
Another World with My Rented Girlfriend

Trapped in a fantastical realm, Kiyoshi discovers a volatile magic that weakens him as it strengthens. His rented girlfriend becomes his shield against impending doom, revealing they're humanity's last hope. Amidst a web of secrets, their journey unveils a destiny intertwined with Earth's future.

steve_little_pen · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Calm before the storm

Bzz, a phone vibrated insistently on the table beside his bed. It was late morning, yet he lingered beneath the warmth of his blanket, cocooned in drowsiness. Finally, he reached for the phone, eyes still half-shut. The room was a chaotic tapestry of his achievements—trophies for stellar science projects and top-ranking accolades strewn haphazardly on the shelf. He'd spent the night immersed in research.

Navigating through a maze of books, he made his way to the washroom. Just as he approached the door, a misstep sent him crashing to the floor. There he lay, suspended in a half-awake reverie, before gradually rising to his feet. He shuffled to the washroom, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and completed his morning routine.

As he ventured back toward the door, he scratched his head in contemplation. Swinging it open, the tranquil air was instantly disrupted.

"Hello Tokyo, today is Valentine's Day, February 14. The loveliest of all years. Today, the KOK shopping mall is one of the most popular places to visit. Today, the mall is open to lovers," the TV blared.

Kiyoshi, a high schooler living with his parents, groaned. "Mom, please turn off that TV."

Valentine's Day—a day he regarded with disdain. A friend's call earlier had only served to deepen his melancholy, reminding him of his single status. Kiyoshi's romantic endeavours were, at best, clumsy and awkward. While popular among peers, it was for all the wrong reasons. To some, he was a bookworm, to others, a peculiar oddity. Today, he resolved to change that narrative, to dive into games, and clubs, and embrace a more social persona.

His mother's request for errands interrupted his thoughts. He acquiesced, the weight of solitude heavy in his heart.

Soon, he found himself at the heart of the city, adorned in shabby attire and clutching a grocery bag. Couples strolled past a stark contrast to his solitary figure—a white rose amidst a sea of red. Then, his gaze caught a screen, advertising rented girlfriends. At that moment, he decided to seize the opportunity to savour Valentine's Day. Without hesitation, he purchased the necessary items, and back at home, he frantically scoured the website. Rules were disregarded, and after an hour of searching, he found her—the girl of his dreams.

With utmost care, he donned his finest attire and set off to meet her. Spotting her from a distance, he couldn't help but be captivated. Brownish hair cascading to her hips, a height mirroring his own—it was her. As he introduced himself, he sensed a shift in her demeanor. She was an adept actress, he mused. Yet, beneath her charm, he couldn't discern a genuine spark of affection. Was she burdened by her role, he wondered, or was this simply the facade of a rented companion?

"Hi, Kiyoshi, I am your girlfriend for the next 3 hours. Where do you want us to go?" she greeted him with a winsome smile.

Stammering, he managed, "That's great. Let's go there."

"Can I hold your hand?" he inquired, hope lacing his voice.

"Only hands," she replied, her tone cool.

The rejection sent a chill down his spine. Still, he followed her to an ice cream shop, adorned with roses and heart-shaped decorations. They shared a special Valentine's Day treat, each spoonful an intimate exchange. Her eyes, however, betrayed a deeper melancholy. They played their roles—lovers for a day, yet strangers in truth.

Lunch followed, and they arrived at the KOK mall by noon. A wish card shop beckoned, its allure irresistible.

By 2:00 pm, their paths collided with unexpected familiarity—his parents. Panic surged, and he and Sakura ducked out of sight, only to stumble into his mother's embrace.

"Why are you here, Kiyoshi?" she asked, astonishment in her eyes.

"Why are you here, Mom?" he returned, equally bewildered.

With flushed cheeks, she confessed, "I'm celebrating Valentine's Day with your dad."

Uncomfortable, he hastily excused himself, leaving Sakura in tow.

"Take one of these cards and write a wish. I promise you that it will come true," a maid-like woman offered. They selected cards, penning their secret desires. Kiyoshi longed to know Sakura's, but she kept it close.

As the minutes dwindled, he reflected on the fleeting nature of their encounter. Perhaps, he mused, next year he'd celebrate with a genuine girlfriend.

Suddenly, darkness descended. The world around them vanished into a shroud of rosy-scented fog. It was just him and her, a slow romantic melody serenading their surreal moment. Balloons materialized, and an enigmatic doll beckoned them.

"How about a picnic?" it suggested with a mischievous grin, snapping its fingers.

And just like that, everything turned black.

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