
82.Meals for the neighbors

Zhang Yi arrived at the Wanda Shopping Mall in the Economic Development Zone.

Upon arrival, all he could see was a snow-covered roof. He followed his previous method, smashing through the glass ceiling and securing himself with a climbing rope before descending into the mall.

Once inside, remnants of the mall's past glory lingered. Circular in shape, the mall displayed a variety of beautifully presented goods in individual stores. Valuable clothing, shoes, and everyday items were now practically worthless and easy to take.

Zhang Yi picked a few useful stores and crammed everything from the shops into his own space.

The supermarket was located on the lower level.

After gathering more items from around the mall, he proceeded to the basement.

As expected, this place had been left untouched due to its remote location.

However, the quality of the products inside was less than ideal.

A part of the mall had collapsed under the weight of the blizzard, letting in cold air, causing frost to cover the shelves.

This cold had ruined everything, especially the food section. Some snack items and biscuits were encased in ice. The vegetable section, although not rotten, was severely dehydrated and likely had lost all taste.

The meat section was in slightly better shape; all the meat had frozen into lumps of ice, turning into genuine zombie meat.

Even the fish tanks had burst from the expanding ice. Any hope of eating fish from them was lost.

All in all, these groceries would have been considered trash in normal times. Some might have been sent to a food processing plant to be turned into pre-packaged meals.

Zhang Yi shrugged and said, "I won't eat this stuff, even if it's given to me for free!"

He couldn't be bothered to store these low-quality goods in his own space. He didn't lack supplies, so there was no reason to take these subpar items with him.

Nevertheless, this was unimportant.

Regardless of their quality, these items would be considered a luxury to his ungrateful neighbors who hadn't had decent food for a long time.

Zhang Yi retrieved two large travel bags from his space and carelessly filled them with the rotten vegetable leaves, zombie meat, and some damp, expanded bread and biscuits.

The bags filled up quickly.

As for the other items, Zhang Yi had no intention of taking them with him. They might come in handy in the future to save someone's life. He didn't need them right now.

After completing these actions, Zhang Yi checked his Rolex.

This watch had undergone special cold-resistant treatment and still functioned well under extremely low temperatures. It might not be entirely accurate, but it at least gave a rough idea of the time.

The Rolex displayed that it was 3:30 PM.

To return to the Yue Lu Residential District from here would take about an hour.

Zhang Yi didn't want to waste any more time. There would be plenty of opportunities to explore other places in the future, and he had no competition for the resources. So, he set out with the supplies he had gathered and drove back on his snowmobile.

By the time he returned to the Yue Lu Residential District, the day had started to fade.

The roar of the engine was particularly conspicuous in the quiet neighborhood.

As soon as he arrived, faces appeared in the windows of various buildings, all watching him closely.

On the 26th floor, a man named Huang Tian, the leader of the Heavenly Unity Gang, squinted his eyes, staring intently at the brand-new snowmobile.

His face had been partially scorched, making his appearance even more sinister. On that fateful night, although he and a few others had narrowly escaped the fire, his face bore the scars of their encounter.

"They actually have such things that can run in the snow? This is an amazing find! If we can get our hands on this, we can venture outside to find food. No need for that sour meat anymore," Huang Tianfang said, his eyes fixed on Zhang Yi's snowmobile, filled with hope.

Beside him, a stocky man chimed in, "Uncle, I know what this is. In our area, we call it a snowmobile. This one looks like a snowmobile, but it's electric."

Huang Tianfang fixed his gaze on Zhang Yi's snowmobile and said in a low voice, "Whatever it is, we need to find a way to get it!"

Not just Huang Tianfang, everyone who was watching Zhang Yi shared the same thought.

After over a month of isolation, many of them had already gone insane, and for those remaining, it was only a matter of time before they went mad or died.

They needed to leave this place, go out to find food, and secure their survival. Initially, the heavy snow had been a major obstacle, but Zhang Yi's snowmobile had rekindled their hopes.

Zhang Yi could feel the greed and blatant hostility in all those gazes. But as he patted the pistol on his waist, thinking of the large number of weapons and equipment he had found today, he felt a sense of security.

After parking his snowmobile, Zhang Yi raised his head and noticed the excited expressions of the 25th-floor neighbors who were staring at him.

Their eyes were locked onto the two large bags he brought back.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but smirk, pretending to be casually unloading his snowmobile into the underground garage at the back.

As he moved out of sight of everyone, he covertly stored his snowmobile in his space.

Afterwards, he picked up the two bags of supplies and walked over.

The amount of supplies was quite substantial, causing him to leave deep footprints in the snow. This had the 25th-floor neighbors worked up, some even calling out in excitement from their windows.

Next door, Huang Tianfang and his men watched, their eyes fixed on Zhang Yi with excitement.

"Uncle, could it be food?" the stocky man asked eagerly, pointing at Zhang Yi.

Huang Tianfang scolded him, "Of course! Why would we go outside now and not look for food? Are we looking for women or something?"

Hearing this, the Heavenly Unity Gang workers around him swallowed their saliva, all heading over.

"Is it food?"

"He found food from the outside? That's great; there's still food outside. We're saved!"

"What are we waiting for? Let's take it all and also get that motorcycle of his!"

A group of people's eyes glowed red as they yelled.

Huang Tianfang pondered for a moment, then coldly said, "Don't be hasty. This kid is likely Zhang Yi, who killed Chen Zhenghao."

"This guy is ruthless; he killed many of our brothers last time. We need to be cautious, and I've heard he's armed. If we decide to take action, we need to do it quietly."

Huang Tianfang was cautious.

Although the two buildings were adjacent, there was still quite a distance between them, covered by a thick layer of snow. Running across would be like making themselves easy targets.

So, although they were eager to get their hands on Zhang Yi's supplies, they didn't act recklessly.

But where there were calm thinkers, there were also impulsive ones.

Several workers from behind Huang Tianfang were dissatisfied with his decision.

They discussed it and believed that if they didn't make a move now, once Zhang Yi went back into his house, they wouldn't have another opportunity.

So, a few of them quietly concealed knives and wrenches and descended to the ground floor.

Zhang Yi entered the building with the supplies and then used his phone to inform Uncle You that he had returned and asked him to come and meet him. In reality, it wasn't necessary to tell him; Uncle You had already heard the noise from the snowmobile and had rushed over to meet Zhang Yi.

"Zhang Yi, you... you found so much!" Seeing Zhang Yi holding two large bags of supplies, Uncle You's eyes filled with astonishment and admiration. Outside, the vast expanse of snow made it difficult for most people to even find their way. It just goes to show, for specialized tasks, it's best to rely on professionals!