

#A SPACER STORY NOT OWNED BY ME I JUST WANTED TO SHARE IT SINCE IRT HAS BEEN ROTTING AFTER SPACER SITE WAS SHUT I WASNT ABLE TO CONTACT HIM SO IF HE CONTACTS ME I WILL REMOVE IT. # This is a sexual related story with lot of sublissive type of scenes so if not in to it dont bother. This is a story of character ryan who without his knowledge is being pranked for april fool by hyping the college babe by jack ( so called friend) that she is a submissive. check how the twist happens and his life turns upside down in sexual way

novelist101 · สมจริง
57 Chs


Ryan kicked back on the sofa with his hands behind his head. He was savoring the joy of his new life. He didn't have any specific thoughts in mind, but just let the enormity of everything that had happened repeatedly wash over him.

Wanting to take advantage of the situation, Monica moved in closer and started lapping on his sweet spot while stroking the rest of his cock. She wanted to do more to his fat pole, but she sensed the time wasn't right, given the talk of going down to the party.

Ryan lightly held Monica's head while she licked him. Aaaah! This is the life! It's exactly like Jack said it would be, but better. I don't know if Kate really had a secret crush on me already, since she seemed pretty shocked and even unhappy when I first arrived. But he was spot-on that she's secretly submissive, and it's obvious that she was waiting for someone like me to come along. I really need to thank him! He's such a great guy, doing that for me when he hardly even knows me.

Except I'll bet even he would be surprised, because now I've got Kate PLUS Erin and Monica too! And they're total BABES! Just look at Kate and Erin talking to each other. Completely naked! Phew! Could their bodies be any more perfect? True, Kate's tits are a little larger, and maybe her face is a little more stunning and sultry. Plus, I like her blonde hair. But that's just quibbling. Erin is ridiculously fit AND voluptuous too!

He looked down at Monica, who was already staring back up at him as she lapped on his cock. She had his cock pointed straight up so she could lick on his sweet spot and make eye contact with ease. And then there's Monica. Whoa, it's unnerving how she looks so intently into my eyes as she does that, but it's kind of cool. It shows she's carefully watching my face to check for signs of what I like the most. But I like everything she does to my dick the most! Gaawwwd! And she's a total babe too! Sure, she's short, but what's wrong with that? She's just a smaller and darker version of the other two. So fucking fit and voluptuous too!

Is life really this awesome for all big-cocked guys?! It can't be. For one thing, there's only one Kate on campus, and it's obvious that no well-hung guy got to her before I did, and she's been here two years already. The same must go for Erin and Monica. I guess I'm just really lucky, thanks to Jack's inside scoop!

As he looked over at Kate's cummy tits and face again, he thought over his plan to seduce the other girls on the third floor. Too bad they don't like that idea. But is it because it's a bad idea, or they just don't want to share me? Probably the latter! I mean, if I could seduce Kate, Erin, AND Monica with my big dick in less than two hours, I should be able to seduce anybody! Right? At least it's worth a try. I should go downstairs to the party and find Brandy or Jordan. It's probably best to avoid Nancy for now, since she seems like trouble. But what's the harm of just kind of showing off my boner to the other two and see how they react?

I've been keeping my special endowment a secret from everyone. It's not like I had a chance to get it on with any girls at home anyway, with my crazy parents watching me like a hawk. I've spent the past month getting settled in to college life, and now I'm settled, so it's time to finally start living life!

A thought occurred to him as he pondered the mysterious other residents of the third floor. Not wanting to distract Monica from her cock licking and stroking, he asked, "Um, Kate and Erin?"

They turned to him and smiled. "Yes?" they asked simultaneously. Then they did a double take, because they noticed how Monica was intently licking his cock. But both of them decided not to complain about it. That was the new normal now.

Kate in particular felt a jolt of arousal race up and down her spine. She didn't understand how she could be even more turned-on than jealous. But there was something inspiring about the intense and lusty look in Monica's eyes as she stared up into his eyes.

