
Apocalypse Of Beasts

In this novel, humans have been killed almost entirely by the existence of beasts, which are animals that have evolved to the point of resembling demons incarnate in animals. So the food chain has been completely reversed, therefore, mankind has had to hide in a couple of islands in the middle of the ocean in order to stay alive, but this form of survival will not last forever. Get into the story of this dystopian world if you want to read a different survival novel with a darker approach, where the development of the story will be slow but satisfying to read.

BenjiroChiba · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

The Attack Of The Beasts (Part 2)

As Dwight is hanged, the neck area of his armor begins to break.

If the armor breaks, there is no doubt that with the strength that beast possesses. It will be able to effortlessly break Dwight's neck, killing him on the spot. However, the armor that is created to face the beasts can vary between iron, gold and titanium. This does not guarantee that they are completely durable. Since, if we expose ourselves long enough to the force that a beast possesses, it will undoubtedly break it.

Hell.... I must think of what to do fast, but what could I do?

General Dwight is too exposed to make a direct attack.

What do I do?

I can't help but bring my hands to my head and start scratching my head, as I try to think of what I could do.

My face is totally disturbed and grim as I analyze all the possibilities to do.

If I try to attack directly, it is possible that the beast will use Dwight as a shield, on the other hand, it is also possible that the beast is not using its full strength. So that if I get close, I will only cause Dwight's death.

I don't know what I should do. Also, my magic is not that specialized in attacking.

I don't have a weapon like Dwight or James or Charles possesses.

"So have you decided what to do?"

James, approaches me to ask me that question, while keeping an end to end smile on his face and eyes deep open as if he doesn't want to miss any moment of the internal suffering I'm having.

I watch james as my eyes shake and I can't hold a steady gaze.

I want to answer him, but I can't get my voice to come out.

"So I guess our dear friend Dwight is going to die then."

"How pitiful."

James says that, as he closes his eyes and shrugs, but still keeps that damn pleasant smile on his face.

My reaction is just to gape and be shocked at how James is reacting to the situation.

It's like for James this is a complete game and Dwight's life is totally replaceable.

I want to punch him out of anger, but I can only clench my fist and grit my teeth because my words don't make it out of my mouth.

I'm totally blocked.

I am a disappointment...

I promised I would kill all the beasts, but it's impossible, I can't look at a beast without completely panicking about the situation.

"I guess as information about this mission we will tell the queen that due to Elizabeth's futility, we lost the brave General Dwight."

"We'll see if after saying all that she'll continue to deserve that apostle position!"


James says that shouting and laughing with joy, with his eyes closed and his head turned skyward.

That thing he said about ruining my position in the army scared me to the point that I started to hyperventilate a bit about the situation.

If I don't do something to help General Dwight I will not only lose a friend, but also the only source of money I have to feed my daughters.

Why does this person have such hatred for me?

There is no justifiable reason for the hatred he has for me.

It's like he wants to ruin my life.

James after saying all those things out of a sociopath. He turns his head slightly in the direction of Charles.

"Right, mate?"

James, he says that, showing his teeth. And then, he starts to slowly open his eyes to look at Charles.



A single word showing utter confusion comes out of James' mouth as he realizes that a fist in fury from Charles is heading straight for his face.


James yells that as soon as Charles' fist slams against his face, causing the impact to be directly against his nose, making him bleed.

James then loses his balance and falls to the floor, understanding almost nothing of what just happened.

Charles, while hitting James, looked totally angry, to the point that you could see the veins in his face due to the great attack of rage.

Everything happened so fast that I couldn't even react or say anything.

I just stood there without blinking. Because of the amazement I was in seeing Charles at that level of anger.

Also, it's impressive to see how James couldn't even anticipate that punch.

It was all so fast...

And no one would expect something like that from a person as even-tempered as Charles is.

"I'm sorry. James, but you're being a jerk."

"I won't let anyone die or be harmed in a situation like this!"

Charles shouts that, as he draws the bow from his back again to attack the beast.



General Dwight shouted.

Too much pressure the beast is exerting on General Dwight's titanium armor that it emitted a cracking sound, showing that it clearly wasn't going to be able to protect his neck from such impressive force for much longer.

The sound caused Charles, myself and James to hold our breath in fright. Who is on the floor, while holding his hand to his nose to stop the bleeding.

"We can't wait any longer!"

Charles shouts that, as he took a big leap forward to shoot an arrow surrounded by fire directly aimed at the beast's head.

"I'm going to finish that monster off myself!"

Charles shouts that, as he again readies a second arrow with fire to again shoot it at the beast.

Charles doesn't intend to risk leaving the thing alive.

"You idiot, you shouldn't have done that!"

"You'll only alert another one of those things!"

James shouts that, as he pounds the floor angrily.

James' gaze is totally shocked, concerned and intent as he unblinkingly follows the path of the flaming date Charles shot.

"What was that you said?"

I glance at James out of the corner of my eye as I say that quietly with no intention of him hearing me.

I'm impressed that James would consider the situation of alerting more of those things and putting us in danger.

From the way he usually thinks and acts, he doesn't seem like that kind of person. On the contrary, I imagined him to be someone totally impulsive and aggressive.

"From the looks of these things, they are lizards, lizards are characterized as animals with too much hearing, reflexes and speed."

