
Another universe

Another universe... seems interesting right? Well, Majo and a lot of other humans have to undergo this scenario in order to save Earth, why is that you might ask? Earth got attacked by an alien race from the Andromeda Galaxy, the aliens weren't able to destroy Earth in time, however, they're travelling across the universe to definitely destroy the Earth. Majo, along with many people gets sent into Another universe by a God who wants the humans to stand a chance in this war against the aliens. This universe is full of magic, relics, skills and more, our protagonist and the others have 10 years to survive in this dangerous world and become as strong as possible, in order to defeat those aliens.

majak · แฟนตาซี
130 Chs

Human fighting alongside a Goblin? - 1st chapter 2nd Volume

Warning small group of hostile enemies in the area]

Time to test out teamwork between a Human and a Goblin.

I just noticed but Ratbag has also changed his Title to The Backrooms Visitor , I wonder what was his Title Bonus from the Goblin King Title.

When we got to the next room we saw them , a pitch black monsters with no eyes , no hair , nothing. The only thing about them was that they were shaped like a small humans.

[Shadow] [Grade E]

There were 6 of them. Me and Ratbag charged after them and we got surprised quickly , the shadows merged with eachother and became one really big shadow with 12 hands.

[Shadow Abomination] [Grade C]

Grade C that's the same as Ratbag , this is gonna be a hard fight. Me and Ratbag fell back and I told him about my relic.

Ratbag - "So that's how you became faster and faster while we fought?"

Me - "Yes and right now we're gonna use the same strategy I used the last time. I will tank most of the attacks and you will keep flanking the shadow.

This way my health will eventually drop on a Level where we will just defeat this monster."

And that happened.


I became fast enough to Dodge it's every attack, me and Ratbag started attacking it and it couldn't keep up with the both of us and eventually.

[Monster Slain]


[Level Up rewards OPEN]

[New skill received: Shadow]

Defeating a C Grade monster sure does give you a lot of experience. I am injured quite a bit but for some reason I am not bleeding , I'll have to ask Mia about that. First I checked what the skill is about.

[Shadow: You can activate this skill , it costs 5 Mana per second (mana regenerates automatically over time). Whenever someone is standing on your shadow while this skill is active they'll receive damage over time(this damage increases as your strenght stat increases) , while this skill is active you can also manipulate your shadow to a certain distance]

After reading this I put all of my points into my strenght to see how much damage will it make when my strenght will be at 25.

Me and Ratbag got on move again, I wonder how are we going to get out of here , I also wonder how am I going to defeat this guy.

"Mia , I am quite injured but I am not bleeding or anything why is that?"

Ratbag noticed that he isn't bleeding too even though he has been hit with a pretty heavy attack aswell.

[I don't know]

"Huh? You don't know?"

[The only thing I can assume for now is that it has to do with us being in this 9th Dimension]

"Yeah , that makes sense."

"Well then I have one more question Mia , how do we get out of here?"

[You have to defeat the boss on this level to move to the next level , that's the only information I have , I don't know how to get out]

Ratbag - "So what did your voice say?"

"She said that we need to defeat the boss on this level to get to the next level. We don't know how to get out of here , but I assume getting to the next level is the first step."

The more rooms we passed the more it seemed to me like we are just going in circles but we weren't.

This entire time I was actually marking every room with a single bean.

I still had four cans of the canned beans , so I opened one of them and started throwing them on the ground to make sure we don't go in circles.

But that's pretty unlikely as we are trying to go only into one direction hoping that we get to the boss room.

(Several hours later)

We found more shadows , this time tho there were more of them but they didn't merge together like the first time. I used my skill Shadow but I was only able to hold it for 5 seconds. It was quite effective tho and with that I concluded that I need to start putting points into my intelligence to get more mana.


[Monster slain x4]


[Level Up rewards OPEN]

I put 2 points into strenght and 3 points into intelligence.

So far we've only fought against those shadows, they are quite troublesome when they merge into that Abomination but otherwise they're pretty easy to defeat.

I also learned from Ratbag about the Overworld.

Pretty much the main continent is the safest one , it's also the one where civilizations of human-like species reside. The monsters are usually A-Grade at most with very rare cases of them being S-Grade.

The other continents are pretty small compared to the main one. All of them are dangerous and normally no one goes there unless they lost their mind or a Level 6+ Dungeon appears. If they don't take care of such dungeons quickly , it could mean the end of the world. Not even kidding.

Ratbag has supposeddly lived for over 10 years and has seen a lot. The problem was that he kind of hit the roof of his abilities as a Goblin , I mean a C-Grade goblin is just ridiculous already. But now that we got into the Backrooms he can continue to grow stronger.

I am not sure how will I win my fight against him.

Anyways we were too tired to continue , we set up kind of a barricade with items that Ratbag had in his Inventory and then we slept. Honestly I wasn't scared of him trying to kill me in my sleep. I just knew that he wouldn't try it.

The next day we set out and I leveled up again once again I put 2 points into strenght and 3 points into intelligence.


I kept getting that message quite often , I deliberately kept my health below 40% most of the time, to get most value out of this Berserker Ring. I also don't feel as much pain here because I am not bleeding , which is still mystery even to Mia herself.

And finally , finally after reaching Level 9 we received the message that we were waiting for.


We looked at eachother , nodded and walked forward until we saw it. It was a HUGE Abomination of shadows , but the scariest part was...

[Purple Shadow Abomination] [Grade B]

A Grade B monster , at this point I already reached rank E+ and Ratbag reached Grade C+ but... can we really do this? Can we actually win?


Number of players: 24 524]

[Name: Majo The Backroom Visitor]

[Open Inventory]

[Title: The Backroom Visitor] [Switch Title]

[Title bonus: While in The Backrooms , increase your experience gain from every source by 50%]

[Class: None]

[Skills: Passive: Bloody Critical Strike]

[ Manual: Shadow]

[Level: 9 15/1000 experience]

[Rank: E+] [Open skill tree Locked]

[Health 220/220] [Mana 44/50]


Helmet: None

Cloak: Torn Black hoodie [F Grade]

Body Armour: Silkium Black Shirt [E+ Grade]

Leg Armour: Black pants [F Grade]

Relics: 1/5

Berserker Ring [Grade E]

[Effect - Increase Speed in proportion to Health Lost]


Left arm: Blood Dagger [D+ Grade]

[Special effect: Increase this weapon's damage by 100% when Health drops below 30%]

Right arm: Goblin Dagger [D Grade]


Strenght: 29

Vigor: 18

Intelligence: 17

Endurance: 13

Durability: 20

Speed: 20