
Bloodline Tickets Part 2

[: Daniel POV :]

As the fusion of the Bloodlines was completed, an electrifying surge of power coursed through my entire being, leaving me feeling invigorated and charged with incredible might.

The integration of the Golden Warrior Bloodline augmented my existing Bloodline.

It was as if, it had unlocked an untapped reservoir of my potential.

It felt as if previously dormant strengths had been unleashed, breaking free from the shackles that once sealed them.

While this might only be a metaphorical description, the sensation was undeniably significant.

The newfound strength that now surged within me was beyond words.

Simultaneously, the fusion of the Bloodlines triggered another evolution in the Bloodline Skills I already possessed.

It enhances their power and capabilities once again.

[: Due to the fusion of Bloodline, all of the skills have evolved and mutated into a new version :]