He asked, "There are six girls living on the third floor, each with their own singles, right?" Kate and Erin nodded.

"So why are there eight doors? Or did I miscount?"

Kate explained, "No, there are eight doors. One is to the balcony." Thinking about privacy issues, he asked, "Can just anybody use that?"

"In theory, yes, but in practice, no Kappa girl goes to the third floor unless they're invited up. It's like of a special status thing."

Erin pointed out, "Plus, the door before the stairs leading up to this floor is almost always locked, and only the six of us have the key. Now that I think about it, how did you get past that door anyway? Who let you in?"

Ryan was wondering that himself. He couldn't have gotten into the KKG sorority without Jack's help, but Jack hadn't known he was going to be proactive and seek out Kate's room. He figured he just got lucky. He said, "I'll explain that later. But what you say is crucial, because that means we really only have to worry about the girls on this floor!"

Kate said, "Yeah, them, plus the girl directly below me. She's never complained, but she might be able to hear through the floor if we're really loud. But, to answer the rest of your question, the other door is for the bathroom."

He hadn't carefully looked around the room he was in, since he had much better things to look at in the form of the three busty beauties, but he was mildly surprised that Kate didn't have her own bathroom. He asked her, "You don't have a bathroom of your own?"

Kate's spoiled princess side came to the fore. She complained with indignation, "I know! Right? Isn't that outrageous?! Apparently, some of the previous presidents who get this room looked into getting them installed for this floor, but it seems there's some kind of plumbing or structural issue or some such bullshit. All six of us have to share just the one bathroom, like commoners!"

He was surprised and somewhat amused at her use of the word "commoner." He didn't know people actually used that in everyday speech, except maybe for actual royalty. It brought home just how privileged Kate thought she was, and almost certainly actually was. He thought about the dormitory he lived in, which had more in common with a housing project building than this sorority mansion. The idea of anyone in it having their own private bathroom was absurd. Nobody even had singles.

Erin could see the look on his face. She said, "You'll have to forgive Kate. Especially since Kate Middleton came along, she thinks she really is the Duchess of Cambridge."

Kate groused, "I do not!"

He asked, "So, is that how you're going to clean up, by going in there?"

Kate frowned. "Yeah, I've been thinking about that. True, it's only like ten feet away, but what if one of the other Kappas sees me on the way there?! Or worse, is in the bathroom when I get there?! What am I supposed to do, wear a hood and a mask?!"

He grinned as a naughty idea came to him. "That's a problem. Luckily, I have a solution. We're not in any rush to go downstairs, are we?"

"No, I suppose not," Kate responded. "We should leave soon, but as long as we don't scream or shout we should be alright. Why?"

"Because the obvious solution is that, while Monica is having fun with me, Erin should lick you clean first."

Kate's eyes bulged out and her jaw dropped. The seemingly permanent blush on her face had finally faded, but it came back in seconds. "But... but... NO! I don't swing that way!"

Erin looked just as surprised. But she was as overjoyed as Kate was distressed. YES! Awesome! I am soooo loving Ryan taking control of Kate!

His extreme arousal was giving him extreme confidence again. "No buts. Remember, you're one of my personal sluts now. 'No' shouldn't be in your vocabulary. Besides, I'm not asking you to go down on her."

Kate still looked pole-axed. "But... but... when Monica cleaned the cum off Erin, they totally got into it, kissing and fondling all over, and then they had big orgasms at the end!"

He responded, "That sounds like fun to me, but if you don't want to do that, you don't have to. It's up to you and Erin to work it out. But since we're all in agreement that what we're doing tonight is going to become a regular thing, the three of you are going to be swallowing and wearing my loads

regularly. Cum disposal is going to be a constant issue. Each of you should get used to licking my cum off your skin a lot."

Surprisingly, Kate didn't challenge that at all. Instead, she looked at Erin with a narrow gaze and wagged a finger at her. "I am NOT going to do any funny stuff! Is that clear? Cum licking only!"

