
Apocalypse Buyback System

In a world teetering on the brink of an unfathomable apocalypse, Luke Teller finds himself inexplicably thrown back in time, given a second chance to avert the catastrophic end that awaits humanity. With only memories of the horrors that are to come and the mysterious Apocalypse Buyback System at his disposal, Luke embarks on a desperate quest to rewrite fate. Set against the backdrop of the Equia continent, Luke's journey is one of resilience and determination, as he leverages his newfound wealth and knowledge to secure a sanctuary in the mystical jungles of Jungoria. Amidst the towering trees, he constructs a haven, a bastion of hope not just for himself but for the one person he vows to protect at all costs—his young sister Emelia. As Luke navigates the complexities of preparing for a future only he knows is inevitable, his bond with Emelia deepens, a beacon of light in the growing darkness. But as the countdown to the apocalypse accelerates, the silence of the early mornings he once cherished becomes a harbinger of the chaos that breaks earlier than expected. With time running out and the very fabric of society beginning to unravel, Luke's preparations are put to the ultimate test. Can he shield Emelia from the brutal reality of a world on the edge of destruction? And as the lines between past and future blur, will the secrets he harbors and the choices he makes be enough to alter the course of destiny? This gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bonds of family invites readers into a world where the end is just the beginning. Will Luke and Emelia find salvation in the sanctuary of Jungoria, or will the shadows of the past prove too formidable to escape? The answer lies within the pages, where every chapter is a countdown to the unknown, and every moment is a fight for tomorrow.

BS_Entertainment · แฟนตาซี
179 Chs

New Roulette Spin

With a DING, the roulette wheel spun, and my heart raced with anticipation. Each click of the wheel felt like an eternity, each rotation building the suspense.

I couldn't help but wonder what fate had in store for me this time.

As the wheel came to a stop, the system chimed in:

*'DING' Host has landed on the skill 'All Seeing Eye'.*

The words echoed in my mind, and a surge of excitement coursed through me.

 All Seeing Eye? What could that mean?

Would it give me insight into the future, or perhaps enhance my perception beyond normal limits?

The possibilities raced through my mind, each one more exhilarating than the last.

*'DING' Does Host want to assimilate the new skill?*

The question hung in the air, and for a moment, I hesitated.

Was I ready for whatever this new skill would bring?

But then, determination set in. I had come this far, and I wasn't about to let this opportunity slip away.

With a resolute nod, I replied:


As I writhed in agony, a kaleidoscope of memories and sensations flashed before my eyes.

Visions of battles fought and victories won, of losses endured and sacrifices made, danced at the edges of my consciousness.

Each pulse of pain seemed to unlock another fragment of my past, weaving a tapestry of experiences that shaped who I was.

Amidst the chaos, a single thought pierced through the haze of agony: the All Seeing Eye. I

t was a skill rumoured to grant unparalleled insight and foresight, a gift coveted by seekers of knowledge and power alike.

The prospect of wielding such a skill filled me with both trepidation and anticipation.

What secrets lay hidden within its depths? What mysteries would it unveil?

Despite the torment wracking my body, I knew I had to seize this opportunity.

With a voice hoarse from pain, I managed to rasp out a single word: "YES."

Instantly, the pain began to recede, replaced by a sense of clarity and purpose.

It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing the world in all its intricate detail.

I could sense the ebb and flow of energy around me, the subtle currents of fate weaving their way through the fabric of reality.

But along with this newfound clarity came a profound sense of responsibility.

The All Seeing Eye was not merely a tool for personal gain; it was a weapon to be wielded with care and discretion.

With great power came great risk, and I knew that every revelation brought with it the potential for upheaval and chaos.

And so, as I stood on the precipice of enlightenment, I made a silent vow to use this newfound power wisely.

To seek truth and knowledge. For in the end, it was not the power itself that mattered, but how it was wielded.

With a final surge of determination, I embraced the All Seeing Eye, welcoming its boundless wisdom into my being.

And as its secrets unfolded before me, I knew that my journey was only just beginning.

For in a world filled with darkness and uncertainty, the light of knowledge was the greatest weapon of all.

As I delved into the depths of the All Seeing Eye, its powers began to unfold before me like petals unfurling in the dawn light.

With each passing moment, I felt a surge of exhilaration as I tapped into its vast reservoir of knowledge and insight.

The first revelation came in the form of an appraisal ability unlike any I had ever encountered.

With a single glance, I could discern the true nature of an object, unravelling its mysteries and unlocking its hidden potential.

