
Apocalyptic Deceit: Unclaimed Hearts in the Abyss

In the midst of the apocalypse, the last survivors are no different from the grotesque monsters that emanate a foul stench and exhibit a fierce, menacing glare. Aries, if she hadn't encountered Estrella, might never have escaped that filthy land. However, it doesn't imply that Estrella is her redemption. People come and go around Estrella, but only Aries has been by her side all along. Aries witnessed her rise to the position of the head of the family through bloodshed and saw her elevate the family's status to the pinnacle of power in the entire safe zone. Estrella may not necessarily trust Aries much, but she has long considered her as her possession. Aries is her dog, and can only be her dog.

lan_misaki · LGBT+
15 Chs

You can only be mine

Aries disliked such occasions. In her eyes, this place was no different from outside the safe zone. Outside, zombies devoured humans, and here, humans devoured each other. The only difference was that they resembled nobles in the court of the old era, sitting around blood-stained tables, talking elegantly while using diamond-studded knives and forks to slowly consume their kind.

Aries shifted her gaze to Estrella, who was being surrounded and pampered by a group of young and beautiful men and women, all eagerly trying to please her. Estrella, draped in a fiery strapless gown, showcased her well-proportioned figure. The exposed collarbone line was seductive, and her demeanor, with lowered eyelids, was both lazy and cold. She was like a red rose blossoming in a thorny bush, exuding an addictive mix of danger and elegance, fatally attractive at every moment.

At this moment, a provocatively dressed woman, with an enviable figure, stood intimately next to Estrella. She discreetly displayed her advantages, and it seemed Estrella had finally taken notice. Her eyes sparked with interest as she turned around, lifting the woman's chin. The woman obediently raised her head, locking eyes with Estrella, a pair of alluring eyes carrying a mist of intoxication.

Estrella, gazing at her chosen prey, slowly caressed the woman's delicate chin with her fingertip, and a subtle, almost sinister, smile appeared on her lips.

As Estrella immersed herself in this little game, her attention was unexpectedly diverted by a sudden figure. She lifted her eyes and saw Aries standing by the wall of the venue, accepting a drink from a woman.

In an instant, the interest in Estrella's eyes vanished, replaced by a brewing storm of rage. The woman closest to her, who had been attempting to win her favor, keenly sensed the change. The rosy tint on her cheeks, once filled with flirtation, suddenly drained away, leaving her face as pale as paper.

"Aries Miss."

Aries, lost in her thoughts, suddenly felt someone approaching. She glanced and saw a woman holding a cup of wine walking towards her.

"I've heard about Miss Aries, the powerful right hand under Lady Estrella. I wonder if I have the honor to have a drink with you?"

The woman was delicately beautiful, wearing a white lace dress. Her waist-length black hair, slightly curled at the ends, was adorned with exquisite accessories. Despite her simple adornment, it didn't overshadow her charm. Unlike most people in the venue with heavy makeup, she looked pure and elegant.

However, Aries couldn't understand why this woman would approach her.

"Who are you?" Aries asked, showing a hint of repulsion towards the woman's approach. She didn't like drawing attention, especially from the people at this party. Just being in the same room with them was enough to trigger a physiological aversion.

The woman, Erl, did not feel embarrassed. Wearing a dignified smile on her face, she openly introduced herself, "I'm Erl. Would Miss Aries be interested in getting to know me?"

"No interest," Aries replied coldly. She didn't recognize anyone with the last name "Yù" among the high-ranking circles, and she had no intention of forcing herself to interact with anyone here. With Estrella's status, she had the complete freedom to avoid dealing with anyone she didn't want to, and she had the authority to dismiss anyone at this party.

"I didn't mean anything else." Erl smiled again. "I was surprised to see Miss Aries at an event like this today, so I wanted to come over and offer you a drink, that's all."

Erl's words clearly couldn't win Aries over. She ignored Erl completely, treating her as if she were invisible. Erl stood there awkwardly, holding her wine glasses, attracting occasional curious glances from passersby.

