

terrified and despaired, confused and chaotic is what we could describe the situation we are in this days . Sudden natural disasters and weather changes, abnormal animals mutations appearance. doomsday, apocalypse, judgement day and the end of the world are the most commonly used words nowadays. while people are caught in doubt and uncertainty, the whole world heard that voice, the voice that will be remembered as the savior and the exterminator at the same time . [[ Your protective world barrier have been expired ]] [[ Your world server have been connected to the universal server ]] [[ You have been connected to the universal server ]] [[ Your world have been reconnected to the endless land ]] [[ You shall be given a system to help and guide you to survive ]] [[ be mindful that once you die, your corpse will be revived as a cursed undead ]] [[ For more information, call your ‘ system’ ]] Davis is a normal young man who got stuck in this chaotic time, would he survive? would he perish? let's follow him in his journey and see what's the fate got for him, his friends and followers in this new mysterious world . [[ it's my first novel guys , so i hope you don't mind my mistakes and if there is any tell me in comments and i'll correct them , thank you in advance ]]

BigVolt · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Attributes and skills

Davis went through the torturing pain for three days, but he felt like it was a three years. The pain was enough to make him crazy, if it wasn't for the system helping him unlock the bloodline, his soul would have already perished.

After unlocking 5% of the bloodline, he began to feel his physical body, the time and life itself, it was a weird feeling, like he was being born again.

After his soul returned to his body, the pain began to lessen and a series of notifications assaulted him, but he didn't focus on them since he was now seeing scenes he was unfamiliar with. The scenes were a bit hazy, the place he was seeing was unfamiliar, but he felt like he was really there, in a bloody chaotic battlefield filled with mangled corpses everywhere his eyesight could reach. He could feel the bloody scent and the thick death aura just from these memories, the corpses were from all kinds of shapes and races making him bewildered, but he didn't feel any kind of discomfort or unwillingness, he felt like this battlefield was where he belonged.

These memories were short, after a minute or so Davis opened his eyes and took a deep breath, his aura started to change and rise, covering an area of 10 kilometers, making all mutated beasts in this area panicked and shivering from fear. The aura was full of killing intent and the will to destroy, devour and suppress everything.

Davis got control over his body and the killing intent started to diminish after the memories he was seeing ended, Davis checked his surroundings, his pupils and hair have turned grey, his skin became pale while his body has become tall and more muscular .

Davis could feel the tremendous change in his body, he felt an overpowering might and strength like he could tear down a mountain with his bare hands. His destroyed body was now healed, his state of mind was calmer and peaceful, like nothing in this world may endanger him.

He stood up checking his body, ' I have become taller and more muscular too, my hair is longer too, hmm! Why is my hair grey now? System, explain now!' Davis thought as he was a bit nervous about the changes in his body.

[[ Reporting to host, the system have detected the changes and since they were not dangerous, the system didn't stop the process of your and the parasite bloodline fusion, it seems that a bit of bodily changes was inevitable ]]

' Hmm, well i don't feel any discomfort, Can you tell me about all the changes?' Davis said, ' and don't you think that I forgot what you did, why didn't you tell me about the pain that the fusion would cause, I need compensation or reward for going through such devastating pain'.

[[ The system not telling you about the pain was to make you decide without hesitation, no reward is given for going through pain, you have already received a generous reward host, don't be greedy ]]

[[ Only your hair and pupils had become grey, your overall body has become more perfect and complete]]

[[ To fully understand the other changes, please check your status, host ]]

" Status", Davis cursed in his mind before calling the status.



>Name : Davis Veron ( Human )

>Title : { Natural hunter }

>Level : 6 (100/3000)

>System level : +SSS (MAX)

>Attributes : (unused points : 20)

Strength : 18 (10) +11 ↑

Physique : 20 (10) +13 ↑

Agility : 20 (10) +12 ↑

Vitality : 35 (10) +27 ↑

Stamina : 18 (10) +10 ↑

Will (soul) power : 15 (10) +5 ↑

Intelligence : 12 (10) +5 ↑

Sensitivity : 17 (10) +10 ↑

Anti-Energy : 50 (NEW)

UC : 100.007.600 / Fame pts : 3700 ↑

>Bloodline ( Human ) ability : Super adaptivity ( 15.88%) ↑

>Bloodline added : Anti-Energy Evolved Parasite ( 5%) (NEW)

>Skills : { } +

>Equipement : { }

>Missions { }

>Events { }

>Inventory MAX level { }

>Shop { }

>Underlings { }

>Territories { }

>Glories { }


" Wow, my stats were all above 10 now, this is the reason I felt very powerful when I was revived. Hmm, a new attribute and why is there a missing one too, care to explain System?" Davis was overjoyed with his new power, he was now certain that choosing the bloodline was the right choice, even though the pain he felt during the fusion was unbearable, the results were satisfying.

[[ Your new added bloodline traits are now known after you have unlocked 5% of its seals, this foreign bloodline have the ability to resist the elemental elements of the world like fire, water, lightning etc, but the price is the bearer of the bloodline is enable to use these elements, mana generally was now something you can't make use of, not only that but you can't use any skill that is related to mana too. On the other hand, the host is now able to use anti-energy which is the ban of all elements in this universe, except the law elements ]]

[[ The increase of stats was a result of reshaping your body to be able to use the Anti-Energy, without the increase of your body capacity as an appropriate vessel, you may not be able to yield such a powerful energy, you have also obtained new skills after you unlocked 5% of the parasite bloodline, while your bloodline ability had reached 15.88% which also provided you with a new skill ]]

[[ Please check your status for more detailed info ]]

Davis checked his status in depth, he wanted to be sure of what he would be capable of.