Whether it was a simple trinket or a priceless artefact, the All Seeing Eye laid bare its essence, revealing the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface.

But the power of appraisal was only the beginning.

As I delved deeper into the recesses of the All Seeing Eye, I discovered its true potential lay in its ability to perceive the world around me with unparalleled clarity.

In combat, this newfound perception became my greatest asset, allowing me to anticipate my opponent's every move with uncanny precision.

No longer bound by the limitations of mortal senses, I could see the subtlest shifts in muscle tension, the faintest glimmer of intent in my enemy's eyes.

With each passing moment, my combat prowess grew by leaps and bounds, until I stood on the battlefield as a true master of my craft.

This newfound power was nothing short of a revelation, a game-changer in the struggle for survival in the face of the impending apocalypse.

With the All Seeing Eye as my guide, I knew that no challenge was insurmountable, no foe unbeatable. For with its boundless wisdom and insight, victory was assured.

As the days melted into weeks, I found myself immersed in a whirlwind of activity, each moment filled with purpose and intent.

With Emelia by my side, I cherished every precious second, savouring the simple joys of companionship and familial love.

But even as I revelled in these moments of tranquillity, my mind was ever vigilant, tirelessly planning and strategizing for the challenges that lay ahead.

With the construction of our new home on the horizon, I knew that time was of the essence, and every passing moment brought us closer to the dawn of a new era.

In between tender moments with Emelia, I poured over my meticulously crafted plans, mapping out the milestones that would shape our future in the coming decade.

From mastering the intricate art of herbology to honing my skills in gardening and blacksmithing, I delved into a myriad of disciplines, each one a stepping stone on the path to self-sufficiency and resilience.

But it wasn't just practical skills that occupied my thoughts.

In moments of quiet reflection, I found myself drawn to the vast expanse of human knowledge, eagerly devouring insights into science and technology, even as I knew that much of it would hold little relevance in the tumultuous world that lay ahead.

Yet, in the midst of uncertainty, there was a sense of purpose that drove me forward, a determination to equip myself with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in a world transformed by chaos and upheaval.

And as I looked to the horizon, I knew that whatever challenges awaited us, Emelia and I would face them together, bound by the unbreakable bonds of family and love.

With each resounding 'DING,' the echoes of accomplishment reverberated through my consciousness, a symphony of achievement that signalled the culmination of countless hours of dedication and effort.

The words danced before my eyes, each notification a testament to the boundless potential that lay within me.

As the last echoes of the notifications faded into the ether, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and satisfaction wash over me.

The mastery of herbology, blacksmithing, dismantling, and lathering represented more than just the acquisition of skills; they were milestones on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

With these skills honed to perfection, I felt a newfound confidence coursing through my veins, an assurance that I was ready to face whatever challenges the future held.

Yet, even as I basked in the glow of my achievements, I knew that this was just the beginning.

For in the ever-changing landscape of the apocalypse, there would always be new obstacles to overcome, new skills to master, and new horizons to explore.

But armed with the knowledge and expertise I had acquired, I was ready to embrace the unknown, to forge my own path in a world transformed by chaos and uncertainty.

Following the significant advancements and skill acquisitions, my system interface had evolved to reflect the new heights of capability I had reached:

Name: Luke Teller

Age: 18

**Income:** 3.21 Trillion (98/100)

Appearance: 80/100

**Intelligence:** 97/100

Physique: 70/100


- Architecture (MAX)

- Construction (MAX)

- Engineering (MAX)

- **Blacksmithing (MAX):** Proficient skills in crafting, shaping, and working with metals.

- **Herbology (MAX):** Basic knowledge of the study and use of plants for medicinal and magical purposes.

- **Medicine (MAX):** Fundamental understanding of medical practices and healthcare.

- **Corpse Dismantling (MAX):** Advanced ability in dissecting and utilizing every part of a creature efficiently.

- Combat (Level 6)

- **Leatherworking (MAX):** Basic skills in working with leather to create goods.

- Weapon Mastery (Level 5)

**Passive Skills:**

- Eidetic Memory (MAX)

-** All Seeing Eye (MAX):** Ability to appraise everything and everything, also the ability to perceive even the smallest of movements from very far away.


- 10,000x Comprehension

This updated interface was a testament to the journey I had undertaken, showcasing the breadth and depth of skills I had cultivated.

With each skill honed to its current level, I was better equipped to face the challenges ahead, ensuring not just survival but the potential to thrive in the face of the apocalypse.

The balance of practical skills and knowledge formed a solid foundation for the uncertain future, with each ability offering a unique advantage in the construction and defence of our sanctuary.