
Apocalypse Buyback System

In a world teetering on the brink of an unfathomable apocalypse, Luke Teller finds himself inexplicably thrown back in time, given a second chance to avert the catastrophic end that awaits humanity. With only memories of the horrors that are to come and the mysterious Apocalypse Buyback System at his disposal, Luke embarks on a desperate quest to rewrite fate. Set against the backdrop of the Equia continent, Luke's journey is one of resilience and determination, as he leverages his newfound wealth and knowledge to secure a sanctuary in the mystical jungles of Jungoria. Amidst the towering trees, he constructs a haven, a bastion of hope not just for himself but for the one person he vows to protect at all costs—his young sister Emelia. As Luke navigates the complexities of preparing for a future only he knows is inevitable, his bond with Emelia deepens, a beacon of light in the growing darkness. But as the countdown to the apocalypse accelerates, the silence of the early mornings he once cherished becomes a harbinger of the chaos that breaks earlier than expected. With time running out and the very fabric of society beginning to unravel, Luke's preparations are put to the ultimate test. Can he shield Emelia from the brutal reality of a world on the edge of destruction? And as the lines between past and future blur, will the secrets he harbors and the choices he makes be enough to alter the course of destiny? This gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bonds of family invites readers into a world where the end is just the beginning. Will Luke and Emelia find salvation in the sanctuary of Jungoria, or will the shadows of the past prove too formidable to escape? The answer lies within the pages, where every chapter is a countdown to the unknown, and every moment is a fight for tomorrow.

BS_Entertainment · แฟนตาซี
179 Chs

The World

Staring down at the world map illuminated on my Tglass Phone, I felt the weight of the impending decision press against my chest.

The continents sprawled out before me, each a vast expanse of potential and peril.

The Northlands, with their biting cold and isolation, beckoned with the promise of solitude but threatened a daily battle against the elements.

North and South Felia, divided yet diverse, offered a mix of terrains that could be both sanctuary and trap.

Equia, lush and teeming with life at the equator, was as alluring as it was daunting, a double-edged sword of abundance and danger.

Celia seemed like a middle ground, its temperate regions perhaps offering a semblance of the pre-apocalyptic world.

And then there was Madaria, enigmatic and remote, its very mystery a lure and a warning.

As I pondered each continent, my mind raced with tactical considerations—climate resilience, resource access, strategic defensibility.

But more than that, I was charting a course for a future where Emilia and I could hope to thrive, not just survive.

The choice of our haven in the looming apocalypse was more than a matter of geography; it was about forging a bastion of hope in a world teetering on the brink of despair.

As I surveyed the world map, the strategic positioning of the continents began to form a clearer picture in my mind.

The Northlands, a harsh and unforgiving expanse, crowned the northern reaches of the North Felia continent, serving as a natural bridge to the enigmatic Madaria.

Its southern extremity, almost like a reaching hand, connected to the eastern edge of Equia, creating a fascinating geographical interplay.

Celia, the central continent, stood as a pivotal landmass with its own land bridge offering a direct path to Equia.

This positioning made it a crossroads of sorts, potentially bustling with activity and exchange, but also vulnerable due to its accessibility.

North and South Felia, siblings in proximity yet diverse in their landscapes, were joined, creating a vast region rich in resources but also in challenges.

This connection underscored the complexity of choosing a location; each continent's unique characteristics and their interconnections had to be considered not just for their present state but for how they might evolve in the post-apocalyptic world.

The intricacies of this global tapestry were not just geographical curiosities; they were critical factors in planning our refuge. The interconnectedness of these lands held both promise and peril, shaping my thoughts on where Emilia and I might stand the best chance when the world as we knew it began to unravel.

Dormia, the southern jewel, stood aloof from the tangled network of continents, its shores kissed by the relentless seas, an enigmatic haven encased in mystery.

The lack of terrestrial tendrils binding it to the rest of the world rendered it a solitary silhouette against the horizon, accessible only by braving the capricious moods of the ocean—a journey not for the faint of heart.

The tapestry of Dormia's recent history added a rich layer of intrigue to its already isolated stance.

The continent's governing body, a mosaic of diverse states, had only woven its disparate threads into a semblance of unity in the twilight of the last two decades.

