
Apocalypse: Blood Of Chaos

In a realm governed by mystical forces, Valen Sanguis emerges as a defiance to all conventions—a cosmic child burdened with an ancient curse that has metamorphosed into an extraordinary gift. His veins, transformed into an inexhaustible reservoir of life's essence, surge with an unstoppable torrent of blood, bestowing upon him unparalleled might. With each encounter with formidable females, Valen's power escalates, fueled by the potent essence they exude. Unperturbed by the uncertainty of his ultimate fate, Valen embarks on a relentless pursuit of pleasure, relentlessly pushing the boundaries of his power until the enigmatic climax of his inevitable demise. In this world where power, desire, and mortality collide, Valen Sanguis stands as an unmatched force, embracing the chaos that accompanies his undying quest for supremacy. Unbeknownst to him, he is the cosmic child, unfortunate to be born into a mortal realm. Yet, this is his saga—a mortal's odyssey to transcend the limitations of mortality and ascend to the status of a boundless entity. Valen's journey unfolds as the cosmic child grapples with destiny, forging a path from the confines of mortality to the limitless realms of cosmic power.

Dev_0096 · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Chapter 7

As Valen and Elara began to walk away from the moonlit garden, Valen felt a peculiar sensation in the palm of his hand. He instinctively looked down and was surprised to see a swirling crimson vortex manifesting within his grasp. The cosmic energies, once under his control, now seemed to have a will of their own, dancing in an intricate display within the confined space of his hand.

Elara, noticing the phenomenon, regarded it with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. "It seems the cosmic energies are responding to your intent, Valen. This vortex is a manifestation of your growing connection with the forces that surround you."

Valen, studying the mesmerizing display in his palm, marveled at the newfound intricacies of his powers. "Control, huh? Looks like there's more to it than I thought."

Elara, after scrutinizing the swirling crimson vortex for a while, finally recognized its nature. "Valen," she inquired, "how did you come into possession of this?"

Valen, looking at the vortex with a mix of curiosity and surprise, responded, "I honestly don't know. It just appeared in my hand. What is it?"

Elara, with a discerning gaze, explained, "This, Valen, is a seal—a mark of cosmic power. It signifies a connection to forces beyond our understanding. Seals are often imbued with specific energies and purposes, and they can be both a source of strength and a conduit for manipulating the fabric of reality."

Valen, intrigued by the revelation, examined the swirling vortex more closely. "So, it's a seal. What can I do with it?"

Elara, with a hint of mystery in her voice, replied, "Seals can be harnessed for various purposes. They might amplify your abilities, offer protection, or even unlock hidden potentials within you. To fully understand its capabilities, we must delve deeper into the origin and purpose of this specific seal."

Valen, intrigued but not dwelling too much on the enigma in his palm, closed his hand, and the swirling crimson vortex simply vanished. With a nonchalant shrug, he remarked, "Well, we'll find its use in the future. For now, let's focus on the journey and see what other surprises the cosmic currents have in store for us."

Curious about the best course of action to strengthen himself, Valen turned to Elara and asked, "You mentioned that my power is somewhat similar to the Draconith's. What's the best course of action for me to get stronger?"

Elara, with a knowing gaze, considered her response carefully. "To harness the strength of the Draconith's, Valen, you must seek intimate connections with those who possess exceptional power. Currently, the most effective way for you to enhance your abilities is to forge bonds with five strong beauties. It is through such unions that the Draconith's draw strength and elevate their powers."

Valen, taken aback by the unexpected advice, raised an eyebrow. "So, you're telling me that my path to becoming stronger involves, what, getting laid with five powerful women?"

Elara, with a measured tone, affirmed, "Yes, Valen. The Draconith's strength is intricately tied to the energies exchanged in intimate unions. It is a unique aspect of their heritage, and tapping into this source will undoubtedly amplify your own power."

Valen, though initially skeptical, couldn't ignore the logic behind Elara's guidance. With a resigned nod, he muttered to himself, "Well, I guess conquering hearts might really lead to conquering strength."

Feeling the need for clarification, Valen turned to Elara and asked, "So, what exactly will I get after, uh, having intimate encounters with five beautiful ladies?"