My face went numb from how wide my eyes and mouth widened when I heard that.

James knows things that even I don't.

He must have quite a bit of knowledge then about the animals and beasts out there.

I really don't know much about the capabilities that a beast usually has, I just go by my instincts and fears that a beast can provoke in me, as it is in this situation.

"I know all this from a book I found some time ago."

"If you don't want to believe me it doesn't matter, but I'm telling you the truth."

James said all that and then kept silent.

Charles, after hearing all that. I turn to look at James, as you can see how he is in conflict with himself for shooting the previous date. So I stop aiming the bow and look down.

Maybe, just maybe, James is getting what he says wrong.


As soon as the arrow is less than 2 meters away from hitting the beast's head directly....

An area of the bridge floor is destroyed, causing a hole of considerable size. For, a person could easily get in or out of there.

Then, almost as if our eyes could not realize what happened...

A Beast, equally lizard-like, comes out of the hole at full speed only to stop with its very long tongue the arrow and then swallow it.


Charles and I said that as we watched the beast swallow the arrow without further complication and totally ignoring the fact that it was covered in fire magic.

This beast has a size just over 2 meters, being considerably smaller than the other one, in terms of physical details they are very similar, the only big difference is that this lizard moves on 4 legs.


Charles, almost losing his sanity, begins to laugh uncontrollably.

"This must be a fucking bad joke..."

"First they can stay in the water for a while and now they're immune to magic?"

Charles starts talking to himself, while his whole body shivers from fright.

But, it's true, this is all quite strange and not at all common to what we had seen before....


The beast begins to walk slowly while its mouth begins to inflate as if it has something inside it.

"Charles, you must murder that thing now!"

James, shouting, orders Charles that.

"What for?"

"After all it's impossible..."

"We should just accept that we already lost to these monsters..."

Charles, his eyes almost teary and disappointed, says that.

The Beast continues walking and inflating his mouth more, shortening the distance between the two of them more and more.

"Damn it!"

"Why do I have to carry a bunch full of useless people!"

James shouts that, as he tries to get up from the floor slowly, but is still a bit dazed from the blow.


"Shoot the damn thing!"

James yells again. Since he won't be able to get up in time because of the pain in his head.

Charles doesn't react or answer anything, he's still motionless in the same place as if he's ready to die.

"Charles, everything has a damn explanation!"

"They can stay a certain amount of time in the water because they are reptiles, but it doesn't mean they are aquatic animals!"

James yells that at Charles.


I ask that question due to the fact that I've heard that word before.

"Simply put, they're animals that can survive a period of time in water, but they're not like a fish or anything because they breathe oxygen just like you and me!"

James says that, while holding his hand to his head from the pain that the blow is still still causing him.

"And regarding how I swallow the arrow with fire magic, it's simple, their insides are packed with acid, that's why they can disintegrate it without much effort"

James explains both situations, to try to calm Charles down a bit.

But it does not generate good results due to the fact that Charles is still in the same situation, remaining completely immobile.

"That what you say was also in the book?"

Curious, I ask James.

"Are you kidding?"

James answers me that sarcastically.

"Of course not!"

I reply, totally serious.

"Yes you are useless..."

"Just look around you."

"Look at the corpses of the soldiers."

Obeying James' orders, I start looking at all the corpses around the island, both on the 3 bridges that connect to it, and in the water, as well as on the island as such.


Looking at some corpses, I think I realize what he's talking about. Which made my whole body numb.


"I imagine you must have figured it out by now, by your face."

James tells me that, laughing.

"The burns that are on the bodies of the corpses are from acid, that means that these creatures are capable of making an acid so lethal that it deeply burns the person's skin instantly"

James states, which I had already noticed.


As James speaks to me, I continue to look at the corpses of the soldiers who were killed by these damn beasts.

The burns the soldiers received are easily third or fourth degree....

It is not very pleasant to see the state in which the corpses were left.

It is quite disturbing and sad to see them. For, some of them are even unrecognizable.


Then what that beast is about to throw is.....


Must be bad luck...

The beast, as if for some reason it knew that we already realized what it plans to do.

It started running much faster. So that in just an instant the distance between the beast and Charles is only a little more than 1 meter.

"Charles you must run!"

Both James and I, shouted at Charles.

At this distance...


There's no way Charles can dodge an attack....

Almost as if it was a muscular reaction from fear, James' body began to run to the left in an attempt to get away from the beast.

Seeing Charles' movement, the beast jumps to get a full view of the area and cover more space from the attack it is about to make.


Charles, looking at the beast's jump and having its eyes fixed on him, shouted that.

"I really don't want to die!"

Charles, totally changing his mind and trying to run for his life, starts begging for his life with tears in his eyes.


James' screams get louder, while the beast's mouth can't seem to inflate anymore because it's already red in color.


For some reason the beast was able to predict the change of direction Charles would make.

Then, it attacked...

A large bubble filled with acid came out of the Beast's mouth in the direction of Charles...

With the speed of the acid bubble, it will be impossible for Charles to dodge it...

So this is how Charles will die and we won't be able to do anything?


James, ignoring his headache, shouted that and started running quickly, to position himself between Charles and the acid bubble.

"What are you doing!"

He shouted that at James.

Does he plan to sacrifice himself for Charles?

Would James be able to do something like that?