This late blooming unification painted Dormia as a fledgling phoenix, its societal fabric still warm from the fires of newfound solidarity.

This seclusion, akin to a verdant isle in a tumultuous sea, offered a dual promise: the allure of a refuge shrouded from the world's impending tempests, and the peril of a nascent unity that might yet unravel.

The continent's detachment from the world's lattice of land bridges was a siren's call, beckoning with the promise of isolation from the brewing maelstrom.

Yet, within this promise lay shadows of doubt.

The fledgling unity of Dormia, like the delicate wings of a butterfly, hinted at a vulnerability, a society possibly teetering on the cusp of its own internal storms.

The allure of sequestering ourselves within its secluded embrace was tempered by the whispers of its youthful cohesion, a harmony that could be as ephemeral as morning mist.

In my contemplations, Dormia emerged as a paradoxical sanctuary, its secluded splendour interwoven with the fragile threads of its recent unification.

The decision to seek refuge in its embrace was a dance with uncertainty, a balance of seeking solace in its isolation while navigating the intricacies of its embryonic unity.

Equia, the heartland of my origins, unfolds as a tapestry of diverse states, each a unique thread woven into the vibrant mosaic that forms the Equia Federation.

Among these, the Savara Republic stands as a testament to the resilience of its people, its lands a blend of tradition and progress.

Jungoria, cloaked in its dense, verdant jungles, pulses with the untamed spirit of nature.

The Desertia Technocracy, a marvel of innovation rising from the arid sands, showcases the triumph of human ingenuity over the harshest of landscapes.

The Coastal Dominion, where I find myself, stretches its urban tendrils along the western to southern shores, its cities a testament to maritime prowess and cultural melting pot.

The Highland Innovation Zone, cradled in the towering peaks, thrives on cutting-edge research and development, while the Riverine State, with its life-giving waterways, serves as the federation's agricultural heart.

Here, in the shadowed corners of a city under the Coastal Dominion's banner, I navigate the labyrinth of the slums.

This part of the continent, with its cities sprawling like living organisms along the coast, is a place of stark contrasts.

The brilliance of the Coastal Dominion's prosperity is dimmed in these neglected quarters, where the pulse of Equia's vibrant lifeblood feels faint, muffled by the struggle for daily survival.

The slums, a stark departure from the federation's showcase of unity and diversity, are a crucible of life's harsher realities.

Here, amidst the tangle of narrow alleys and makeshift dwellings, the grandeur of Equia's collective identity feels like a distant echo, overshadowed by the immediate needs and the raw struggle of its inhabitants.

Yet, even in this grittier reality, the indomitable spirit of Equians flickers like a stubborn flame, refusing to be extinguished by the encroaching shadows.

As I pored over the map, the daunting knowledge of the decade ahead washed over me like a cold tide, sharpening my focus on what was needed: a blend of opportunity and seclusion, a sanctuary where I could sharpen my survival skills in solitude.

My eyes settled on Jungoria, a name that evoked visions of lush, impenetrable wilderness, a realm where nature reigned supreme.

Jungoria, once a vast, untamed expanse of rainforest, sprawling over 20 million square kilometres, had always been a symbol of the wild, a reminder of the world's ancient, unbridled heart.

The establishment of Jungoria Metropolis at its northern fringe marked the first significant intrusion of civilization into this verdant domain.

The metropolis, a marvel of modernity, was cradled by the colossal trees, its skyline a humble silhouette against the towering canopy that stretched skywards, a testament to the forest's indomitable spirit.

This capital city, nestled within the heart of the jungle, offered a unique juxtaposition of urban advancement and primal wilderness.

It was here, in the shadows of these gargantuan trees, that I saw my best chance for a future.

The dense forest would provide the perfect backdrop for relentless training and honing of my hunting skills, its seclusion a shield from the prying eyes of a world sliding towards chaos.

Jungoria's allure was not just in its isolation but in the promise of a life where one could merge with the rhythms of the natural world, learning from its untamed beauty and ferocity.

Here, amidst the chorus of the jungle, under the dense canopy that even the city's skyscrapers dared not breach, I envisioned a life of constant challenge and growth, a life where Emilia and I could carve out our own piece of tranquillity in the heart of the wilderness.