Erin happily said, "Sure, whatever you want. But we'll have to get used to touching each other quite a lot, even in intimate places." She looked down significantly at all the cum still splattered on the top of Kate's great globes.

She didn't mind having Kate put some limitations on what they did together, since she was beyond delighted to be getting intimate with her at all. She hoped to make it a great and highly enjoyable experience for Kate so the blonde bombshell would be open to doing more further down the line.

Kate looked down at her own tits and realized Erin would have to be holding and even extensively licking her there. Her blush turned cherry red.

Ryan had another arousing thought. "Oh, but there is one thing. Erin, don't just eat all my cum yourself. It's time for Kate to start learning to love the taste of my seed. Now that she's one of my personal sluts, she's going to be sucking my cock pretty much every day, just like you will, often together. So make sure you feed as much cum into her mouth as you consume yourself."

He was taking a risk saying "just like you will, often together," since Erin's status was still undefined. He didn't think he could simply say she was going to be his personal slut too and make it so, as was happening with Kate, but he figured setting expectations would be good.

Erin didn't respond to that at all, and in fact she barely paid attention to that part, because she was so thrilled by the idea that she would be "forced" to feed cum into Kate's mouth. She knew that was a very intimate act with lots of potential. She thought, YESSSS! Yes, again! Ryan, I could just kiss you! Best idea EVER!

She had definitely enjoyed getting intimate with Monica, and she looked forward to doing more with her, but she didn't have a strong crush on Monica for a long time like she did with Kate. This was much more thrilling to her.

Daring to push her luck, she asked Ryan while staring at Kate's massive, cummy breasts with lusty eyes, "And should I slurp some of the cum into my own mouth, or should Kate do that?"

He hadn't thought about that, but the sexier choice was obvious. Acting as if Monica wasn't busy licking and stroking his cock and balls, he replied calmly, "Oh, definitely have Kate do it. Unless you're alone, it's kind of rude to eat the cum off your own skin. It's always better to share with my other sluts."

Erin was so delighted to hear that response that she wanted to tackle Kate to the floor and French kiss her while fondling her everywhere at once. She had to consciously keep her hands to herself, and try to control her heavy breathing.

Kate couldn't miss the excited and lusty look in Erin's eyes. Her blushing face frowned again. "I don't know... This is getting kind of weird."

He said, "It's not for you to know. Kate, now that you're one of my personal sluts, for most things, your life will be the same as ever. But when it comes to sex, you belong to me now. So don't fret about it.

The decision isn't up to you. In fact, there's no time like the present. Why don't you two come closer and kneel or sit on the floor right in front of me so I can get a good view? Then let's get started. Time is wasting!"

Kate fretted, Is he right?! Is that really how it's going to be?! He can't be right. He just can't. But I'm having some kind of a sexual breakthrough. I need to keep playing along with his craziness for a while.

Monica had been listening to every word while continuing to lick his erection and look up at his face with almost unnerving intensity. "Ryan?"

"Yeah?" He directed his attention back to her. He nearly swooned as he took in the sight of her naked, brown-skinned body, with her huge tits just in view. Even better was seeing his cock sticking straight up, with her face right behind it. He couldn't actually see her tongue lapping on his sweet spot, but he most definitely could feel it, and he was loving life! Her hands fondling his cock and balls were the icing on a very sweet cake.

Monica said as she stared up at him, "It sounds like those two are going to be cleaning for a while. There's so much cum on her face in particular that it could be a long while indeed! So... is now a good time for me to suck your cock for the very first time?"

That gave him goose bumps. It was a thrilling idea in and of itself, but he especially loved her "for the very first time" aside. That implied there would be many more blowjobs to come. He was struck speechless, and just nodded.

"YES!" She took both hands off his privates and pumped them into fists near her shoulders.

His delight soared still higher seeing her tremendous enthusiasm. He added, "Just so long as we can keep talking some. I've got more to say about going downstairs to the party."

