
Chapter 120: The Little Bitch Has Some Skills.

Chapter 120: The Little Bitch Has Some Skills.


If this were a battle on open ground,


Even if the enemy had guns, it wouldn't be too difficult.


With the current number of Skeletons, they could charge in and flatten the enemy's position.


But the situation before them resembled more of a small-scale siege.


A wall over six meters high might not seem too tall, but climbing it was no easy task.


Especially since the enemy had been stationed in the prison for a long time, surely they had defenses prepared for zombie hordes.


Worst case, they'd use those defenses on the Skeletons.


Even if they won, the losses would be heavy.


Choosing to fight in the dark,


Besides waiting for the enemy to be at their most tired, was also because the Skeletons didn't rely on normal vision, making them more effective at night.


All the Skeletons crouched low, concealed in the darkness.


Skeletons were naturally quiet; unlike living beings, they didn't burp, fart, or smack their lips.


In standby mode, the entire area fell into an eerie silence.


Only the distant sound of insects could be heard.


"Rest for a bit. We'll wait until it gets later," Wu Heng said.


Li Yanhong nodded, understanding, curling up to rest, occasionally swatting away mosquitoes.




It was now pitch black, the kind where you couldn't see your hand in front of your face.


Wu Heng opened his eyes, looking toward the prison.


The searchlights were still bright, but the guards on the wall had dwindled, and those in the watchtowers leaned against the walls, seemingly dozing off.


The people on the wall weren't professional soldiers, just prisoners or survivors hired as guards.


The fact that they patrolled and used the searchlights at all was already impressive.


Expecting them to stay awake all night like professionals wasn't realistic.


A quick glance revealed the top of the wall was mostly empty.


Wu Heng nudged Li Yanhong, who had been hugging his leg and dozing.


She opened her eyes, her face a little flushed.


"How's it going?"


Wu Heng gestured for silence and then spoke to Big Head Skeleton behind him, "Move the Skeletons forward, slow and steady."




In the dim surroundings, shadows stood up in rows.


They began to move forward slowly.


Even though they were careful, the sound of their footsteps and bones creaking was still clear in the quiet night.


They approached the range of the searchlights, the pale Skeleton army glowing ghostly white in the light.


Yet, no one on the wall bothered to look down.


The Skeletons continued to advance, their steps slowing further, attempting to stay as quiet as possible.


When they were about 500 meters away,


A figure stood up on top of the wall, yawning as he unbuckled his belt and began to relieve himself over the side.


The Skeletons stopped instantly, motionless like terracotta soldiers.


Wu Heng and Li Yanhong widened their eyes at the sight.


Of all times to take a piss, it had to be now.


But at least they could confirm one thing—the fence on top of the wall wasn't electrified, or it wasn't turned on.


Otherwise, that stream would've zapped him right away.


The Skeleton army stood still, silent.


The man glanced down as he pissed, his brow furrowing.


He rubbed his eyes and looked again.


The stream stopped abruptly, and he slapped himself twice.


The pain made him a little more awake, and when he confirmed there was a massive army of Skeletons under the searchlights, his heart nearly stopped.


In terror, he shouted, "Ghosts! There are ghosts out here! Holy shit!"


Damn it!


From afar, Wu Heng cursed too.


He immediately gave the order, "Attack! Climb the wall! Kill anyone with a weapon!"




A deafening clatter echoed.


All the Skeletons brandished their cleavers and charged, sprinting toward the wall.


The people on the wall awoke to the shouts.


They called out to each other, sounding the alarm.


Everyone panicked, raising their guns and pointing them down the wall.


Hastily pulling the triggers, they realized they hadn't even released the safety.


Fumbling, they unlocked the safeties and began shooting down below.


Bang, bang, bang~!


A hail of bullets rained down.


In the darkness, the orange streaks of gunfire formed a web, descending upon the Skeletons below.


Bullets rattled into the dirt.


The Skeletons, spaced apart, continued running forward.


Even though Skeletons weren't afraid of bullets, the intense gunfire still shattered many of them, scattering bones everywhere.


The power of firearms was undeniable.


Bang, bang, bang~!


Next, the machine guns on the wall opened fire.


The bullets poured out even faster and more densely, like the gaping maw of a beast spitting blinding fire.


A whole line of Skeletons was reduced to broken bones, littering the ground.


Wu Heng and Li Yanhong watched in shock.


The ragtag defenders on the wall were putting up an unexpectedly effective defense.


If this had been living soldiers attacking instead of Skeletons, they would've all died under that gunfire.


The prison really was an excellent stronghold for these prisoners.


"Have the riflemen provide support," Wu Heng commanded.


From the shadows, a group of figures clad in leather armor dashed forward, rifles and submachine guns in hand, firing at the defenders on the wall.


Bullets pinged off the walls, forcing the defenders to duck for cover.


