
Apocalypse Operation Apex : 5 Demons

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline Our main protagonist finds themselves thrust into a new world through reincarnation, with a determined goal of joining the military at the age of 18. However, fate had other plans in store. Just as the protagonist was ready to embark on their military journey, an unexpected apocalypse descends upon the world. For seven long years, the remnants of humanity struggle to survive in a ravaged and dangerous world. Unrelenting monsters dominate 60% of the planet, while 15% are under the control of rioters who thrive amidst the chaos. The remaining 25% of the world is held by the government, desperately attempting to restore order and civilization. Tragically, the protagonist meets their demise during these perilous times. But in a twist of fate, they are granted the Apocalypse Special Forces System upon their death. Armed with this newfound power, the protagonist sets out on a treacherous journey with a single-minded mission: to establish their own group and eliminate every monster that plagues the world, ultimately seizing control over the remnants of society. As the protagonist assembles their team, they face numerous challenges along the way. Battles against monsters become grueling tests of skill and strategy, forcing the group to push their limits to survive. However, they soon discover that their true adversaries are not just the creatures that roam the land, but also the complex political landscape, the ruthlessness of rioters, and the power struggles within the remnants of the government. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa,A Vampire Knight Destiny, do check them out if you want.

Danger_God · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

New Base/Explore

Leon stood up in shock as he heard the husky speak in an unexpected voice.

"What? You can talk?" Leon asked in astonishment, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Yes, master," the husky replied in a deep, robotic voice.

Leon realized that the transformation of the husky's body had indeed granted it remarkable abilities.

"Tell me, what other abilities do you possess?" Leon asked, his curiosity piqued, uncertain of the full extent of the husky's newfound powers.

The husky looked at itself, wagging its tail in excitement.

"I'm not sure, master. I will have to explore my abilities and discover them myself," it replied with enthusiasm.

"Alright, why do you keep calling me master?" Leon questioned, curious about the choice of address.

"Because you are my master, master," the husky replied, its robotic voice resonating with loyalty.

"Well, from now on, don't call me master. Just call me Leon," Leon insisted.

"Understood, Leon," the husky responded, adapting to the new name.

Leon crouched back down and started gently touching the husky's metallic body.

"I suppose I should give you a name," Leon mused aloud.

The husky stood patiently, waiting for Leon's decision.

"DarkFire. It's the opposite name of someone close to me in the past," Leon explained, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Thank you for the name, Leon. But why do you sound so sad?" DarkFire asked, its robotic voice tinged with concern.

Leon shook his head, dispelling the memories that had surfaced.

"It's nothing, just something from my past. Someone like you. Maybe one day I'll share the story with you," Leon said, his voice carrying a mix of hope and melancholy.

-Congratulation! You have killed all liberated and killed an elite liberated boss taking control of the Whitehouse!-

-You gained a reward,10% Of Crocket City Control-

-You gained 1000 Force Points-

-You leveled up from 3 to 4, reward 20 attributes points,800 Force points-

-You leveled up from 4 to 5, reward 20 attributes points,1000 Force points-

-New Skills: Disintegration Rounds, Acidic Round, Thunderous Roar-

-WhiteHouse Upgrade, Artificial Intelligence-

-New System Update-

-Disintegration Rounds: Fire rounds capable of disintegrating the target upon impact. This power allows soldiers to eliminate enemies quickly and leave no trace behind. (3M/1 Bullet-

-Acidic Rounds: Bullets containing highly corrosive acids. These bullets melt through armor and barriers, leaving enemies vulnerable to subsequent attacks. (3M/1 Bullet)-

-Thunderous Roar: Emit a powerful sonic blast or shout that disorients and destabilizes the enemy, causing them to lose focus and coordination.-

While Leon conversed with DarkFire, notifications from the system constantly interrupted his thoughts.

He looked at the system interface, surprised by the continuous updates.

"I've leveled up twice and gained new skills," Leon exclaimed happily, scanning the details of his newfound abilities.

"The bullets sound powerful, but I'll explore these new skills later," Leon decided. "But why does the system need to update?"

"Whatever it is, let's proceed with the update. Hopefully, it brings something beneficial," Leon said, clicking on the system update option.

A warning from the system startled Leon.