Title : { Natural hunter : when this title is active, the host hunting abilities are all increased, like tracking beasts, hiding presence, making traps, hunting senses, simply the host will obtain all related hunting knowledge and instincts }

Attributes :


Strength : { the physical force generated by your body muscles, more added pts to strength doesn't necessary mean an increase in muscle mass }

Physique : { the toughness, durability, sturdiness and flexibility of your body, high physique means high protection from the outside and the inside of the body }

Agility : { the ability to move, dodge and react faster. Higher agility means a high movement speed and fast reflex which result in a higher chance to survive}

Vitality : { the power giving continuance of all living things, higher vitality means higher regeneration and recovery, you can even regrow a missing limb and live a long life }

Stamina : { the ability to sustain physical effort for a long periods of time, a higher stamina and vitality can make you into a machine that won't get tired and won't need sleep}

Will power or soul power : { the ability to sustain mental effort for a long periods of time, with a higher soul power, you can keep your calm in life and death situations and when facing a huge pressure }

Intelligence : { the ability of better reasoning and fast-solving problems, with higher intelligence you will be able to solve problems easily with perfect solutions, you can understand complex things without difficulty, and with a higher soul power the host will be able to multitask and do more things to save time }

Sensitivity : { the ability to feel your surrounding and feel danger, the higher your sensitivity the higher your sense of danger, when your sense is high enough, you can cover big areas making it very hard to be ambushed }

{ 10 (10) in attribute is the limit that the human body can reach, a 10 in all stats is what you can call a perfect body }

Anti-Energy : { a trait of your added bloodline, it can counter all kind of energy, consumption rate : 10 Anti-E units/minute }


" System, if i were to fight those two lv2 mutated beasts that killed me, do you think i can kill them?" Davis asked the system to make sure of his power level now.

[[ The host will be able to kill them easily since a lv2 mutated beasts attributes are not above 10 ]]

" Then what's the max level mutated beast I can fight if I give it my all?"

[[ You need to find out yourself after you check your skill list ]]

Davis didn't bother to ask anymore as he checked his status again.

>Skills :


Human bloodline skills :


Super adaptivity

( Passive skill )

Bloodline type skill

Your body has the ability to adapt and self-adjust to the environment. The harsher the conditions you live in, the more your body becomes stronger and firmer.

Your brain has the ability to learn and work faster.

The full potential of your ability is still unlocked (15.88%)


Anti-Energy Evolved Parasite skills :


Absolute regeneration

( Passive skill )

Bloodline type skill

As long as your soul doesn't fully leave your body, your body won't stop itself-restoration and revive. The higher the vitality is, the faster your body repairs itself.

Elemental resistance

( Passive skill )

Bloodline type skill

You have the ability to resist all elemental elements, all elemental resistances are now at 0%.

You have to consume elemental cores or elemental beasts cores to gain the resistance to the same element as the core.

Anti-Energy manipulation

( Active skill )

Bloodline type skill

Manipulate Anti-Energy to attack and defense, etc.


After Davis read the description of the skills, he was sure that the Absolute regeneration skill was the skill that brought him alive. The other skills were good too, his humane ability was the best help in this fickle and unsteady world. The parasite bloodline skills were overpowered, absolute regeneration would make out of him an unkillable cockroach, while Elemental resistance would be very useful if he can raise all elements resistance to a high level. Imagine a body that won't be hurt by any elemental attack. Anti-Energy manipulation was yet to be tested, but he was sure that this forbidden bloodline wouldn't have any weak skill.

"It seems that my survival would be more firm with these skills" Davis thought as he was checking his skills.

"System, do you have a way to check other survivors? like if they were alive or not and their current position" Davis asked, his face was a mixture of panic and worry, since his important people's current situation was unknown to him.

[[ The System can find your people due to your high system level, you just need to pay 10000 UC for a person and give me access to your memory to make the search more accurate ]]

" That's not too expensive! ", Davis has a hundred millions UC in his inventory, so paying this price was cheap for knowing his loved ones situation.

" Okay i give you access to my memory, what i need to do now? give you the name an-", Davis was talking when the System cut him.

[[ You just need to think of the person while i use your memory as a preference to find him easily ]]

" Alright", Davis said as he began to think of Elina first.

[[ Analysing .. .. the search has begun .. .. the person has been found ]]

[[ Elina Anderson, alive, level 1, current location is registered in you map ]]

[[ 10000 UC has been paid ]]

" YES, another person please" Davis was overjoyed since his Elina was fine, his worries lessened as he wanted to find his other beloved, so he began to think of the cold beauty Sophia.

[[ Analysing . . . the search has began . . . the person has been found ]]

[[ Sophia Kalt, alive, level 5, current location is registered in you map ]]

[[ 10000 UC has been paid ]]

" As expected of my wife, she is already lv5", Davis was really happy after he found out that the two most important women to him are fine and alive, especially Sophia who wasn't broken by the Apocalypse and was even getting stronger.

" But Sophia getting stronger means that she is putting herself in danger", Davis thought before asking the system again " Do I have a way to contact the people i have found, System?"

[[ You have a sub-connection with the holy core, I can send a message on your behalf ]]

" Alright, I want you to send a message to Sophia telling her to not put herself in danger too much and wait for me, as for Elina, tell her to wait for me in the house I'll be there as fast as I could".

After that, Davis, with the help of the system, found out about his other friends Lucas, Marry, Jason and finally Jenny and told them to wait for him. They were all alive which made him at ease for the moment, but with all the changes happening, they may face danger anytime, he must hurry and gather them so they can confront this Apocalypse together.