
Apocalypse: rescue beautiful woman system

After Earth was struck by a small asteroid, a unique radiation turned a large portion of the population into zombies, with no cure in sight. Only a select few are immune to this radiation. The zombies are nearly indestructible, and regular humans face a constant struggle of getting infected and wiped out. Clark wakes up to find himself in this apocalyptic nightmare. The only chance for survival lies in carrying out a mission assigned by a mysterious system—to rescue a beautiful woman. In a world teeming with danger and uncertainty, Clark must navigate through hordes of zombies, face the constant threat of infection, and embark on a thrilling quest to save not only himself but humanity's last hope for a brighter future.

AvalonEmber · ไซไฟ
190 Chs


As the submarine continued to dive, a glowing tunnel entrance appeared, surrounded by cannons ready to attack any potential threats. After confirming their identity, the submarine entered the tunnel.

The submarine sailed deeper into the tunnel, and the surroundings became increasingly bright, revealing a new environment before Clark.

Gradually emerging from the water, Clark walked out under Joseph's guidance. It was only now that Clark could truly see the internal structure of the fortress. The location where the submarine docked resembled a large circular pool. 

The tunnel they had just passed through seemed to be the only entrance and exit to the fortress.

Above the fortress was sealed off with many bright lamps. Inside the fortress, it was designed somewhat like a miniature town, with houses everywhere, seemingly endless. Some houses were neatly arranged, while others appeared chaotic, as if assembled haphazardly.

Pedestrians filled the streets, their facial expressions stiff, rarely speaking, and all appearing malnourished.

"Where are my friend and Emma Kensington?" Clark felt that the fortress was peculiar but couldn't articulate why.

"I don't know where they've been taken. If you'd like, I can arrange a temporary place for you, okay?" Joseph seemed unwilling to discuss Olivia Turner and quickly changed the subject.

"No, thanks!" Clark directly refused. "I'll explore on my own and get familiar with the surroundings."

Joseph didn't insist and handed him a communication device, saying that if it could be activated, they could locate him. After speaking, Joseph left.

Alone in the fortress, Clark encountered mostly men. Women were scarce, and if he did come across any, they were either elderly or very young. Where had the young women gone?

Feeling increasingly suspicious, Clark observed that Joseph avoided discussing too much. After they parted ways, Clark walked alone inside the fortress, with people cautiously watching him as if he were a stone thrown into a calm pond, stirring up layers of waves.

"What's going on with these people?" Clark was puzzled, attempting to ask someone, but everyone avoided him, maintaining a certain distance while closely following him to see where he was heading.

This eerie feeling persisted until he arrived at the front of a bar.

Despite being called a bar, Clark had his doubts as he entered, mainly because a string of empty beer bottles hung above the door. He could only enter and try his luck.

Inside, none of the people who had followed him in stayed outside. They simply watched through the window glass, observing the situation inside.

The building was a standalone structure, with a seemingly disorderly structure. Some parts were already damaged, almost like it was a dangerous building.

Clark entered the room, finding several people scattered about. A faint scent of alcohol filled the air, confirming his suspicions. At the far end of the room was a bar counter with scattered empty bottles, all devoid of content.

"Excuse me..."


Before Clark could finish his sentence, a middle-aged man with a protruding belly walked out. The man sported a full beard.

"Is this a bar?"

"Are you blind? Can't you see the word 'bar'?" The bearded man seemed a bit annoyed but didn't outright deny it. "Since you're new here, let me explain the rules. I have everything here, but nothing is free!"

The bearded man tapped the bar counter impatiently with his fingers.

"I don't have money!" Clark said directly. Since waking up, he hadn't seen what the currency of this era looked like.

"Ha ha ha!"

The entire room burst into laughter, even the people outside couldn't help but join in.

"Are you crazy?" The bearded man laughed but his expression soured. "Who still uses money to buy things now? Kid, are you messing with me?"

As he spoke, the atmosphere in the room became somewhat tense. Clark looked around and noticed signs of fights on the tables and the floor. It seemed that these people were not friendly.

"Gurgle, gurgle." Just then, Clark's stomach growled.

While regaining his appearance, he also regained his senses. He felt hungry, but unless he was starving, his stomach wouldn't make such noises.

"Hmph, another starving ghost!" The bearded man sneered. "I have food here, but you need to give me something in return. I don't want any worthless paper. Since you're from outside, hand over everything you have on you, and I'll give you half a piece of bread."

Clark understood. This so-called bar run by the bearded man was more like a bandit's den. Whether you had money or not, they would rob you before anything else.

Clark reached into his pockets, and everyone around him stared at him. He touched his clothes and pants pockets, then pulled his hand out, opened it, and the bearded man kept a close eye on him but found nothing in Clark's palm.

"Empty?" The bearded man realized he had been tricked.

"I think you're asking for trouble!" The bearded man signaled to the people around him, and those sitting immediately stood up and walked towards Clark.

"Hmph!" Clark directly pulled out the dagger from his waist and swung it towards the bar counter in front of the bearded man. Although the dagger didn't cut the counter in half, it made a significant gash. A little more, and it would have directly struck the bearded man.

"Stop, everyone stop!" Cold sweat broke out on the bearded man's forehead; he had almost lost his life!

"You're quite capable. Why didn't you say so earlier?" The bearded man laughed while stepping back, clearly intimidated.

"Do you want this dagger?" Clark asked with a smile.

The bearded man's legs were a bit weak, wondering how he had encountered such a tough character today.

"Bring something to eat; I have something to ask you." Clark decided to stop teasing the bearded man, put away the dagger, and found a place to sit.

The bearded man immediately called someone to prepare food and walked to the door, driving away those onlookers outside.

"He he, may I ask how to address this friend?" The bearded man asked with a smile but maintained a certain distance from Clark.


Someone brought over some coarse bread and a bit of beverage.

"We only have these things; please don't be upset."

"It's already good enough." Clark didn't expect anything too fancy and picked up a piece of bread to eat.

"I have a question for you."

"Sure, as long as I know, I'll tell you."

"Why haven't I seen any young women here?"

Clark casually asked the question that concerned him the most while eating, but unexpectedly, the bearded man and the people around him all had drastic changes in their expressions.