
anyone Can't Control me

Mother? is she really my mother This world is very familiar but I feel very strange like something has changed. "miracle and belief" those words might be appropriate for the outline of this story. the story is long enough if I tell it here, later I will meet many people where there will be many things that happen to prevent a bigger incident. I am a little selfish but I will not let it all fall apart. as the saying goes "everything that happens comes from your own mind"

CxNiwabi · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

2. Leave me!

"Hey you! Do'nt run!"

The man in brown spurred his black horse behind our tracks. I noticed the person in behind my shoulder, he is quite handsome even with some scars on his face, at first glance I thought he was a kidnapper or a savior.

"Sir?" I pulled the bottom fold of his shirt.

"Don't wory. You and your mother will be safe with me" His face looks serious.

I guess it's better to trust him because of this situation.

Behind this guy, mother's expression looks so deep, I think mom is feeling bad.

Should I call her?

"Mo.." My voice stopped, when suddenly my teeth hold try my tongue.

No.. This not the right situation to talk with her.

On the village road, the crowds were screaming because of our horses that were galloping fast.

Seriously! My ears are very sensitive with things like this.

From the border of the village there is a forest that looks bright green under the moonlight at the end of the road. The jungle might be the perfect way to escape, but the chase would probably continue even in the forest.

Those guys are just trying to chase me right? If true maybe we will get away soon. They should have a hard time catching up with us with the darkness of this forest.


A black object extending past my shoulder.

'Damn I take my words! why can they aim in the dark!'

"Don't worry! I protect you! " A male voice behind my shoulder emphasized me.


"Ach." This man voice in my ear.

My eyes were closed as the liquid splashed in unannounced. The hand of the man who was guarding me went limp making me lose balance. My body felt like flying for a few moments until a hard blow on my shoulder, and lastly my head hit something.

In an instant I lost all my feelings.


I die?


The reddish light made my eyes open.


My head felt like it was being squeezed out, and my hands felt wet when held my aching head.

I just realized there is someone in front of me in this dark forest. His face was covered by a black shadow, and he's using a torch or... No, it's more like a flying flame.

His mouth looks a little moving.

"Gervory....gen" His words that are not clear enough to be heard.

Then my body felt lighter and my pain was gone by the time he finished speaking.

Who's he?.


My hand tries to reach it.


My eyes were closed because of the cold wind blowing. That person disappeared without a trace.




All my calls ended in vain because there was no sign of anyone coming. At that time I realized the clouds began to change color.


The broken wood behind me took me by surprise.

"Hey why alone little girl? Looks like your mom hates you huh? to throw you away"

The voice of the man in brown came closer, and he was the villain who once tried to threaten me.

"That not your matter! Who are you!!".

"Hahaha.. You are quite brave to say like that".

My feelings of hatred increased as I watched the villain's smile widen.

"You know, a little kid like you should've been crying for help, but you..".

"No! because you're alone!".

"Hahaha… you are getting me interested. If you want, you can be my servant.".

His arrogance really pisses me off.

"stop!! don't come near her!!"

Another voice enters the conversation.

The owner of the voice revealed himself from behind a large tree with his left hand wrapped in bandages, and his lips twitching slightly. He walked over while brandishing his sword at the person.

I remember! He's the one who saved me with the horse earlier.


"Are you hurt?".

My shoulder was gently held by him.

"No i'm fine".

My vision was blocked, so I tilted my head to glanced at the previous villain.

Wait! that person like will..

"Watch out sir!".

"Got you!!".

Blade flew quickly.

Even though he on front me, he's reflexes are fast enough, so that the knife passes and lands on the ground.

"Immediately stop this stupid fight! He's just a kid!" Man front me shouted loudly made my ears slightly ringing.

"You know nothing! You can only go against the rules with that stupid attitude of yours".

"I'm not a rule buff, but I'm not as blind to the rules as you are!".

"Hah!? Someone like you can only talk nonsense, let's get this over with quickly".

"Of course! your mouth won't be able to say anything after this".

Without another word man's front me quickly shot away from me and swung his sword.


