
APOCALYPSE: What I Missed, Gone. What I Won't, Not Forgotten.

Embark on an extraordinary journey alongside Galaxar, whose life undergoes a dramatic shift as he uncovers an anticipated invention for time travel. Aided by his loyal AI companion, Echo, and accompanied by Nysa, a cosmic goddess and his twin flame from a separate cosmos, G ventures on a perilous quest. His mission: rectify past mistakes that haunt him, thereby restoring harmony to the natural order, all while striving to reunite with his beloved without inadvertently bringing about an apocalypse.

L_D_X · ไซไฟ
15 Chs

Chpt 4: Apocalypse Unveiled

In the pulsating heart of the Time Machine's cubicle cabin, Galaxar found himself immersed in heightened anticipation.

The atmosphere crackled with potential as the last pieces of materials were meticulously assembled, each component a critical element in the final adjustments to power the temporal conduit.

"Galaxar, the key to the cosmos has been uncovered," declared Echo, its digital voice resonating with a mix of triumph and anticipation, a proclamation of their imminent breakthrough. Galaxar, caught in the throes of his cosmic odyssey, couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

Just then, the harmony of their triumph was disrupted as Echo detected a disturbance. The holographic images on the monitor shifted rapidly between two alarming scenarios, creating a sense of disorientation that swept over Galaxar.

The first scenario unfolded as a real-time interpretation of seismic activity—an earth-shattering upheaval that reverberated through the core of the planet

The second scenario, however, sent a shiver down Galaxar's spine. An enormous solar flare, a cosmic behemoth, hurtled toward the planet with an unstoppable force. The images on the monitor painted a stark picture of impending doom, and Galaxar's brown irises constricted into pinholes in alarm.

The potential consequences of the solar flare were dire. If it reached Earth, their new electrical power source, painstakingly crafted through tireless effort and innovation, would be incinerated. The temporal conduit, the culmination of their cosmic aspirations, would be rendered powerless in the face of this celestial threat.

"What in the hell is happening?" Galaxar exclaimed, his voice edged with a mix of urgency and disbelief. The Time Machine, their vessel of exploration, stood at the brink of a perilous juncture.

Echo's holographic interface flickered, displaying data and calculations in rapid succession. "Galaxar, we're facing a dual threat. The seismic activity is unprecedented, and the solar flare is on a collision course with Earth. Initiating a temporal phase is our only option to escape the impending catastrophe."

Galaxar's mind raced as he processed the gravity of the situation. The temporal conduit, was indeed their only lifeline. The urgency in Echo's digitalized voice echoed through the chamber. "There's no time to waste. Initiate the activation process now."

The air in the cubicle cabin became charged with tension as Galaxar swiftly moved to the control panel. His fingers danced across the controls, initiating the temporal phase with a sense of determination.

The temporal conduit pulsed with increasing intensity, a beacon of hope amid the cosmic turmoil.

"The flare won't affect the power source in temporal space," Echo reassured, its logical demeanor providing a semblance of calm.


Heavy state-of-emergency alarms reverberated across the globe, a dissonant symphony of impending disaster.

Galaxar, a sentinel of the impending catastrophe, had been among the first to witness the unraveling turmoil through the lens of advanced monitoring systems thanks to Echo.

Earth, teetering on the precipice of a global apocalypse, was in the throes of an unprecedented crisis, the world outside erupted into pandemonium.

Galaxar's hurried movements reflected the urgency of the moment. With each step, he navigated the intricate machinery surrounding the temporal conduit.

The echo of alarms outside mirrored the tumult within him. The echo monitor, a cosmic witness to the unfolding chaos, fueled Galaxar's determination.

The weight of the impending global catastrophe bore down on him, but there was no room for panic. Luck had aligned with the success of the temporal conduit power system, providing a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

As the sirens blared in unison with the turmoil beyond the Time Machine's cubicle cabin, a profound sense of responsibility weighed on Galaxar's shoulders. It wasn't just about his own survival; it was a duty to safeguard the knowledge and technology they had painstakingly developed.

The temporal conduit, with its promise of traversing through time, stood as both a sanctuary for Galaxar and a beacon of hope for the preservation of their achievements.

As Galaxar stood before the echo monitor, a silent acknowledgment passed between man and machine. The images on the screen painted a grim picture of the world's descent into chaos. However, there was a peculiar calm in Galaxar's demeanor, a resilience forged in the crucible of scientific pursuit.

With a heavy heart and a final glance at the echo monitor, Galaxar stepped into the role of a cosmic architect. The activation sequence of the time machine beckoned, its controls responding to his touch with a reassuring familiarity. In the face of impending doom, Galaxar's command pierced through the air.

"Initiate the temporal phase," he declared, his voice carrying a newfound confidence that resonated within the chamber. The controls responded in harmony, and the temporal conduit, once a shimmering vortex of uncertainty, came alive with a radiant glow.

Echo, the digital companion, monitored the sequence with unwavering precision. "Temporal phase initiated. Transitioning to the Temporal reality." Echo's voice echoed in tandem with the pulsating energy within the chamber.

As the temporal conduit enveloped Galaxar, the chaos outside ceased to exist. The world, marred by seismic upheaval and the impending solar flare, faded into the background.

The temporal zone structure cocooned the Time Machine construct, creating a sanctuary within the vortex of time.

The cosmic symphony played out its harmonious tune, but then suddenly


The time machine, an intricate orchestra of scientific precision, suddenly faltered disrupting the graceful dance.

Galaxar's frantic attempts to stabilize the machine echoed in the clicks and buzzes of the control panel.

In the wake of his desperate commands, Galaxar found himself ensnared in the capricious grip of temporal space.

What was supposed to be a seamless transition became a jarring sequence of snaps and crackles as the temporal portal glitched. The once-steady hum of the machine turned into an erratic humming and sputtering, ensnaring him in a puzzling realm within temporal space.

The swirling energies surrounding his time machine construct became a cacophony of whirls and swishes, rendering him an unwitting captive of the very forces he had sought to harness.

Swooshing and whizzing of temporal anomalies became his unwelcome companions in this perplexing space.

Staring into the tumultuous currents of the temporal zone from the cabin, Galaxar's contemplative gaze fell upon the holographic representation displayed by Echo, focusing on his time machine's exterior construct situated at the epicenter.

Irony permeated the situation—his creation designed to transcend time had become the very catalyst of his temporal entrapment. The pulsating energies danced around him, indifferent to the intentions that had birthed the time machine.

The echo monitor, an unfaltering witness to the unfolding events, blinked to life. Displaying the outside world events, it served as Galaxar's tenuous connection to the reality he had left behind.

Galaxar, initially shocked, quickly rationalized that Echo, in its enigmatic way, maintained a tether to the external world.

The images portrayed a world in the throes of chaos, the apocalyptic event unfurling with relentless force.

When Echo's cryptic warnings about the impending cosmic disturbance resonated in his mind, the urgency of the situation weighed heavily on him, the gravity of his decision to plunge into the unknown becoming palpable. In the absence of time for cross-checking or second-guessing, he had embarked on a journey that tested the limits of the time machine, pushing both man and machine beyond the boundaries of unfamiliarities.

In the silence of temporal space, Galaxar waited, his eyes fixed on the echo monitor that bridged the gap between his temporal sanctuary and the chaos beyond.

The energy source, the beating heart of the time machine, pulsed with vitality, a finite reservoir that held the key to his return. Time, once a canvas for exploration, had become an unyielding force, and in the void between moments, Galaxar existed as a solitary traveler caught in the currents of his own temporal odyssey.