
Apocalypse: Blood Of Chaos

In a realm governed by mystical forces, Valen Sanguis emerges as a defiance to all conventions—a cosmic child burdened with an ancient curse that has metamorphosed into an extraordinary gift. His veins, transformed into an inexhaustible reservoir of life's essence, surge with an unstoppable torrent of blood, bestowing upon him unparalleled might. With each encounter with formidable females, Valen's power escalates, fueled by the potent essence they exude. Unperturbed by the uncertainty of his ultimate fate, Valen embarks on a relentless pursuit of pleasure, relentlessly pushing the boundaries of his power until the enigmatic climax of his inevitable demise. In this world where power, desire, and mortality collide, Valen Sanguis stands as an unmatched force, embracing the chaos that accompanies his undying quest for supremacy. Unbeknownst to him, he is the cosmic child, unfortunate to be born into a mortal realm. Yet, this is his saga—a mortal's odyssey to transcend the limitations of mortality and ascend to the status of a boundless entity. Valen's journey unfolds as the cosmic child grapples with destiny, forging a path from the confines of mortality to the limitless realms of cosmic power.

Dev_0096 · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs


In the ethereal tapestry of the higher planes, where cosmic energies intertwined like celestial lovers, Valen Sanguis' destiny was woven with threads of enigma and ominous foreboding. It was a realm beyond mortal comprehension, a place where time and space danced to the rhythm of arcane forces. Amidst the cosmic symphony, a looming cataclysm cast its shadow upon the unborn.

Valen's mother, Seraphina, floated serenely within the luminous expanse, her pregnant form aglow with ethereal radiance. She was a celestial being, a guardian of the cosmic equilibrium, chosen to bear a child destined to tip the scales of existence. Unbeknownst to her, the cosmos had chosen this unborn soul as the vessel for an ancient curse.

As the celestial spheres aligned in a rare convergence, a rift appeared in the fabric of reality, revealing a pulsating vortex of chaotic energies. From this celestial maelstrom, an otherworldly figure emerged, draped in shadows that seemed to defy the very essence of light. This mysterious entity, an arbiter of fate, reached into the cosmic abyss and plucked a single droplet of iridescent liquid—the essence of the impending chaos.

The droplet, pulsating with an eerie glow, descended upon Seraphina's womb like a celestial tear. In that moment, the unborn Valen was marked by destiny's hand, and the curse was sealed within the very fabric of his being. Seraphina felt a surge of arcane energy coursing through her, an invisible current that tethered the destiny of her unborn child to the impending chaos.

Finally sensing the intrusion, Seraphina, the celestial guardian, felt the delicate balance of the higher planes disrupted. Her eyes, pools of cosmic radiance, narrowed as she turned her gaze towards the mysterious entity emerging from the celestial maelstrom. The luminous tapestry quivered in response to her unspoken fury, as if the very fabric of existence recoiled from her divine wrath.

The mysterious entity, draped in shadows and untouched by the celestial glow, faced Seraphina with an enigmatic calm. It, too, bore witness to the cosmic symphony, but its intentions were cloaked in shadows as impenetrable as the void itself. The essence of chaos it held in its grasp pulsed with an unsettling energy, responding to the celestial tension that hung in the air.

Seraphina, an embodiment of celestial beauty, unleashed her divine power. Beams of ethereal light shot forth from her outstretched hands, weaving through the astral threads that connected the higher planes. The radiant energy clashed with the shadows that enveloped the mysterious entity, creating a celestial battleground where light and darkness engaged in a dance of cosmic proportions.

The very essence of the cosmos quivered as their powers collided, creating shockwaves that echoed through the celestial realms. Seraphina's luminous wings unfurled like a tapestry of stars, each feather a beacon of celestial might. Yet, the mysterious entity seemed to absorb the divine onslaught, its form untouched by the radiant fury.

In response, the entity extended a shadowy hand towards Valen's unborn form within Seraphina's womb. A gravitational force, both mystical and menacing, emanated from its touch, unraveling the very fabric of reality. Seraphina, realizing the threat to her unborn child, intensified her assault with a wave of celestial energy that cascaded like a waterfall of starlight.

However, the mysterious entity, unaffected by the divine beauty's wrath, seized Valen from the celestial cradle. With a swift and calculated motion, it opened a portal to another dimension—a realm untouched by the harmonious dance of cosmic forces. As the portal consumed them, Seraphina's furious cries echoed through the celestial expanse, her celestial wings ablaze with the raw power of divine anger.

Valen, torn from the celestial womb, found himself in a dimension beyond mortal and celestial comprehension. The air crackled with arcane energy, and the landscape shifted like liquid shadows. The mysterious entity, still shrouded in darkness, held Valen firmly in its grasp, its eyes gleaming with an inscrutable purpose.

The cosmic battleground faded from view, leaving Seraphina alone in her celestial realm, a mother robbed of her destined child. The tapestry of fate, now marred by the intrusion of chaos, hung in tatters as the celestial spheres mourned the loss of a soul marked by the ancient curse. Unbeknownst to Seraphina, Valen's journey had just begun in a realm where the threads of destiny were rewoven by an entity with plans as inscrutable as the cosmic forces themselves.