
Apprentice Magus System

Felix lived his entire life pretending to be happy or having hobbies. He continuously questioned himself why he wasn't like everyone else, why couldn't he enjoy live even a little bit more. He asked himself the same questions but an answer never came, until one day a mysterious voice offered him an alternative.

xuwu · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

A New Beginning


March 4th, 2020.

It was just another day of pretending to live a normal life for me. I think I was returning home after buying my weekly water bottle case. I lived in a relatively quiet part of the city, so there was hardly anyone out in the streets. It wasn't much of a journey, maybe 15 minutes. But every time I'm alone I start to wonder the same stupid questions:

"What am I doing here"

"Why can't I feel a shred of interest at doing anything"

"Why can't I even feel attached to anyone?"

"Am I even ALIVE?"

Normally I would continue thinking like that until I sit back down in front of my computer and start browsing the web, but that day the unexpected happened and I heard her voice for the first time. It had a bit of femininity hidden in a lot of childishness and scorn. Nonetheless, she changed my life forever.

"Do you want to feel alive?"

At that moment I didn't give much thought to it. I just subconsciously answered her.


"You will lose everything you have here"

Again, caught in the moment I just blurred out.

"I don't think I have anything"

"Fine, then I'll make you feel alive!"

Then it happened. The boring life I thought I was gonna have to live through was lost and the process of entering the new one began.

Lightning struck me in brought daylight. Everything went black and a numbing sensation took over my body. I felt like my whole being was being lifted while something seems to rest on top of my head.

While in that state I heard her voice again. This time closer and with a strange familiarity to it.

"Since you find this world boring I'll take you to another one!"

"One much more exciting for you, and me!"

The last part felt strange and ended with a giggle that made me quiver strangely.

I was scared but also mesmerized by what was happening. I started to feel warm all over my "body". I was stiff but at least I felt something. Time passed but I was still "there". Just when I was starting to calm down and assess my situation, my feet started to feel cold. Something was pulling me, but I couldn't move a muscle. Gradually, the cold traveled to my head and a bright light shone to my closed eyes.

I heard some muffled voices but I couldn't understand them. I felt my body being carried by something and then placed in some kind of soft bed. I tried desperately to open my eyes but I couldn't.

Suddenly a current of warm energy washed over me. The stiffness went away and it also somehow calmed my mind. Fearing what might be before me but also somehow understanding what might have happened, I slowly opened my eyes. Before my wide-open eyes stood a giant old woman with wrinkles all over her face while currents of what I assumed were sweat drops run through them. Her hands above me gloved with a pure white light that entered my body giving me warmth.

Looking at her broke something in my mind while a sensation of fear took over my now free but sluggish body. My eyes somehow started watering and I screaming as hard as I could. Seeing her and my now tiny hands confirmed a wild thought that had formed at the back of my mind but still, I couldn't calm down. The shock was too much.

"Welcome my dear Felix, to an exciting new world!"

That was the only thing I remembered hearing before I passed out from exhaustion.


"Granma!, is he alive?!"

Asked a tired but young feminine voice.

"Couldn't you hear how loud the little thing cried? It's more than alive"

Said another voice that came from an old woman beside a sleeping baby.

She took the baby and bought him to the first woman who was lying on a bed covered in sweat. The old woman waved her hand over the young one making all her sweat disappeared and giving back energy to her tired body. Only then did she hand the baby to her and made her own sweat disappear.

The young woman embraced her baby while looking at him with loving eyes.

"Since its a boy we will call him A..."

Just when the young woman was about to say the name they had decided beforehand a strange thought came to her mind and she finished saying "Felix".

The old woman was astonished, but hearing a much better name than the one the baby's father had chosen she just said:

"Nice one, but you'll have to explain to your man later"

The young woman too was a little astonished of her actions, but soon determination replaced that and said:

"Don't worry grandma, he will understand"

"or I'll make him"

This is the start of Felix's adventure. What will you do if you were a baby with all of your memories intact? Leave a comment with suggestions. I'll read all I can :)

See you later

xuwucreators' thoughts