
Applecider 2

RedBeeSAndAmber2's Real Name is Treasure Marie Denise Jackson and I am her, I collaborated with GOD A.K.A. Jesus Christ To help me write this book. If I say [movie - 2D/3D animation] it means this should be done in either 2D or 3D animation while projected from a projector onto a closed curtain or whatever can show it. If the Script says [play] that means it can be done in a play with no harm done, [movie - 2D/3D animation] is also for situations where it would make the play too long because it would require breaks to set up scenes, so the scene may be longer in the video than it should be considering you don't need it anymore. It's to keep actors from going through acting out the serious issues the characters go through. Put an acrylic plastic or glass block in front of the stage make it so big it separates the actors from the audience so the audience doesn't hurt them if they don't like them. I trust any transparent plastic but Acrylic is very strong. I did this because I cared about the children actors and adults, too. If 2D, it's for fun scenes and like a Proud Family Disney thing because the story will contain elements of comedy, if 3D, I'd suggest a Detroit: Become Human game look. _________________________________________________________________________ This story is copyrighted. (Copr. ©) The copyright symbol, or copyright sign, ©, is the symbol used in copyright notices for works other than sound recordings. The use of the symbol is described by the Universal Copyright Convention. Copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property. ... This means that the original creators of products and anyone they give authorization to are the only ones with the exclusive right to reproduce the work.

RedBeeSandAmber2 · สยองขวัญ
20 Chs

AppleCider 2 Season 1 Episode 11 "Abdus"

Abdus may have been a Pakistani by blood, but she hated her people. Abdus left being a Muslim for atheism despite the fact that her new adoptive parents were Christians.

Not All of them are bad and there's a lot of very nice pakistanis out there and they're just misunderstood due to the representation in the media.

Abdus had a big brother that really cared about her but due to the feelings that she gained against her own race it resulted in a lot of conflict, after she was raped three times in Pakistan and got blamed for all three rapes by her parents and neighbors, with only her brother caring about her, but never openly saying it and just sitting in silence, the thing that really tipped her off was when the neighbors tried to burn her up and her rapist all three times and her brother helped her escape all three times.

Abdus got to a point where she really didn't hate her brother she was just taking out her anger on her brother, not all pakistanis are evil!

She only had like 30 people living in her neighborhood including her family, 28 out of 30 people in her neighborhood mistreated her for being a girl and mistreated her for being dark-skinned.

Abdus' brother was the only one nice to her but she ended up choosing an American family over her biological family.

You see, Abdus had a tough choice to make, eventually after her parents moved to America, because of the abuse, she called social services that put her in foster care and when her parents wanted her to tell social services to bring her back, she told social services to give her to her new adoptive family.

Abdus was raped three times by three strangers, her parents blamed her for the rapes and even joined in when the neighbors wanted to burn her up.

As an African-American who is Christian and an adult now, I can say that she did make the right choice in not living with her family because it was for the best.

Abdus got over hating her brother but other pakistanis she hated except for herself, she used to not be racist against her own race. Abdus used to be so nice and kind because her brother was much older and he tried to teach her the values his parents taught him, his parents tried as well but they were incredibly harsh and he was usually more docile because he really did care about her.

Abdus Was always trying to get active, because she was a girl her mother would put her out to do errands, now, usually, in some Arabian countries they would have you go out with a male for protection and most Arabian women fight for their choice to go out with protection.

Partially because the streets are actually dangerous in some areas. Abdus knows it's legally required...

So, she asked her dad to come with her because she was worried about going to jail, she was 10 years old and didn't fully know the law. Her dad said "No. I'm too tired." And told Abdus her brother was already out because her brother was out getting clothes.

Abdus asked her mom who refused and sent her out by herself. Abdus ran around and found a market, she had three chocolates your brother gave her in a bag that she brought. She ate the three chocolates in her bag.

She gave money to the man at the market to pay for her stuff, but then, she felt sick...

Being a small child who is naive, Abdus ran into an alley and vomited because Abdus didn't want to vomit in public cuz that looked gross.

A man approached her, a white tourist. Abdus was dark brown, her skin color was like that of Dark Chocolate. The problem was the white tourist was a p*** addict. He watched a lot of p***.

The white dude raped her.

She ran home but she didn't have her hajib on, the reason why was because before the white dude raped her, she took it off to vomit so that it wouldn't get dirty.