
Apollo Mecha

Mecha's are the key for control. That is how the big threat of control is managed by criminal gangs loom the planet of Caltorix, upon a fateful night one adult's life will change. He'll be challenged to climb out or fall, engage in battles with unsuspecting foes.

17rapidz · ไซไฟ
5 Chs

Chapter 4, "Bombardments."

As Apollo and Zaniah came together to talk about their ideas for strategies, they had begun brainstorming ideas. Apollo had gone outside to check in the storage and docking department of the ship, however when looking outside he had seen some Mechas. Mechas were normal to see, but they began moving to the west-side.

To Apollo, it seemed an attack was happening from the SCO. He notified Zaniah, saying that he was going to check it out.

Apollo jumped out of the ship on the arid, powdery sand. It was a windy day that could blind the Mecha with the sandstorms. 

He'd begin moving Blitz towards the Mechas that were approaching another gang. It seemed a smaller group, only around 2 Mechas with their desolate crew. Apollo came to the conclusion that this was the only amount that was there. They were outnumbered by the 5 Mechas that was there.

Despite this, Apollo knew in a distrusting galaxy, this was the only way for Apollo to gain members. Giving kindness in a desperate situation was the only way for him to build trust. In a galaxy with mercenaries and hitmen as your friends or enemies at the same time, not many souls could be trusted. 

SCO Mechas began shooting at the escaping gang, oblivious to Blitz. On the other side of the battlefield, gang-members began shooting artillery from their Mechas. It had damaged some of the mechas, but their missed shots at the ground was more effective at blinding the SCO Mechas. 

Blinding sandstorms that began continuously encircling the SCO Mechas, however the leader of it moved inwards.

"Mecha Ability: Turning Winds!" The captain of this SCO Squad screamed. 

This gust of wind annihilated the sandstorms and began its pursuit of the defences. As it rushed in, it had destroyed the defence line that the opposite gang-members was stationed at. 

This destructive power of nature had erupted a cataclysmic uproar of a blast of energy. An energy so powerful it can reject your birthright of a Mecha Ability. Mecha Abilities can be born with, be connected with other things and can get released from an exposure to something containing a high amount of energy.

It had lowered the 2 Automated SCO SSMs (support security mechas) that were now fell to the ground. It made a loud noise as they were now paralysed.

Intense firing started again after noticing this, then finally Apollo moved into attack. As Apollo was moving, heavy artillery shells were weakening the gang-members more and more.

Apollo had begun intensely firing at one of the SCO Mechas, burning through the ammunition. It had drilled many bullets into the plating of the SCO. 

Then turning around, shots were fired towards Apollo. At the same time, the gang-members began charging upwards from their defences to use this chance as a way to kick off the invading SCO. 

Apollo luckily managed to use his shield systems to block oncoming fire.

SCO Members would be pushed backwards, having heavy fire attacked on them. 

"Mecha Ability: Turning Winds! Twin Dual Cutters!" The captain of the SCO Squad screamed.

2 Wind Blades would come at the other gang-member. It would hit the armour unbolting the plating revealing more of the complex part of the Mecha. The core energy system, wiring and others were revealed under the Mecha.

The gang member had fallen from his Mecha. It had been broken and shredded apart from the harsh, sheer wrath of the Mecha Ability.

An exposure suddenly awakens. This outwards blast of energy shining was something unlike anything the others had seen. It suddenly stopped. They thought they were hallucinating but no, their thoughts deceived them. Gone in the matter of nanoseconds.

The fire on the battlefield paused for a brief period, confused what happened. Mecha is hard to cloak or disappear, so what happened.

Then glimpses and sparkles of the Mecha continuously appeared. It approached the SCO.

Appearing suddenly, one of the frantic SCO members swung recklessly. However, Apollo simply dashes.

Then a vibro-knife is dug into the shoulders of the Mecha, collapsing it. Heavy fire from both sides continues.

Apollo re-appears through the sandstorm.

"Mecha Ability: Ghostwalker." Apollo said.

Quickly, bombardments from both sides occurred which helped Apollo's stealth to sneak behind enemy lines more to clash with the squad leader.

Swiftly moving through this new teleporting and cloaking ability, Apollo utilised it to a key advantage managing to swing at the other SCO members.

As Apollo did this, he was shot backwards from an oncoming fire of artillery with the combination of the Changing Winds ability. It caused Apollo to be off on the sides for a little.

Without the lurking threat of Apollo on enemy lines and being outnumbered, quicker push was able to happen.

SCO managed to move through the oncoming slaughter of bullets. Blinding and burning sandstorms that weighed against the SCO favour heavily disturbed their easy push.

It seemed the terrain that they fought on was becoming a dire situation for the SCO. Despite currently having the upper hand, as they advanced they realised that Apollo could be lurking around.

Communicating through the remaining SCO members began a discussion.

"I can't get through this dusk! It's so blinding! Where the hell did that random infiltrator come from?" Squad leader said

"It was nicknamed Blitz on the Mecha." SCO Member had said.

"Whatever, continue your march we must make sure they are eliminated!" Squad leader said.

SCO began their march exiting the dusk of the sandstorms that enraged onwards.

The remaining 2 members of SCO present stuck together as they marched.

Suddenly, a volley of artillery shells shot at the ground.

It's intent was not to hit the ground but to crackle and fizz all over as an explosion to damage the wiring.

It managed to weaken both cores and slow the wiring speed.

As the SCO turned around to shoot at Apollo, they were considerably more slower.

Both Apollo and the gang member both began unleashing multiple bullets into the SCO.

SCO kept fighting onward, however they were trapped in the middle.

In the crossfire, they were encircled by Apollo and the gang members.

Artillery shot from Apollo and firing bullets from the gang members, the legs from the SCO began to fall.

Trying to damage them, the SCO self destructed blowing up each other. Luckily they didn't blow up anybody else.

Apollo would take the remaining gang members back to the Epsilon.

He wanted to help them with their injuries and possibly persuade them.

"Your weakened and without supplies at this point? Where are you going to go, you can join us if you'd like?" Apollo asked.

"I appreciate the help you gave us and I feel like it's my duty to join you. You saved my life, I would have been gone and dead without you showing up." The gang member spoke.

"Understood, what's your name that we can call you?" Apollo asked.

"I'm Sol. Nice to meet you captain." Sol replied.

"I'm guessing you are also on a campaign against these SCO people, right?" Sol asked.

"Mhm, let me show you Zaniah, she'll tell you all you need to know. But before that we need to make sure your Mecha is working. We've got the materials." Apollo said.

Sol nodded in agreement.