Monica was already repositioning. "Fine! Talk all you want, but don't ask me to, because my mouth will be fucking jam-packed full of The Beast! ¡La GRAN Bestia!" ("The BIG Beast!")

While Ryan and Monica were talking, Kate and Erin were still standing face to face. They started quietly whispering to each other.

Kate asked uncertainly, "Are we really going to do this? All this... cummy cleaning?"

Erin replied as if asking such an obvious question was silly. "Of course we are. You belong to him now. It's like he said; you don't have any say in the matter."

Kate was still in shock and blushing. Hearing Erin agree with Ryan in such a casual way shook her up even more. "But... how did that happen?! Two hours ago-"

Erin was insistent. "Two hours ago was a lifetime ago. You're a different person now. You're a slut! You're HIS slut! You're his PERSONAL slut! The old Kate is dead and buried!"

"I know, but... it's just so much to take! I mean... it's humiliating! Utterly humiliating! I mean, ME! I'm not just anybody, you know."

Erin tried to comfort her while giving her no wiggle room whatsoever. "I know. You're special, very special. And now you have the very special privilege of being one of his personal sluts. How many girls on campus can say that? We don't know, but it can't be too many. After all, he's only been here a month."

Kate felt like she was falling down a rabbit hole, with her entire world turned upside down. "Erin, do you hear yourself? That's crazy talk! It's bad enough having to totally submit myself to him, but then having to share him with God knows how many others?! That's an outrage!"

Erin shrugged. "Yeah, but what'cha gonna do? Look at it the other way. There are ten thousand girls at this university, and only a handful get to submit to the biggest and best cock! Word about him hasn't gotten out yet. When it does, all the Kappa girls will envy you!"

"You think?" Kate was still distraught and blushing. She looked down at her amazing bust and caressed her G-cups from below. She couldn't help but think she should be doing better than having to share.

"I know. Besides, what does it matter what we think? Our duty is to serve and obey. Speaking of which, we'd better get on our knees and start eating cum or he'll be spanking BOTH of us tonight!" With that, Erin swiped at a cum gob right above the top of Kate's deep cleavage, and drew it into her mouth. She just couldn't resist, knowing what was about to come.

Erin certainly didn't agree with comments like "what does it matter what we think" or "our duty is to serve and obey." Her attitude hadn't changed much in the past two hours, and she thought that his entire personal slut conceit was total bullshit. However, she was willing to play along, because the potential benefits were so great.

She genuinely thought Kate would be much better off with Ryan controlling her and reshaping her personality. She could gain a very close friend if the "real" Kate could emerge from behind the mask. She also saw Ryan as the means to developing a sexual intimacy with Kate, and having Monica thrown in was a great bonus too. Furthermore, she loved having sex with Ryan. She hadn't even been fucked by him yet, but she knew it would be astounding, far better than any sex she'd had before.

Then there were the potential combinations. She already could envision countless foursomes with herself, Kate, Monica, and Ryan doing just about everything physically possible with each other. And that didn't even count Ryan's other (supposed) lovers. Judging by his three lovers in the room, he had great taste. Erin figured that soon she would have a sex life many times better than she ever thought possible!

Kate sighed in defeat and humiliation as she thought about getting spanked by Ryan. Deep down, she knew she would obey him even without that threat. I feel utterly helpless to resist him and I don't understand why! Just thinking about it is making me hotter than an oven! I mean, what an outrage, that a commoner like him could seriously think he could control me! Hrmph! I call bullshit. Erin doesn't know what she's talking about. I'm just playing along because it's all so extremely arousing. But tomorrow, everything will go back to normal.

The problem was that she didn't really believe that last thought. She was hooked and she knew it on some level. She tried not to think about it too much. Already, she was getting excited about the cum eating idea, if only because she needed to release her sexual desires somehow and Ryan's cock was going to be occupied for a while.