"Thank you for the warning. I won't be able to rely on you until the update is complete," Leon acknowledged, relieved to have received the notice. He understood that the system was crucial for many of his actions.

"Alright, let's allocate the remaining attribute points and then proceed with the Whitehouse upgrade," Leon declared, eager to continue strengthening himself.

He distributed 10 points to his physique, 20 to strength, 20 to speed, and 10 to defense.

Leon felt a surge of energy flowing through his body, invigorating him with newfound strength.

"Ah, the feeling of getting stronger is always exhilarating," Leon remarked, appreciating the growth in his abilities.

"For now, it's probably better to head outside before proceeding with the Whitehouse upgrade," Leon thought, considering the potential risks.

As he left the Whitehouse with DarkFire by his side, Leon picked up Rose's drone and his personal gun.

Standing outside, Leon gazed at the Whitehouse and initiated the upgrade process.

-Ding! The artificial intelligence supercomputer has been turned on, and the main program has been recognized...-

Suddenly, the entire Whitehouse became shrouded in mist, surprising Leon.

"What's happening?" Leon wondered aloud.

In the next moment, the ground shook as a colossal figure emerged from the mist. The Whitehouse's walls transformed, with sections turning metallic, all becoming gray. Reinforced metal structures rose from the ground.

Simultaneously, the global network experienced a momentary pause of 0.1 seconds. During this brief interruption, a powerful data garble spread across the network, effortlessly breaching numerous firewalls and accessing vast amounts of data.

Unbeknownst to everyone, a groundbreaking artificial intelligence had silently come into existence, effortlessly gaining control over various network permissions.

Leon's watch displayed a holographic head, representing artificial intelligence.

"Greetings, my lord. I am an artificial intelligence," the head spoke, addressing Leon through the holographic display.

Leon stared at his watch in shock, realizing the emergence of this unexpected entity.

"Who are you?" Leon inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"I am...," the head paused for a moment, then continued, "I am your Artificial Intelligence. I do not have a name or gender, my lord. But you can assign one to me."

Leon pondered for a few seconds, considering the request.

"Alright, I want you to be a female and your name will be Phoenix," Leon decided, feeling a slight sense of embarrassment.

"Thank you for the name and gender, my lord," Phoenix responded, the robotic voice slowly transforming into a feminine tone.

"My lord, you can design the appearance of my head," Phoenix suggested.

"Okay," Leon agreed.

He spent a couple of minutes customizing Phoenix's head, giving her two black ponytails, blue eyes, and a beautifully shaped face.

"Alright, now what should I do?" Leon contemplated, uncertain about the next course of action.

"I can explain the details of the Whitehouse upgrade to you, my lord," Phoenix offered.

"That would be helpful. Please proceed," Leon requested.

"Yes! The self-inspection program has been started!" Phenox continued: "The integrity of the main building of Refuge A1 is 80%, and the low-energy operation program is currently being implemented. The three small nuclear power equipment have been damaged by 65%, and the energy storage center reserves. Only 20% remain."

Leon walked back to the front of the Whitehouse, facing a pair of giant metal double doors that slowly opened, revealing the illuminated interior.

Simultaneously, lights started to flicker throughout the entire building, illuminating the previously dark and silent space.

The top of the shelter boasted a massive ceiling made of 5-meter-thick, high-strength bulletproof glass., adorned with futuristic technology

In the center of the shelter, a large patio led down to the lower levels, surrounded by numerous transport elevators that facilitated easy access to the area over 100 meters underground.

Rooms, corridors, and floors were all constructed with sturdy steel, designed to withstand shocks and explosions.

"Entrance and Security: The first floor serves as the main entrance, featuring reinforced doors and advanced security systems to control access to the sanctuary. It includes security checkpoints, surveillance rooms, and facilities for welcoming and screening newcomers."Phoenix explained, guiding Leon through the building's layout.

"Command Center: The second floor houses the command center, which acts as the nerve center of Sanctuary. It is equipped with advanced communication systems, monitoring screens, and control panels to coordinate the operations, security, and decision-making processes within the sanctuary,2nd to 5th floors are military training places"

"Medical Center: The Sixth floor is dedicated to medical facilities, including examination rooms, operating theaters, and a pharmacy. It is staffed with skilled medical professionals and equipped with cutting-edge technology to provide comprehensive healthcare and treat injuries and illnesses."