As I contemplated the map, I recalled that a decade ago, the birth of Jungoria Metropolis was fuelled by the voracious appetites of global corporations, each vying for a slice of this pristine wilderness.

The federation, bending to the will of its affluent benefactors, had flung open the gates of the once sacrosanct rainforest for acquisition, heralding an era of unchecked expansion.

Then, like a spark in the dark, a brilliant thought ignited in my mind.

If these corporate giants could stake their claims and flourish, why couldn't I adopt a similar strategy?

The idea of investing in this land, of gradually expanding my hold on it, began to take root.

With each investment, leveraging the Buyback System, I could not only secure more territory but also amplify my resources, turning the very engine of exploitation into a tool for my own ends.

A crooked smile spread across my face as I entertained the notion.

This could be more than mere survival; this could be an empire in the making, a dominion carved from the heart of Jungoria, sheltered under its ancient canopy.

The prospect of turning the tables, of using the system's own mechanisms to build a sanctuary for Emilia and me, while also securing a future amidst the looming chaos, was tantalizing.

The game had changed, and with this newfound strategy, I wasn't just a player—I was a contender.

I had roughly a year before the onset of the apocalypse, judging by today's date—a window of time that felt both expansive and fleeting.

It was enough to establish a solid foundation, but the first step was crucial: the acquisition of land.

With this in mind, I reached out to the embassy, my call swiftly redirected to the department handling land purchases in Jungoria.

Here lay the crux of my plan: securing the right plot of land, a task that demanded both strategic foresight and a bit of luck.

I needed a parcel of land sufficiently remote to ensure privacy and security, far removed from the burgeoning sprawl of the Metropolis and the prying eyes of civilization.

My sanctuary had to be a place where Emilia and I could live in peace, undisturbed by the outside world, a haven where no accidental intruders could breach our solitude.

Navigating the bureaucratic maze of land acquisition, I prepared to lay the groundwork for our future.

Each piece of land acquired would not only serve as a piece of our burgeoning sanctuary but also as a cornerstone in the expansion of our safe haven.

With each successful transaction, I planned to leverage the system's buyback feature, turning each investment into a stepping stone towards securing a larger, more secure, and self-sufficient homestead in the heart of Jungoria's wilderness.

With the 1 million coins now swelling my account, I initiated my first major move towards establishing our sanctuary.

I invested the entire sum in purchasing 20,000 acres of pristine land within Jungoria, kick starting the acquisition process that would lay the foundation of our future home.

The transaction was significant, not just for its immediate impact but for the strategic advantage it offered through the system's unique mechanics.

As soon as the purchase was confirmed, the familiar 'DING' of the System echoed, signifying a monumental shift in my fortunes.

*'DING' Host has spent 1,000,000 coins, activating 100x Buyback System.*

*'DING' 100,000,000 (100 million) coins has been sent to the account number ending in 3769.*

The immediate tenfold increase in my resources was staggering, transforming my strategic position overnight.

With 100 million coins now at my disposal, the scope of what I could achieve expanded exponentially.

This infusion of capital meant that not only could I secure the land needed for our sanctuary, but I could also begin to envision and construct a stronghold that could withstand the impending apocalypse, offering Emilia and me a bastion of safety in the uncertain times ahead.

*'DING' Host has accumulated 100,000,000 coins, chance to spin roulette for new skill.*

"Shit, what the fuck!" I exclaimed, caught off guard by the unexpected prompt from the System.

It dawned on me that with every significant milestone reached in coin accumulation, I had the chance to acquire a new skill through a roulette spin.

This revelation was a game-changer, offering a glimmer of hope in areas where I fell short.

The realization that I wasn't a master of all trades, that there were gaps in my skill set which could be crucial in the times to come, had always been a nagging concern.

But now, with the prospect of gaining new skills through the System's roulette, I saw an opportunity to bolster my capabilities, to round out my arsenal of survival techniques and strategies.

This unexpected twist in the System's mechanics could prove pivotal, offering me a chance to enhance my preparedness for the apocalypse.

With a mix of excitement and apprehension, I readied myself for the spin, hopeful for a skill that would complement my existing abilities and fortify our chances of not just surviving but thriving in the world that lay ahead.