Elara, her response laden with a certain mystique, replied, "Valen, such unions with powerful beauties will enhance everything within you. Your physical prowess, cosmic abilities, and even the depths of your desires will be heightened. It is a transformative process that draws upon the unique energies exchanged in these connections."

Valen, absorbing Elara's words, couldn't help but ponder the implications of this unconventional path to strength. "Enhanced everything, huh? Well, if it makes me stronger, I suppose I can't complain."

Elara, with a mischievous laugh that echoed through Valen's head, responded, "Can't complain? That is now. But in the future, Valen, you'll find yourself needing goddesses. You should realize that your power, in the eyes of those beings, does not match even an ant."

Hearing that, Valen almost stumbled, his mind grappling with the enormity of the revelation. "I'm just a puny mortal in this empire, and goddesses? Where can I even find those?"

Elara, with a laugh that seemed to dance with cosmic amusement, replied, "It's your problem."

Puzzled by the cosmic mystery that surrounded his path, Valen couldn't help but seek clarification. "When you said five strong beauties earlier, what do you mean by 'strong'?"

Elara, with a casual tone, clarified, "Not that strong, just someone who could destroy buildings."

Valen, once again feeling as if a cold water had been poured over his head, stared at Elara with a mixture of disbelief and realization. "Destroy buildings? Well, this journey just went from conquering to... demolishing, I guess."

As the weight of the revelation settled on Valen's shoulders, he noticed Elara's wisp lingering in his mind. The ethereal presence, now tinged with a faint glow, seemed to observe his reactions with an air of amusement.

"You seem troubled, Valen," Elara's voice echoed within his thoughts. "But remember, strength comes in various forms. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead, for they will shape you into a conqueror unlike any other."

Valen, still processing the unconventional path ahead, couldn't help but seek a simpler alternative. "Anything easier for me to get stronger?" he asked.

Elara, with a mischievous tone, replied, "Have a threesome."

Valen, momentarily taken aback, raised an eyebrow. "A threesome? Well, that's certainly more manageable than destroying buildings."

As the idea of a threesome lingered in his mind, Valen began contemplating a strategic approach to his unconventional quest for strength. The inner palace, dominated by imperial concubines and their attendants, presented a complex hierarchy. Each concubine, regardless of rank, had personal attendants who, in turn, commanded larger numbers of maids and eunuchs.

"The inner palace is a web of influence," Valen thought to himself. "Taking the lowest-ranked concubines, for example, they are allowed two personal attendants and one head eunuch. Personal attendants each control ten maids, while head eunuchs have ten subordinate eunuchs."

His mind, ever strategic, began to formulate a plan within the intricate dynamics of the imperial court. Valen contemplated the possibilities of forging connections not only with the concubines but also with their attendants and the extensive network of maids and eunuchs that surrounded them.

Valen, contemplating the intricate web of influence within the inner palace, formulated a plan that delved into the complexities of the imperial court. The hierarchy, with its tiers of concubines, personal attendants, maids, and eunuchs, offered a strategic landscape for his pursuit of strength.

"The cosmic currents might just lead me to strength through these connections," Valen mused, a glint of determination in his eyes.

His plan revolved around the structure of the inner palace. Starting with the lowest-ranked concubines, who were allowed two personal attendants and one head eunuch, Valen aimed to establish connections with these key figures. Personal attendants, in control of ten maids each, presented an opportunity to expand his influence further. Head eunuchs, leading ten subordinate eunuchs, added another layer to the intricate network.

Valen recognized the importance of conquering not only the concubines but also their attendants, maids, and eunuchs. It was a pyramid of power, and by ascending each tier strategically, he could amass a considerable force.

"Likewise, head palace maids hold a status similar to the personal attendants' and are each in charge of ten maids," Valen pondered. "So, as long as I can conquer one head palace maid, getting my hands on five maids becomes simple."

However, a challenge loomed over his plan. The power requirements for his enhancement were not guaranteed to be satisfied by just any member of the hierarchy. Valen needed to ensure that those he conquered possessed the strength required to fulfill his quest for enhanced abilities.

The challenge of ensuring that his conquests met the power requirements for his enhancement weighed on Valen's mind. He needed suitable targets, individuals within the inner palace hierarchy who possessed the strength necessary to fuel his quest for enhanced abilities.