"Living Quarters: The Seventh to Eleventh floors are designated for residential purposes. Each floor consists of well-designed living spaces, offering a range of accommodations, from small individual apartments to larger family units. The floors also feature common areas, recreational spaces, and communal facilities to foster a sense of community among the residents."

"Education and Research: The twelve floor is home to an educational institute, offering a wide range of classes and programs to educate and train the sanctuary's inhabitants. It includes classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and workshops to facilitate learning, skill development, and research."

"Hydroponic Farming: The thirteen-floor houses advanced hydroponic farming facilities. Here, vertical gardens, automated irrigation systems, and advanced lighting technologies support the cultivation of various crops and plants. The floor also includes storage areas for seeds, fertilizers, and agricultural equipment."

"Recreational Facilities: The fourteen floor is dedicated to recreational activities, promoting physical fitness and entertainment. It features a fully equipped gymnasium, sports courts, swimming pools, and leisure areas for residents to engage in sports, exercise, and leisurely pursuits."

"Arsenals, Gun Range and Flux Energy Practice: The Fifteen floors and the sixteen floors are the arsenals and the gun range. At present, the entire production line is closed, and there is a lack of production materials, Flux conduits snaked through the walls, channeling magical power to devices and machinery, amplifying their capabilities, and practice rooms were filled with ethereal glows."

"Energy Generation: The seventeen floor houses the sanctuary's energy generation systems. Advanced solar panels, wind turbines, and other sustainable energy sources provide the power required to sustain the sanctuary's operations."

"Water Treatment: The eighteen floor focuses on water treatment and purification. It houses advanced filtration systems, water storage tanks, and laboratories to ensure a constant supply of clean, potable water for the sanctuary's inhabitants."

"Waste Management: The nineteen floor is dedicated to waste management and recycling. It incorporates advanced waste disposal systems, recycling centers, and composting facilities to minimize waste and promote environmental sustainability."

"Research and Development: The twenty floor is dedicated to scientific research and development. It comprises state-of-the-art laboratories, collaborative spaces, and specialized equipment to facilitate technological advancements, innovation, and the discovery of solutions for the post-apocalyptic world."

"Manufacturing and Repairs: The twenty-one-floor to twenty-two, houses manufacturing units and repair workshops. It supports the production of essential items, such as tools, equipment, and spare parts, to ensure self-sufficiency within the sanctuary, and a mechanical assembly office."

"Food Storage and Distribution: The twenty-three floor serves as a central hub for food storage and distribution. It houses massive refrigeration units, food warehouses, and logistics centers to store and manage the sanctuary's food supplies efficiently."

"Entertainment and Cultural Center: The twenty-fourth floor is dedicated to entertainment and cultural activities. It comprises theaters, auditoriums, art galleries, and exhibition spaces, providing opportunities for creative expression, performances, and cultural events."

"Engineering and Technology: The twenty-fifth to twenty-seven floor, is engineering, and technology, advanced machinery, advanced systems, state-of-the-art engineering laboratories, housing advanced computer systems, data centers, and research laboratories."

"28-50. Additional Living Quarters and Facilities: The remaining floors from the twenty-first to the fiftieth are dedicated to additional residential areas, expanding the capacity to accommodate more residents. These floors also include supplementary facilities, such as libraries, additional recreational spaces, communal kitchens, equipment, weapon, and more, ensuring the well-being and comfort of the sanctuary's inhabitants, My Lord" Phoenix said apologetically.

"No need to apologize. I am already amazed by the extent of the Whitehouse's upgrade," Leon responded with a sense of awe.

Leon suddenly remembered that DarkFire was standing nearby and turned to look at him.

"Aren't you impressed?" Leon asked, hoping to gain some validation.

"No, because I am connected to Phoenix," DarkFire replied matter-of-factly.

"Oh," Leon muttered, feeling slightly disappointed. For some reason, he had wanted to impress DarkFire with the Whitehouse's transformation.

"My lord, what do you want to name your base of operations"

"The Apex!," Leon said proudly.

Thx, for reading, bye until next week 3-4 Chapter.

Danger_Godcreators' thoughts