
Apocalypse Operation Apex : 5 Demons

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline Our main protagonist finds themselves thrust into a new world through reincarnation, with a determined goal of joining the military at the age of 18. However, fate had other plans in store. Just as the protagonist was ready to embark on their military journey, an unexpected apocalypse descends upon the world. For seven long years, the remnants of humanity struggle to survive in a ravaged and dangerous world. Unrelenting monsters dominate 60% of the planet, while 15% are under the control of rioters who thrive amidst the chaos. The remaining 25% of the world is held by the government, desperately attempting to restore order and civilization. Tragically, the protagonist meets their demise during these perilous times. But in a twist of fate, they are granted the Apocalypse Special Forces System upon their death. Armed with this newfound power, the protagonist sets out on a treacherous journey with a single-minded mission: to establish their own group and eliminate every monster that plagues the world, ultimately seizing control over the remnants of society. As the protagonist assembles their team, they face numerous challenges along the way. Battles against monsters become grueling tests of skill and strategy, forcing the group to push their limits to survive. However, they soon discover that their true adversaries are not just the creatures that roam the land, but also the complex political landscape, the ruthlessness of rioters, and the power struggles within the remnants of the government. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa,A Vampire Knight Destiny, do check them out if you want.

Danger_God · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

Leon Alive!

The Sixth Floor: Medical Center

Lying on patient beds, Leon lay unconscious, his body wrapped in bandages and connected to an IV bag.

"Ahh!" Leon's eyes slowly opened, greeted by the brightness of the ceiling light, followed by a sharp, stabbing pain in his back.

Gritting his teeth, Leon winced from the intense pain coursing through his back. Slowly, he sat up on the edge of his bed.

"Where am I? What happened?" Leon mumbled, his brows furrowed in confusion. His mind was still hazy, trying to piece together the events leading to his current state.

Looking down at his body and the IV connection, a flood of memories rushed back to him. The incident at Rose's apartment, the excruciating pain in his back it all came rushing back.

"Ahh!" Leon cried out, unable to suppress the pain that surged through him.

"Leon, are you okay?" Rose rolled into the room, tears welling up in her eyes as she saw Leon's condition.

"I'm fine," Leon reassured, raising his hand to alleviate Rose's worry, the throbbing pain in his head subsiding.

"But why did I hear you scream?" Rose asked, her voice filled with concern.

"It's nothing, just remnants of what happened at the apartment," Leon responded, unaware of the impact his words had on Rose.

Hearing his response, a deep sense of regret and shame engulfed Rose. thinking If it weren't for her, Leon wouldn't have ended up in this state.

"I'm sorry," Rose said, tears streaming down her face as she embraced Leon's legs, consumed by guilt and remorse.

"Don't be sorry. I will always protect you," Leon reassured, gently placing his hand on her head. "No one deserves to die, especially not you."

Rose gradually stopped crying, a warm feeling spreading through her chest. Relief washed over her, and a genuine smile appeared on her face.

Noticing Rose's change in demeanor, Leon asked, "Are you feeling better now?"

Rose nodded, her happiness evident in her eyes.

"Sorry to ask this," Leon said, his voice soft and gentle, his eyes displaying sincerity, "but can you tell me what happened after I passed out?"

Sadness returned to Rose's eyes, contemplating whether or not to share the details.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Leon quickly intervened, noticing Rose's inner conflict.

Rose remained silent, torn between her desire to reveal the truth and her hesitation.

"Miss Rose, I can explain, My Lord, if needed," Phoenix's voice suddenly interrupted, appearing abruptly.

"No, no, I will explain," Rose hastily decided, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"After you fell, I was extremely worried," Rose began, her voice filled with sorrow, bowing her head.

[The scene shifts to Rose's apartment, from Rose's perspective.]

"Leon!" Rose shouted in worry, rushing towards him with her wheelchair, ignoring the pain in her leg as she dropped onto the ground next to him.

"No, no, Leon, wake up!" Rose shook him, panic filling her as she noticed the blood on his back.

Wide-eyed with concern, Rose searched her surroundings for anything that could help.

"Stop panicking and calm down," a robotic female voice suddenly sounded.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Rose shouted, fear evident in her voice.

"I'm down here," Rose looked down at Leon's superwatch and saw Phoenix's holographic face.

Rose was shocked to see another feature of Leon's watch.

