
Ant wars

Ant wars. A game where 10000 poor die every week just for a chance at decent living, but nothing more then a Saturday live show for the rich. It's a brutal climb to the top to a deadly fall to the never ending pit of human depravity. This is murder. This is survival. This is...Ant wars.

Enejiang · ไซไฟ
16 Chs

[1] Just life

I was taught there are 20 quadrillion ants in the world.

Stepping on one wouldn't affect anything.

There are 8 billion people in the world.

Killing one wouldn't affect anything.

Would it?


The looming lights of the warehouse swayed back and forth like a pendulum.

The machines of the sweatshop, churned like the belly of a great beast.

Sweat washed my muscle tank top.

Calluses on my hand told a different story than my age.

So hungry...Is it dinner time yet?...


A sharp pain connected to my butt.

"Get yo lazy ass back to work!" came the old nasty voice of the watcher, as he wrapped the belt around his hands.

"Yes Mr. Chao..." I lowered my head.

"Don't make me catch you lazying again! You know there are 10 more people outside your age ready to replace you? If you don't want to work, then just get outta here!"

"I...I want to work..." I clenched my teeth.

"Then start acting like it! You are not here for free food, you are here to work! Why do you think we pay you every month for? So you can slack off?"

"I...I..." I clenched my teeth harder.

"You...You...You what!?" the watcher face twisted. "You wanna rebel?"

He grabbed my ear and twisted it, causing my whole body to conjure in pain.

"Lil Chao." Came a deep man voice.

Upon hearing the voice, Mr. Chao immediately straightened himself.

"Yes Mr. Zhao, is there anything I can do for you?" He bowed and said with a flattering smile.

"We will be getting the newest AI machines for tomorrow. We are only going to be keeping half of them."

"Are you sure Mr. Zhao, that would mean..." Mr. Chao's stuttered.

"I want half of them to be gone by tomorrow, do you not understand Lil Chao?" Mr. Zhao said with an edge to his voice this time.

"Right away Mr. Zhao...But...But what about my position?"

"That depends on your performance." He said in a non committing way.

"Yes, yes...This will be taken care of at once Mr. Zhao..."

"Don't disappoint me Lil Chao." Mr. Zhao turned and walked away.

"Yes Mr. Zhao, I will complete any task you give me in perfection!" Mr. Chao said, despite Mr. Zhao showing no signs of slowly down or turning back.

Mr. Chao then grabbed a speaker and made the announcement.

"Great news everyone!" he spoke in an over the top excited voice.

Everyone stopped from their work.

"Starting from tomorrow, all of you don't have to work so hard anymore!"

The sweatshop workers looked at one another with confused expressions.

"But there is also some regretful news. This will be the last day of work for half of you. We decided to keep half of our most hardworking and dedicated employees. For the half of you that are going home, I wish you all the best in life and hope you all reach higher horizons."

The moment his voice dropped, several workers began to cry. Some were outraged.

"This isn't my decision! This is the company's decision!" Mr. Chao meekly defended himself.

A few aggressive workers charged at him, the security rushed forward.

I walked away from the scene.

It's no use...

It's no use.

It's no-

Before I even know it, I was running at Mr. Zhao, my fist connecting with his face.


Within the dimly lit 4x4 room, or as I call home, a sick frail figure lied on the bed.

"Loss is a blessing." My mom said weakly.

"I don't see how losing my only job is a blessing!" I raged.

My mom didn't reply, she simply smiled weakly.

"You will get it when you grow older..."

I sat down and sighed.

"Forget about it mom. Are you feeling better? Should we take you to the hospital for another inspection?"

"No honey, I am fine..." she ended her sentence with a series of cough.

After about a minute of coughing or so, she replied:

"I am fine honey." She said, her throat hoarse.

"Mom, you really need the treatment. Mom!" I got on my knees and held her hand.

"No honey...You already done enough for me...I shouldn't hold you back any further..." she coughed again, more severe than last time.

"MOM!" I clutched her hand.

"Just leave mom alone to this, mom can do this..." she turned the other away, hiding her face from me.

"Mom..." I bit down on my lip, but spoke no further. I then put the sheets on her.

"I...I will be back soon." I said.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked.

"Outside." I answered. Before my mom could question further, I closed the door.


I went by the river and stared at my own reflection, long uncut dirty black hair, deep brown eyes, tall lean build, white muscle shirt and blue shorts.

"Wang-Jian!" a familiar voice called out to me.

I turned and looked, it was my best friend Meng-Hao.

"What are you doing here at the river? Being a narcissist again?"

"Fk off man!" I pushed him away in a friendly manner, which he responded with a laugh.

"Tell me man, what's on your mind?" He asked.

"I got fired from the sweatshop." I squatted down.

"Good for you man! Fk that place! It's not a place for humans anyways."

"I know...But my mom...Her sickness is getting worse."

"Oh." Meng-Hao scratched his head. "I am sorry to hear that man."

"It's fine, it's not your fault." I said.

"How much are the...Medical bills?" He asked.

"200K RMB. That's what I found online." I said solemnly.

"Oh fk...That's robbery!" he said.

"Yeah...But there ain't much I can do about it."

The two of us sat in silence for about minute before Meng-Chao finally spoke up:

"You know about the...the..." Meng-Chao's voice died down again, but my interest was already piqued.

"About the what? Just tell me." I said, grabbing his shoulder.

"Just pretend I didn't say anything." He replied, prying himself free from my hold.

"Are you my bro or not Meng-Chao?" I questioned.

"Yes, I am your bro, so that's why I shouldn't tell you." He replied with a smooth tone.

"Just say it! If you don't tell me, my mom is going to die!" I said grabbing both his shoulders this time.

"Fine! Fine! Fine! If you put it that way, I suppose I have no choice..." He slapped my wrist away and continued:

"You ever heard of the Ant Wars?

Q: What do you think Ant wars is like?