword and says the following.
Boy: - I know it's not much, but now I see the need for it, use my sword, but be careful, because your body is not yet able to absorb the full power of your sword, because of this you are not even able to lift it.
Mizeya: - But then, it won't work with this sword either.
Boy: - Grab the blade.
I hold his sword in my hand, wait, it's much easier than mine, much lighter.
Boy: - You can only use it once, be careful because it disappears afterward.
Mizeya: - But how?
Boy: - You can do it with this technique, I wanted to show you later, but I have to do it now because of the occasion.
He whispered the name of this technique in my ear.
Boy: - Howl the technique that even the sky is afraid of, the terror and the endurance of a pack of wolves in the moonlight, which splits the blade of this blade, Howl then, MIZEYA!
I immediately got up from the ground, and with his sword in my hand, I can already feel that I can do it.
The clouds in the sky split in two in a 10km radius, and the ground where I struck the sword was released, cutting half the gang in half, I took the woman's hand and we started running.
I can feel the weight of the sword in my small arms decrease, which the boy said disappeared almost immediately...