"What? Who are you?" Rose asked, her eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"Sorry, I'm Phoenix. We'll have time for introductions later. Dark Fire is on his way to help you into your chair. We need to head back to the base; my Lord won't be able to walk for a while without treatment."

Hearing Phoenix's words, Rose covered her mouth, shocked and feeling guilty. She understood the feeling of not being able to walk and how difficult it could be.

While Rose was in shock, she heard the sound of metal hitting the ground. When she looked, she saw Dark Fire running towards her, causing her eyes to widen with fear.

"Dark Fire, quickly help her into her wheelchair and carry my Lord to the base," Phoenix commanded.

"Come on, up you go," Dark Fire said gently, pushing Rose into her wheelchair while she was still in shock and scared.

Dark Fire carefully lifted Leon onto his large back, being trying to be cautious with his movements.

"Be careful with him," Phoenix anxiously shouted, concerned about how Dark Fire was handling Leon.

"I'm sorry," Dark Fire humbly apologized.

With Leon securely on his back, Dark Fire started walking towards the base.

Fortunately, Rose's wheelchair was electric, so Phoenix easily hacked it and controlled its movements, directing it towards the apex.

During the journey, Rose slowly recovered from her shock.

"What are you two?" Rose suddenly asked, her tone filled with suspicion.

"That's Dark Fire, part husky, part cyborg, a normal at first husky saved by my Lord. And I am Phoenix, an AI created by my Lord," Phoenix explained slowly, allowing Rose to process this new information.

Rose realized that Leon was a person shrouded in mystery, someone she still didn't fully know but was determined to uncover. She wondered why everything around him seemed so powerful.

When they arrived at the apex, the large doors opened, revealing the transformed white house into the new apex base. Rose, although shocked, quickly composed herself, realizing that Leon was hiding many things from her.

As they entered the medical center on the sixth floor, Rose witnessed the advanced technology present in the facility, struggling to comprehend the situation and what had happened to the white house.

Dark Fire placed Leon on the operating table, and Rose remained outside the room.

"Dark Fire, stay with Miss Rose while I attend to Leon," Phoenix instructed.

"Okay," Dark Fire acknowledged as he moved outside the room.

Rose, still feeling a mix of worry and relief, asked, "Will Leon be okay?"

"I don't know, but I know Phoenix will save him," Dark Fire answered honestly.

Rose looked up, her eyes filled with sadness.

'Leon, please be okay and still be able to walk,' Rose thought, a sense of heaviness lifting from her chest as a hopeful smile graced her face.

In the operating room, multiple robotic arms descended from the ceiling, holding various medical equipment. One arm began cutting through Leon's clothing and armor, while another gently removed them, placing them aside.

Two arms carefully incised Leon's back wound, revealing his exposed spine. Another arm held the wound open, while yet another retrieved two bullets near his spine.

Finally, the arms began cleaning and stitching Leon's back, followed by an injection of a green liquid.

Outside the room, Phoenix projected her holographic head through Dark Fire's eye.

"My Lord is fine," Phoenix reassured, bringing a sense of relief to the room.

"What about his spine?" Rose asked, her voice filled with anxiety.

"It's fine," Phoenix answered.

Hearing Phoenix's response, Rose felt a wave of relief, a lightness filling her chest. She wore a big smile, thankful for the positive news.

[Back in the present.]

"Well, I explore the rest of Apex for a couple of hours. until Phoenix told me you woke up"Rose finished saying what happened.

Leon stayed silent thinking about what he heard and what happened and what could have happened like he l won't be able to walk, he thought to himself he must be careful and do better from now on.

"Thank you Dark Fire and Phoneix," Leon said sincerely "Thank you Rose "Holding Rose's hand.

"Why thank me when I caused this "Rose said.

"Im sure what just happened wasn't good on you metal, how about you go rest," Leon said noticing Rose with Slumping and heavy eyelids.

"Ok," Rose said covering her mouth and yawning. Rose then rolled away with dark fire.

After Rose and Dark Fire left, Leon spoke to Phoenix, seeking more information. "How long was I asleep?" he asked.

"For about four hours," Phoenix replied.

"And how long until I can move again?" Leon inquired, his tone seeking reassurance.

"At most six hours. Due to the proximity of the bullets to your spine, I had to administer a medical serum," Phoenix explained.

Leon reclined, deciding to lie back down on the bed.

"You can wake me up in the next five hours. I have something to attend to," Leon said before drifting off to sleep.

"Okay, my Lord," Phoenix acknowledged, disappearing into Dark Fire.