With a determined expression, Valen stood up straight and walked back into his quarters. The moonlit garden, now quiet and serene, seemed to echo with the echoes of his strategic contemplations. There were still a few hours left before the sun reared its head, and Valen intended to use that time to get some well-deserved rest.

Valen's quarters, shared with two other young eunuchs who snored within their beds, seemed to be an oasis of tranquility within the imperial turmoil. Not paying them any heed, Valen pulled off his boots, changed into his sleeping attire, and slipped into his bed.

The moonlit garden's cosmic glow, a distant memory now, cast a gentle radiance through the room's window, creating a serene ambiance. Valen, despite the weight of his strategic contemplations, allowed himself to sink into the softness of his bed. The echoes of the imperial court's complex hierarchy gradually faded as the conqueror embraced the respite that the quietude of his quarters offered.

As Valen closed his eyes, the moonlit garden's ethereal echoes transformed into the canvas of dreams, where cosmic forces and desires intertwined. The few hours of rest before the sun's return were a brief interlude in the grand tapestry of Valen's journey—a momentary pause before the cosmic currents guided him once again into the intricacies of the imperial court. The conquest, both strategic and intimate, continued in the realm where the celestial and the mortal converged.

Meanwhile, Isabella and Margery, the two maids tasked with disposing of Valen's body, were engaging in a heated debate. Their discussion unfolded with fervor, echoing through the dimly lit corridor outside Valen's quarters.

Isabella, her voice tinged with concern, argued, "We must report it! Valen was caned to death under the orders of the Mistress, the holy consort. His survival goes against her will. We can't keep this a secret."

Margery, on the other hand, seemed more hesitant. "But what if he's really dead? What if the Mistress finds out we reported his death, and then he turns out to be truly gone? We'll be in trouble for nothing."

Isabella shook her head in disbelief. "You saw how brutal the caning was! No one could survive that. There has to be something more to it. We need to inform the Mistress immediately."

Margery, still unsure, countered, "What if he used some method to fake his death? Or what if the beating wasn't as brutal as it seemed, and he's still alive? Reporting it might make us look foolish."

After calming down from their initial panic, Isabella and Margery deduced that Valen hadn't actually succumbed to death. However, with his unexpected revival, they now faced the dilemma of deciding what information to report. The dimly lit corridor became a stage for their hushed deliberations.

Isabella, still leaning towards reporting the incident truthfully, whispered, "Even if he survived, we need to inform the Mistress. The consequences of withholding such information could be severe."

Margery, grappling with the potential repercussions, hesitated before replying, "But what if the Mistress is angered by our failure to carry out her orders? What if she blames us for his survival? We might face punishment for not ensuring his demise."

Isabella and Margery, still embroiled in their whispered deliberations, contemplated the gravity of their actions.

"Foolish," Isabella murmured, her voice tinged with frustration. "Our responsibility was to get rid of the body. As soon as he regained consciousness, we ought to have terminated him and continued our mission. However, we chose to flee and return here instead. If the holy consort questions us about why we didn't eliminate him, what explanation do we have?"

Margery, acknowledging the weight of their lapse in judgment, whispered back, "We can't change the past. But we need a plan now. We can't afford to report everything, especially not our failure to ensure his demise. We must tread carefully, for the consequences could be dire."

As Isabella and Margery grappled with the weight of their actions and the potential consequences, they shared a grim realization. "Given her nature, she's unlikely to inquire about anything; instead, she'll order our execution outright. This constitutes the central problem. The holy consort is infamous for her cruelty and lack of mercy. There's no distinction between irritating her and facing death."

Margery, with a determined look, whispered the only remaining course of action, "There's only one remaining course of action…"

"Kill him!" Isabella finished the sentence, her voice echoing the severity of their decision.

The gravity of their plan settled in the dimly lit corridor, where shadows concealed their clandestine conversation. The moonlit garden, still bathed in celestial glow, remained oblivious to the unfolding conspiracy against Valen. As Isabella and Margery conspired to rectify their mistake with a darker deed, the fate of the young eunuch hung in the balance, entwined with the treacherous threads of imperial intrigue.