
Paving the Way for the Future

After collecting the seeds of the grape trees that I experimented on, I accelerated their age, decomposed them, and burned the remains. I roughly had an idea of how I was going to use my ability to interact with and change the plants according to my needs, so I moved on to the next stage in my plan: to acquire loyal and specialized pets.

I first caught a few pigeons and crows and tamed them. Then I used magic to develop their brains to obey more complex orders. Compared to the crows, pigeons were less capable, so I let the pigeons go, however, I didn't remove the taming spell so that their descendants will obey me too. I plan on using these pigeons later on as messengers. This taming spell was particularly useful, so I used it on every single bird I saw without exceptions as it will really come into play later on when I would stage the biggest scam this world had ever seen.

My crows grew in size and rivaled that of ravens and I changed their feather color from black to white, so that they could have more of a "holy" look to them. The symbolism that colors carry is absolutely detrimental. Then, I took these birds with me inside the palace, to the shock and awe of the palace servants and the guards. I can already feel the sense of loyalty they have toward me. It doesn't matter whether it stems from religious reasons, or because I seem to be the smarter choice to be the next king.

My mother too was baffled by the sight of the pure white, divine-looking birds that were completely tamed. This sight made even the scholar-priest who came for my education bow down his head. It was a good sight. No one is foolish enough to try to harm the Goddess' favorite subject without expecting any consequences, well except for my older brother. But that is okay. Rather, I actually want him to attack me out in the open so that my father's loyal vassals and the clergy chew him up.

The magic I could use helped me immensely, yet I still wanted to experiment to see if there was a way to use it as an energy source so that I can use it to power up mechanical devices, before that though, I needed to find a way to store magic. To that end, I tried to store magic in various objects around me. I failed to store the magic long enough to be used, but I managed to figure out a few things. The first thing I noticed was that compared to other objects, metals are better at holding the magic and among the metals, the magic conductivity is better with denser metals, such as gold, silver, and lead. However, the moment I lifted my hand and cut the connection of magic, the metal immediately stopped holding the magic and a few seconds later, it ejected all the magic inside.

Throughout the whole process, Goddess was silent. I asked her if she could show me a way to store the magic in an object, as I normally do before each of my research. Normally, she would only show hints and would wait for me to come up with the correct answer, I figured it was to make me understand the principles of magic so that I can, later on, teach it to others, but this time was different. She stayed silent. I figured out that either now wasn't a good time and she'll teach me later on, or I would have to find how to store magic in an object myself through trial and error.

I tried many different methods, from scribing "magic incantations" on a piece of copper to shaping metal to hold the magic like a coil to no avail. It was then that I had a new idea: why do I have to supply the magic to the battery myself? Wouldn't it be more sensible to make the metal itself absorb the magic around, just like humans do? So I tried to give the feeling of "inhaling" magic to the copper pieces that I was working on. This method worked in storing the magic for a few hours, but then it stopped and the metal "exhaled" the magic. However, I wasn't disappointed, as this was surely the greatest of my discovery. I didn't even need to add the magic circuit that enabled the metal to gather magic again, I just needed to touch the magic circuit and the copper piece began to gather magic again.

I added a few different kinds of magic to the metal battery, including the heating magic that my mother and the maid used, telekinesis, and the plant modification spell that I developed. They all worked, though their effectiveness diminished and changed a bit whether it be the distance it affected, the way it is used, or just the ability of the spell itself. The results though were beyond satisfactory.

The plant modification spell became something like a plant support spell, making it more effective in supporting the plant's growth and accelerating it. This spell had fairly long-distance use.

The heating magic turned into an ignition type of magic, as controlling the speed of the magical particles became hard. It also has some explosive elements to it, so I suppose I can use this ability to make a gun later on. The distance was extremely short with this spell.

Telekinesis affected only the metal that was used to hold the magic itself, but I could operate it by tying a rope to the metal piece and moving my magic through the rope to the metal piece. This spell will be an indispensable part of my industry. It will power the whole of the civilization.