However, before she moved into position, she whispered extra quietly to Erin, "What about you? All the focus seems to be on me, but where do YOU stand? Are you his personal slut now too?!"

Erin seriously pondered that. Then she replied, "I don't know. I'm fighting it, for sure. But already I kind of feel that it's a done deal and I just haven't accepted it yet. So... to be honest... yes! I am!"

Those words startled Erin because she realized she wasn't just bullshitting Kate this time, she really meant it. She thought, Did I really just say that?! I guess I did! I certainly don't WANT to be his personal slut! No way! But the benefits are so incredibly great that how could I say no? On one hand, frequent sex with the four of us, orgies and orgasms beyond count and beyond description! And on the other hand, no sex, period, except with lame regular people. I'm still mostly straight, and after knowing how great Ryan's cock can be, no other cock will do! I imagine he's going to royally fuck my head off later tonight, and then it'll be a done deal. How can I say no to that? It's impossible!

That said, I haven't fallen for any of the hype, like it seems Kate is starting to do. That's actually good in her case. Let her bow to someone else for once in her life and actually mean it!

But I'll be happy to play along, enjoy the out-of-this-world sex, and not let his "personal slut" talk really affect me. Why not obey his commands when it means I'll get to do things like eating cum right off Kate's perfect naked body? It reminds me of when I was in the Girl Scouts and put up with all the rank and badge bullshit just so I could go on the outings and hang out with a great bunch of friends. Same deal here. I'll be his personal slut, but a pretend one!

She felt better after coming to a firm decision on that. She wondered what Monica would do. She guessed it wouldn't be long before Monica weighed the same pros and cons and came to the same decision to be a pretend one. She hoped that would be the case, because Monica added a lot to the group.

Kate was absolutely staggered to hear Erin state that she would be Ryan's personal slut soon as well, if she wasn't already. It ripped away her pretense that she was actually still in total control. That thrilled her beyond belief, and gave her goose bumps all over. It also took a load off her mind. She was feeling like she was truly going insane by accepting her new role as one of Ryan's personal sluts. But if Erin accepted that same role too, then it made it a much more reasonable and even logical thing to do.

That, in turn, made it all more real. She stared into space, amazed. My GOD! He's got Erin now too! This really is a done deal! My life HAS changed forever! I'm one of Ryan's personal sluts! HOLY FUCK! I really will be sucking his cock every day from now on. That's happening! That's an actual thing! And MORE! There will be titfuckings, and spankings, and lots of fuckings too! I can't even IMAGINE how incredible it'll feel to get fucked by him! Gaawwwd! This is so wrong, so fucked up, but so very, very arousing!

Unexpectedly, she took Erin's hand and pulled her along towards Ryan. She wanted to get started on the cum eating right away. She desired to suck his cock some more until he blew another heavy load all over her body, but she glanced at Monica and saw clearly that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

So eating his cum off Erin would have to tide her over for now.

Kate and Erin sat down on their asses with their legs crossed. They were so close that their bent knees touched each other, putting their huge racks so close their erect nipples nearly touched as well.

Erin could sense Kate's extreme arousal, and even her obvious cum hunger. She didn't waste time. She swept two fingers along the side of Kate's nose, since that's where the greatest concentration of cum still was, and then she held those fingers right in front of Kate's face.

The lusty and even starving look on Kate's face made her heart soar. She took those two fingers and fed them into Kate's mouth.

Kate sucked Erin's fingers clean with her lips as she'd just tasted the most delicious food on the planet. She moaned orgasmically, as if she was going to cum right then and there, and actually that wasn't far from the truth. But that was just for starters. Then she savored the cum on her tongue and rolled it around in her mouth, and moaned even louder.

The taste of Ryan's cum hadn't changed. In truth, it was rather bland. It was neither bitter nor sweet. But to Kate it tasted like the food of the gods because her attitude had changed. For starters, she was so extremely physically aroused that her entire body was trembling with desire. Already, she was having to actively resist the urge to cum at any moment. But more than that, the reality that she was one of Ryan's personal sluts now was rocketing around her brain. She simply couldn't wrap her head around that concept. It was so taboo, so thrilling, so extreme, so wrong, that she felt dizzy enough to seriously worry she could pass out.