In the Skeleton army, only Crossbow One and Crossbow Two had the aim talent.


But in this case,


Precision wasn't necessary; it was more about suppressing the enemy's fire, instilling fear.


The tactic was effective.


The rate of incoming fire slowed noticeably.


The Skeleton army had reached the base of the wall.


They crowded together, forming ladders of bone, stepping on each other's ribcages, climbing upward.


Within a minute or two, they were halfway up, nearing the fence.


Just as they were about to reach the top,


Metal barrels were hauled to the edge of the wall, tilting over as liquid spilled down the bony ladders.


The strong smell of gasoline filled the air.


Moments later, they tossed down something to ignite it.




Flames erupted, engulfing the climbing Skeletons.


The towering flames turned the night sky orange.


"Avoid the fire!" Wu Heng ordered.




The Skeletons scattered, retreating from the flames.


They regrouped at other spots, continuing their advance.


The defenders on the wall watched and moved the barrels to different positions.




In the rear,


Wu Heng and Li Yanhong observed the battle.


Big Head Skeleton's control over the Skeleton soldiers was yielding impressive results.


Especially the way they evaded the fire, regrouping and dispersing with military precision.


The prison's defenses, however, were more formidable than expected.


Not just the gunfire, but also their gasoline reserves were enough to repel a significant zombie horde.


This was exactly why Wu Heng had been reluctant to engage them directly.


Zombies had limited attack strategies, relying mostly on animalistic instincts.


But humans were different. They would use every tool and trap available to gain the upper hand.


Like gasoline.


Wu Heng had used gasoline before to fight zombies, and the prison's inhabitants weren't idiots—they thought of the same tactic.


And now, they were using it against the Skeletons.


"Maybe we should retreat, surround them for a few days, and force them to come out for a final fight," Li Yanhong suggested.


Clearly, the Skeletons were at a disadvantage here.


Even if they won by sheer numbers, the cost would be significant in Skeleton casualties.


It would be a situation where they lost a thousand soldiers to kill 800 of the enemy, and the prison only had about 100 people.


Wu Heng shook his head, saying nothing.


A siege was an option.


But he didn't have time to waste.


He had never underestimated these prisoners.


As hardened criminals, in many ways, they were probably better than him.


And since the attack had already started, there was no turning back. The prison had to fall today.


Wu Heng gave another order to Big Head Skeleton.


"Have the Skeletons scatter and attack. Let the Spider Mother begin her move."






On top of the prison wall.


Chen Jinlong cursed loudly, urging the men to move more gasoline and ammunition to continue the attack on the Skeletons.


He had been startled when he first heard the alarm.


He hurried over in a rush.


After the initial chaos, things had calmed down significantly.


The area below the wall was now a sea of fire, and there were only a few spots left where the Skeletons could attack. The rifles and machine guns were focused on those gaps.


Now it seemed that, while the Skeletons were numerous and scary-looking, their actual combat power wasn't all that.


They couldn't even scale the wall, let alone pose a real threat to their safety.


Plus, the prison had plenty of gasoline reserves, so no matter how much the Skeletons attacked, they wouldn't break through the wall.


Feeling certain that he was safe,


Chen Jinlong relaxed a little and began scanning the darkness beyond the fire.


The origin of the Skeletons wasn't hard to figure out.


The person who gave him intel on the repair shop had mentioned a large number of Skeleton creatures there.


It was out of fear of a Skeleton attack that they had fled to the prison.


Now it seemed clear that these Skeletons were directly related to the repair shop.


"Damn, that little bitch has some skills," Chen Jinlong cursed, then said to a lackey, "Bring me the loudspeaker."


A loudspeaker was handed to him.


Chen Jinlong held it up and, after a glance into the distance, shouted, "Hey, you bitch from the repair shop! I know you're behind these Skeletons. You think these things can scare us? Dream on! Once I burn all your freaks, I'll come for you, make you a slave for everyone, and torture you to death…"


His vile insults echoed across the battlefield through the loudspeaker.


If this were on the radio, Chen Jinlong's taunts would've likely given him the upper hand in a shouting match with the repair shop.


But now, with no constraints, he kept hurling insults without a care.


Li Yanhong's face turned bright red, furious at his words.


Wu Heng, however, remained silent, simply issuing a few more commands to the Skeletons.




On the other side of the prison.


The searchlights continued to sweep the area, and the guards with rifles stared down, their faces tense.


There was no sign of any activity on this side.


But the sound of gunfire and the blazing flames on the other side had them on edge.


They feared something might be creeping closer under the cover of darkness.


Clack, clack, clack~!


Suddenly, the sound of something like high heels tapping on tiles could be heard.


It grew louder and closer.


A big thank you to [hawai661] and [Conner] for joining my Patreon! Your support means a lot to me.

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