Erl, with a hint of helplessness in her eyes, lowered her voice, saying, "I'm from District D. Miss Aries once saved my life. Maybe you don't remember."

District D? Aries hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Erl again. Despite her beautiful appearance, it was hard for Aries to associate her with the garbage dump that was District D.

"I've always wanted to thank you but never had the chance. If it weren't for Miss Aries, I wouldn't be standing here today," Erl said with a smile, extending the wine glass towards Aries. "I hope you can accept my gratitude."

Aries looked at her deeply, then raised her hand to accept the wine glass. "I accept."

Erl's smile was sincere, and she raised her glass towards Aries. "A pleasure."

Aries clinked glasses with her and took a sip of the wine.

"What's going on? Why so happy?"

Suddenly, a voice interjected. Erl paused and turned to see a surprised expression on her face.

"Miss Estrella."

"May I join?" Estrella raised her chin slightly, staring at Erl. She walked over as if she were a queen visiting, drawing the attention of the people around.

"Of course..." Erl began to speak, turning to Aries. However, in the next moment, she saw Aries disappearing right in front of her eyes. Erl was stunned, understanding that Aries had used her abilities. The situation left her at a loss. She hadn't expected Estrella to approach, and Aries's behavior, snubbing Estrella like this, was something she couldn't anticipate.

Estrella, with an indifferent tone, called Aries's name, yet all eyes on them felt Estrella's brewing anger.

"What are you talking about? So cheerful."

A sudden voice broke in. Erl paused, turning her head to see Estrella. Her expression couldn't help but show surprise. "Miss Estrella."

"Can I join?" Estrella raised her chin slightly, staring at Erl. She walked over as if she were a queen visiting.

"Of course..." Erl started to speak, turning to Aries. However, the next moment, she saw Aries disappear right in front of her eyes. Erl was stunned, understanding that Aries had used her abilities. The situation left her at a loss. She hadn't expected Estrella to approach, and Aries's behavior, snubbing Estrella like this, was something she couldn't anticipate.

Estrella, with an indifferent tone, called Aries's name, yet all eyes on them felt Estrella's brewing anger.

Aries's figure suddenly reappeared in everyone's sight. Her cheeks had a hint of blush, and she wrinkled her brow slightly. She rubbed the corner of her eye with her sleeve in a somewhat childlike manner, muttering, "I don't like it here. So many people are staring at me. I don't like it."

Everyone who was paying attention to this scene widened their eyes in astonishment. They all realized that Aries was drunk. If she weren't drunk, no one would dare to behave like this in front of Estrella.

Was a fierce warrior from the Estrella family going to end up with her blood spilled here today? For a moment, various dark intentions flashed in the eyes of the onlookers.

Estrella stood still, staring at her with an unclear expression. "So, what do you want?"

"Go back."

Aries was very obedient. Whatever Estrella asked, she answered directly. Erl was a bit worried, frowning cautiously as she glanced at Estrella. Seeing Estrella staring at Aries with an unpredictable gaze, Erl felt a suffocating pressure, even though it wasn't directed at her.

Erl nervously pinched the wine glass. Just as she was about to say something to smooth things over, Estrella suddenly said, "Then let's go back."

Once again, everyone was taken aback. Estrella, paying no attention to the bewildered gazes around her, turned and walked towards the exit. Aries lifted her head to look at Estrella's retreating figure, her gaze somewhat blank. However, Estrella took a couple of steps and stopped, turning her head slightly with impatience. "Aren't you coming?"

Aries snapped back to reality, and with somewhat unsteady steps, she followed behind Estrella.

"Miss Estrella..."

The hot woman who had almost been chosen by Estrella insisted and approached. She had taken a couple of steps and had only managed to call Estrella's name when suddenly her neck felt cold. Her face twisted into a grotesque expression, hands clutched her throat, blood spurting between her fingers. She knelt, desperately gasping for breath, her face turning paler, eyes wide with a mix of horror and pleading.

The room fell silent, and the onlookers remained indifferent, showing no inclination to help.