She hadn't completely accepted her new role, not by a long shot. But that conflict, the battle between what was "right" and sheer lust, was part of what kept her gigantic tits heaving with excitement. As Jack had said, "The high and mighty like to be brought down low." In Kate's case, she hated it and loved it in nearly equal measure, and that kept her horny beyond belief.

At the same time Kate and Erin were getting started with their cum eating, Ryan had just told Monica she had his permission to suck his cock.

Unlike Kate and Erin, Monica hadn't given much thought about the long-term future. She felt her deal to act as Ryan's sex slave for the evening had freed her from such worries. She already knew she wanted to continue having sex with Ryan in some form (and hopefully Kate and Erin too!), but she would deal with tomorrow tomorrow. She was very good at living in the moment, and right now that's what she was doing.

All her thoughts were focused on sucking Ryan's cock. She'd been very frustrated that the other two got to suck him while she could only watch. Now that her turn had come, she began to have second thoughts. Even though he'd just given her the go-ahead, she simply stared at the cock in her hands. She wasn't even stroking it.

He saw the worried look on her face, and asked her, "What's wrong?"

Monica huffed, "What's wrong? What's wrong?! That's easy for you to say! You're not contemplating sticking your entire foot in your mouth!"

He said, "Come on. That's impossible. Nobody's cock is as big as that."

She grumbled, "Maybe not, but yours is damn close! May I remind you that I'm just a teeny tiny little girl!" She took her hands off his boner and sat up higher. She ran her hands up and down her sides to show off her size. Somehow, her hands ended up on her E-cup tits and she hefted them up while continuing to stare at him with intense bedroom eyes.

He said, "You're small, but you're not 'teeny tiny.' God, just look at your tits! They're absolutely enormous! They're practically the size of two separate people right there!"

She laughed. "No they're not!"

"Okay, maybe not. But they practically look as big as Kate's!" That was true, in a proportional sense.

Monica pouted, "Yeah, but how does that help me suck you? Those two are almost six feet tall. I'm five feet even. Let's do the math. One divided by six is seventeen percent. That means I'm nearly twenty percent smaller all over, including my mouth! I saw how they were suffering and crying. Crying actual tears from struggling with your sheer size! How the hell am I going to manage this?! Can I fit The Beast all the way in and even suck it on top of that?! ¡Ni madre!"

He didn't know that "ni madre" meant "definitely no," but he could guess the general gist well enough.

He didn't know what to do or say. Although he was acting in a dominating fashion, he considered himself a nice guy. He was pushy because he was operating from the "porn logic" assumption that all three girls were sexually submissive and would be happier having lots of hot sex with a dominant man. But he didn't want to force Monica to do something she might really hate doing.

Erin had just fed some of Ryan's cum into Kate's mouth for the very first time. And as much as they both loved that experience, with Kate in particular teetering on the edge of a big orgasm, they heard the obvious distress in Monica's voice, and they were concerned. It wasn't hard to miss since they'd positioned themselves so close to Ryan they could touch his nearest leg, which meant they could touch Monica's bare back too.

At first, they tried to ignore what Ryan and Monica were saying and doing.

After Kate swallowed down the cum Erin had fed her, Kate swept up another thick wad of cum from the other side of her nose and fed that into Erin's mouth. She was surprised at how very arousing that was. She'd loved sucking Ryan's cum off Erin's fingers, but she thought that was because of her great desire to suck his cock, and this was a poor substitute for the real thing. But she found she loved having Erin suck on her fingers nearly as much.