That person managed to block it with his sword at the last moment. The atmosphere here become feels very uncomfortable.

"a good move" The evil man's smile seemed to flutter back after successfully holding it back.


This battle was not a draw, because he had a big weakness in his left hand, fortunately he was still good at swinging his sword. He will probably lose if it continues like this.

Do i have to go from here? No! no! I can't leave him alone to fight.

Unknowingly the hairs on my neck stood up for a moment. Like there are other existences around me.

I haven't tried turning my body, my mouth was covered by a cloth, and a hand tied my body.


'Unlucky! Rebel me useless.'

My eyes started to get heavy and my heart rate slowed down. Why else is it like this?

The last vision before losing consciousness was that man with bandages seemed to fall to the ground, his face even more worried than mine..

I woke up to the damp floor stinging my palms.

This wood-paneled room was very empty except for some torn cloth and a window far above me. From behind the door that looked like iron pillars arranged parallel to each other there were two people standing.

"Hello!! Who's over there!?".

I shouted while pressing my face on the iron gate.

"Shut up!!".

The sound was loud enough to hit my head.

He was too barbaric to be called a human.

"Why I'm in cages!".

"Shut up!! You kid don't know anything!!".

I felt a little stabbed even though in reality I was a child.

"May I go out?".

"aghh!!" He ruffled his own hair and came to the door.


The iron pole being hit with the iron spear hurts my ears.

"Listen this! You better shut up if you don't want to die!" Annoyed face with messy hair.

He seriously threatened a child to die? Why is he so mad..


For a moment my thoughts were scattered because my ears hurt hearing the iron being hit again.

"Listen me!!" Her voice more pressing me than before.

"yes!! im sorry"

I closed my eyes and also my ears, i was forced to give in because of this.

"ignorant kid .." His grunts continued to appear even though he back to his pos again.

"Ummh.. What should I do now.."

My body went limp against the wall.

I remembered the previous incident.

Man the previous saviour went to save me in that forest, But.. Where mom?.

Mom should have gone looking for me right? Why only that man came. No.. Maybe they just split up to speed up the search I guess?

I forget. That man was last.. I just hope he is alive now.

Wait.. maybe I can dig up information from them. But how? Even my first question before was met with a very unfavorable response. I also do not like the sound of the iron when hit.

I thought of a way to get the guards' attention. Maybe crying could be done, but I don't want to do it.

I remember my ears are quite sensitive to sound.

I tried to bring my ear to the wall and focus the sound on the men.

"No…. that".


This is still not clear, I took out my ears a little from behind the iron.

"Why are you so angry today?" One of the people with a deep voice spoke softly.

"You know? What's tomorrow?" The previous male voice that scolded me.

"Huhh.. You should be grateful eto, because today we can still eat and drink".

"You are right pine, at least he is still there ... He is the light of my life ..".

"She beautiful".

"Hahah thanks. He's all I have now.".

I can imagine their lives from their talks, trying to survive being at the bottom of the economic chain. because of the economic situation they are willing to work like this.

"Huh.. Maybe the big boss will act soon if that happens..".

The deep voice man started to sound moaning, I think I missed some of their talks. Luckily I haven't missed any important information.

"Of course! I think the high ranking officials of this country can only do something behind the desk, it's like they have never seen the suffering of people like us.. Oh marlin.. If she were still alive...".

"Buddy... I agree that actually the higher ups are incompetent in managing this country... but I heard recently that they are trying to replace their leader".

"huh.. I don't care what they are trying to do, if necessary they better disappear".

"I understand your feelings eto.. But I just hope that people who are aware of their people are chosen by acting leaders".

"I only believe in boss. I hope his plan can be completed quickly."

"Yes. For now Boss plan is the best choice for this country"

"I hope this all works out."



The sound of the door opening interrupted their talking.


His voice sounded small. I think he is a child.

The sound of heavy footsteps made the ground under my feet tremble slightly.

Who's coming?

A sharp gaze appearing in front of the metal door made me subconsciously take a step back. His body is large with a jet black shirt and brown worn cloth on the shoulders. There was a child carried in his arms, it looked like he was carrying a sack of rice at his waist.