Aries, holding a dagger in her hand, displayed remarkable precision even in her drunken state. The dagger returned to its sheath as she continued to follow Estrella with a swaying gait.

Estrella's steps did not falter; it was as if she were unaware of what happened behind her.

The next day, Aries woke up in her bedroom.

Her head was throbbing, and she lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling with a somewhat vacant expression. She couldn't recall how she got back home, only remembering that she had a drink with Erl and then things became hazy.

The thought of her intoxicated state sent shivers down her spine. Aries closed her eyes, pressing her temples with annoyance, vowing not to touch alcohol again in the future.

Images of last night flashed in her mind. Downstairs in the living room, she had her dagger pressed against Estrella's chest.

Aries suddenly opened her eyes, her gaze fixed on the dagger beneath her pillow. She picked it up, examining the cold blade, as if trying to confirm whether it was stained with Estrella's blood.

Aries strained her mind to recall what happened last night but couldn't. After a moment, she put away the dagger with a displeased expression and put on some clothes hastily, deciding to never touch alcohol again.

Opening the bedroom door, she was met with an eerie silence.

In Estrella's mansion, the servants were always on standby 24/7, ready to serve the mistress at any time. So why, at this hour, was there no one in sight?

Aries frowned, rushing up to the third floor and barging into Estrella's room. With a quick sweep, she found it empty. Without hesitation, she headed towards Estrella's study.

"Estrella!" Aries shouted upon entering.

The person sitting behind the desk slowly raised her head, squinting her eyes in a half-smile as she casually observed the intruder. Her expression showed no surprise.

Estrella leaned back comfortably, crossing her legs, and spoke leisurely, "What's the rush? Woke up this early just to see the mistress?"

Aries, still processing the fact that Estrella was alive, stared blankly for several seconds before gradually regaining her composure. The return of her rationality made her realize she had been played. Suppressing the raging anger, she forced herself to appear less hostile.

"It's something... I misunderstood. I apologize for disturbing you, Boss." Aries strained to keep her voice from sounding too resentful, but the doorknob was already deformed in her grip. Finished with her words, she wanted to close the door and leave. She needed to find a place to calm herself down. However, Estrella called her back.

"Come here."

Aries froze, and a surge of anger almost made her lose her composure again. She turned around reluctantly and walked over to Estrella.

Surprisingly, Estrella didn't ask her to kneel, which was a stark deviation from their usual interactions. Estrella stood up, lifting Aries's chin with a pen adorned with gemstones, showing a somewhat interested expression as she observed the anger on Aries's face. "Angry? Hmm?"

Aries' eyes flickered as she realized her emotions had leaked out. She quickly restrained her aura and calmly said, "No." Pausing for a moment, she added, "Last night, I was not in my right mind. I might have done something offensive to Boss. As long as it can appease Boss, I have no complaints about any consequences."

Aries spoke while quickly glancing at Estrella's chest, where her heart was supposed to be. However, apart from the visibly tempting bosom, there was nothing to be discerned.

Estrella chuckled softly, her tone ambiguous. "You do know how to be sensible." She turned and opened the desk drawer, retrieving a collar. Holding it up to Aries, she continued, "Then, you shall be punished by wearing this collar."

A black leather collar with a shiny metal plate in the center, engraved with Estrella's name. Suppressing the urge to frown, Aries swiftly controlled her rising emotions, reaching out to take the collar. However, Estrella suddenly lifted her hand, and Aries found herself grasping at thin air.

"Look up," Estrella instructed.

Aries complied, and Estrella leaned in close. Intimately, she fastened the collar around Aries's neck. They were almost pressed against each other, Estrella lowering her head to inspect the collar on Aries's neck with satisfaction.

Whispering in Aries's ear like a lover, Estrella warned, "Dare to take it off, and I'll chop off your dog legs."

"...Understood." Having long understood Estrella's possessiveness bordering on obsession, Aries knew that submission was the only survival truth in Estrella's presence.

Estrella raised her hand, running her thumb over the nameplate on the collar. "Remember your identity, and also remember who put this collar around your neck, Aries. You can only be mine—my dog."