Erin loved it even more. She wasn't that big on the taste of Ryan's cum, since her senses hadn't been distorted by her feelings to the extent that Kate's had. But the joy of sucking on two of Kate's fingers in a blatantly erotic manner more than made up for that. She stared into Kate's eyes with wanton desire as her tongue licked Kate's fingers clean in her mouth, and Kate stared back with lusty intensity too. (In Kate's case, she thought that was because she was so very horny in general, but a lot of it was actually directed towards Erin specifically.)

However, this intense bonding experience was marred by the fact that they could hear Monica talk as easily as if Monica was speaking into their ears, and they could hear Monica's worry about Ryan's penis size growing to serious alarm.

Once Erin licked Kate's fingers clean, she nodded towards Monica's naked body and whispered, "We should probably help her out, don't you think?"

Kate hated being interrupted. She had been afraid of the cum eating task, especially because she feared she might "turn lesbian" if she got carried away doing it. In fact, she was starting to really enjoy it already, so much so that she didn't want to stop. But she whispered back, "Yeah, I guess we should."

The two stone cold foxes repositioned. Kate knelt just outside Ryan's left leg, clinging to it with her hefty boobs resting on it, while Erin did the same to his right.

Erin put a sympathetic hand on Monica's back, just as she had done to Kate earlier. She tenderly asked, "Hey, Monica, how are we doing here?!"

Monica had just made the "twenty percent smaller" argument to Ryan. She glanced Erin's way, and said with a sour face, "Not good."

Erin responded, "I heard you making that twenty percent argument just now, and I've got to dispute that. For one thing, Kate and I are only five foot ten. Plus, I don't think all body parts expand at the same rate with size."

Kate added from the other side, "I agree. Do basketball players have freakishly huge heads? No. The head doesn't change that much."

Monica huffed expressively, "Okay, fine! Let's say my mouth is ten percent smaller then! ¡Santa Madre de Dios!" ("Holy Mother of God!") "You know how absolutely enormous The Beast is! That could

make all the difference between fitting it in or failing!"

She still had her hands on her chest, but she grasped Ryan's cock again and resumed stroking it. "Look! See how tiny my hands are? I can jack him off two-handed style, with room to spare!" Indeed, her two hands were sloshing up and down his long erection with ease.

Kate and Erin stared in amazement. Their big tits were heaving up and down, even as those great globes rested on the top of his legs.

Monica noted to both of them, "I noticed how your fingers can aaaalmost reach around and touch when you're jacking him off. But not mine! It's not even close!" She seemed weirdly proud about that fact.

Kate reached out and took Ryan's balls in hand. "She's got a point. Look how big his balls are, even!"

Erin was annoyed by that. That comment didn't help, and she knew Kate just said that because she was so very turned-on that she wanted an excuse to fondle his balls. She tried to be more encouraging. "Maybe so, but so what? It's really not THAT hard to suck him. Yes, it stretches the lips painfully, and yes the jaw aches painfully too, and yes we suffer and cry with effort, but the mouth is an amazing thing. It can stretch some if need be. I'll bet I could suck him if he was ten percent larger, so that means you can suck him too!"

Kate added along similar lines, "Besides, it's totally worth it! It's hard to explain, but the pain somehow adds to the pleasure! I've only done it to him once, and not even to completion, but I'm totally hooked! If you're gonna chicken out then just say so. I'll be glad to take over!" She licked her lips eagerly and unconsciously.

Monica saw those licking lips and bristled. She complained hotly, "I am NOT a chicken! No Lopez chickens out on a challenge! I'm just... I'm psyching myself up!"

Erin griped, "Well then, try to be more positive! Trust me, the pleasure is simply indescribable! And you may kind of like it too!"

Monica and Kate laughed at that, realizing Erin was just joking with the twist that Ryan would be the only one to love it.

Ryan was sweating and clenching his teeth and his PC muscle already, since once Monica began sliding both fingers all over his hard-on, she didn't stop. Furthermore, Kate hadn't let go of his balls either, and she was caressing them in a wonderfully arousing manner. Plus, there was the mind-blowing fact that Monica and Kate were pleasuring his privates together for the first time. It was even more soul-stirring to realize this time almost certainly wouldn't be the last. With all that going on for him, he was in no condition to laugh.

