
62.Live broadcast a feast for neighbors

"Open the door! Open the door!"

"I'm Chen Zhenghao. I want to switch rooms with you. Open the door quickly, or I'll shoot!"

Inside the room, a young couple huddled together in fear.

"What should we do? They've come to take our house. I'm afraid we won't even be able to keep the little food we have left."

The wife looked at her husband with despair in her eyes.

The husband, a bespectacled office worker, held his wife and said, "Don't be afraid; it'll be okay. If they want the house, let's give it to them."

"Right, let's hide the remaining food in our clothes."

The two of them concealed what little food they had left in their clothes and then nervously opened the door.

Upon seeing the menacing Chen Zhenghao and his men outside, the man swallowed hard and said, "Brother Hao, this house is now yours. We'll leave right away!"

With that, he started to leave with his wife.

Before they could take more than a couple of steps, one of Chen Zhenghao's henchmen smirked and raised a steel rod.


After a muffled sound, the man fell to the ground, his eyes filled with disbelief as he lost consciousness.

He couldn't comprehend why they had been attacked. They had willingly given up the house.

The woman, in shock, watched her husband on the ground, blood rapidly darkening the floor.


She covered her mouth and let out a piercing scream.

Another blow struck her on the head.

Two of Chen Zhenghao's men approached and without a word, mercilessly beat the couple.

Zhou Ke'er, overwhelmed with fear, clamped her hand over her mouth. Witnessing her first murder, her nerves had been shattered. Even her strong hospital background couldn't keep her calm in such a situation.

Chen Zhenghao merely glanced at her and sneered, "It's a cold day, and we need to store some food. It's better to have it now, just in case we run out later."

After committing multiple murders, he had lost all reverence for life.

Furthermore, there was one thing Chen Zhenghao refused to admit. The fear had crept into his heart after Zhang Yi had put a bounty on him and he'd been attacked. This drove him to use more brutal means to subdue the homeowners of each floor, making them submit.

Zhou Ke'er, her disgust and fear kept in check, remained silent.

Chen Zhenghao casually walked into the apartment and ordered his henchmen to dispose of the two people.

In the following days, Zhang Yi could always hear the tinkling sounds of tools from the neighboring room. He knew that it was Chen Zhenghao and his group searching for any vulnerabilities in his apartment.

In addition, those men took turns monitoring the front door and back window of Zhang Yi's home.

Chen Zhenghao believed that at some point, Zhang Yi would have to come out, perhaps to dispose of garbage or collect melted snow. And when that opportunity arose, they would seize it to kill Zhang Yi and take everything that belonged to him.

However, he failed to grasp that Zhang Yi had access to a massive pocket dimension, and a water source was not an issue.

Yet, Zhang Yi indeed found it inconvenient to open windows to dispose of garbage. Chen Zhenghao had guns, and he wasn't willing to risk that danger.

For a homebody like him, a bit more trash at home was no big deal.

When he was bored, he would play video games or watch TV shows he had downloaded in advance.

In the homeowners' group chat, his neighbors' pleas and curses continued daily.

With pleas came frustration, anger, and despair.

"Zhang Yi, you heartless bastard!"

"You have the means to help us survive a little longer, why are you so selfish?"

"You're destined to be alone for the rest of your life!"

"Don't you have a heart? By not helping us, you'll live with guilt and regret for the rest of your life!"

Faced with the neighbors' harsh words, Zhang Yi had a simple response.

He live-streamed himself eating meals, allowing them to see his life.

"Hello, everyone, today I'm making a dish of braised pork belly!"

After this introduction, he placed a piece of pork belly, at least twenty pounds, onto the chopping board.

The neighbors in the chat were all red-eyed.

"Why use so much pork belly for braised pork? If you can't finish it, don't waste it! Give it to me, please, give it to me!"

"Zhang Yi, you're an inhuman bastard! You could help everyone survive a little longer, why are you so selfish!"

"Zhang Yi, please, share a piece with me. Even if it's just a piece of pork skin!"

"Let me have a sip of oil, that's what you don't want, right? Give it to me, please!"

People starving to this extent had no resistance to high-fat foods.

Zhang Yi clacked away on his device, and it was as if the neighbors could smell the fragrance of the braised pork belly through the screen.

However, after a while, Zhang Yi frowned.

He picked up a piece of the pork belly, took a bite, and then spat it into the trash can.

"Too much soy sauce! Darn, this meat is ruined."

Although Zhang Yi cooked regularly, he hadn't prepared elaborate dishes as often.

As a result, the taste of the braised pork belly wasn't up to par.

"How can I eat this now? Ah, what a waste, such a waste!"

While shaking his head, Zhang Yi dumped the entire pot of pork belly into the trash can.

The chat in the group exploded. The neighbors were livid!

"Don't throw it away! Please don't throw it away! My mouth is your trash can! It's right here!"

"What a sin! Why did you throw it away? Why, why, why? Ahh!"

"Your trash, from your home, better be thrown out, or I'll go pick it up!"

"Young master, I arrived late. Do you need a dog to help you with the garbage?"

Some people were nearly driven to despair by Zhang Yi's actions. Their hearts bled.

In the frigid cold, the gas supply had been cut off, making cooking impossible. Having a hot meal was a luxury beyond reach.

Not to mention indulging in braised pork belly, a dish they couldn't even dream of eating.

And yet, Zhang Yi had nonchalantly poured an entire pot of it into the trash!

It was nothing short of a crime!

"I'll eat some prepared food instead!"

Zhang Yi moved the camera, revealing a neatly arranged table with over a dozen dishes.

The warm yellow light shone on the table, enhancing the delicious-looking food.

He pointed at each dish and began a cheerful introduction.

"Hello, everyone, tonight, my dinner includes oil-braised prawns, scallion-braised sea cucumbers, one-pot tofu, sweet and sour yellow river carp, stir-fried large intestine, wine-braised fish slices, sweet and sour pork, braised shan yao, and..."

"Guys, the dishes are all ready; let's start eating!"

Zhang Yi set up his phone

like a food show host, grabbed his chopsticks, and began savoring his meal.

In the group chat, the neighbors' messages came flooding in.

"Zhang Yi, give me a bite to eat! I'll kowtow to you!"

"Zhang Yi, let my child have a piece of fish, even if it's just the tail!"

"Zhang Yi, you're like a father to me, and I'm your child. Let me have a sip of the soup!"

The sounds of desperate begging filled the chat room, and some people even began calling Zhang Yi.

But Zhang Yi didn't pay them any mind. He continued to enjoy his meal on the live stream, delighting in his food.