Erin quickly added, "No, seriously, you'll love it! The pleasure will be amazing for him, sure, but it'll be equally great for you too, right Kate?"

"Right. Definitely!" She added to Monica as an aside, "You know, you'll do better if you stop slipping and sliding your hands all over his cock and just focus on the sweet spot. Erin taught me that, and you can hear it in the quality of his moaning."

Monica rolled her eyes. "I know that. I was just having fun because it's so fucking gigantic, and my hands are so small. Doesn't that contrast kinda take your breath away?"

That was literally true for Kate, because she was panting hard as she stared. She just grunted, "Uh- huh!" She wasn't sure if she had permission to cum or not, but seeing that Ryan's leg was blocking the view, she began furtively diddling her clit.

Erin was impressed too. She commented, "It does! And I especially love that he's rather fair, almost as

light-skinned as me, and you're so dark. It's almost like seeing black-on-white interracial porn!"

Monica wasn't offended because Erin had a point, and she got off on the skin contrast too. She said, "Yep! My ancestors were Spanish colonials, but I've got a lot of Aztec blood in me too, for sure!" She stopped her fast double-fisted stroking and concentrated more on just rubbing his sweet spot.

Kate fondled Ryan's balls with one hand and played with her wet pussy with the other. She thought with amazement, The Spanish colonized Mexico, and now Ryan's colonizing US! He's going to own our bodies and plunder them for his pleasure! It's already happening to Erin and me, and Monica is next! Just as soon as she cums from sucking his cock, she's going to be hooked too! She thinks she's pretending to be his sex slave for the night, but no! He's going to make her one of his personal sluts forever!

She was nearly delirious with arousal. Those thoughts horrified her and thrilled her almost equally, reminding her of her own helpless fate.

Monica asked uncertainly, "Are you sure it's gonna be worth it? I've sucked dicks before, and it was good, but not great. And that's without the crying and the suffering."

Erin wanted to secretly masturbate too, but she was focused on trying to encourage Monica first. "It's like what Kate said: the pain does add to the pleasure. Just try it! You won't regret it, I guarantee it!"

Monica thought back to the spanking she'd had a little while ago. It wasn't much of a spanking, but he did smack her ass a few times. She thought she'd hate it, but she wound up enjoying it, and the pain did seem to enhance the pleasure somehow. She figured this might be the same thing.

Despite being nearly insensible with lusty desire, Kate wanted to help her friend. It didn't seem right if she and Erin could suck Ryan off while Monica could only watch. So she pulled herself together, briefly stopped masturbating, and said, "Monica! Look at me!"

Monica turned to look, although she mostly feasted her eyes on the sexy sight of Kate's tremendous G- cups resting on top of Ryan's thigh.

Kate said, "Do I look like the cocksucking type? No! When I gave my boyfriends the occasional handjob, it was an ordeal, but the bad kind. Sucking Ryan's cock is an ordeal too, but the very BEST kind! Think about how much you're enjoying licking and stroking his enormous boner, and multiply that by TEN!"

Feeling very inspired, Monica said, "Okay! I'm gonna do it!"

Kate and Erin actually cheered and hollered. Erin exclaimed, "You GO, girl!"

Ryan's head was swimming from so much arousal, both mental and physical. Hearing Kate and Erin being so encouraging was a trip, and Monica was driving him crazy with her pumping and rubbing fingers. He could handle all the stimulation now, but he wondered how long he'd last once Monica started to suck.

Monica spoke with renewed determination. "I can do this! My mouth may be smaller, but that just means that, relatively speaking, I have more cock to suck!" She quipped, "I came here to suck cock and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of bubble gum!"

Kate and Erin laughed heartily at that. Even Ryan, as tense and overwhelmed by arousal as he was, couldn't help but laugh too.