
Another try

Esther_Wangeshi_1714 · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

Separate ways

Marie is holding her bags and suitcase ready to leave.

Jason:please don't leave

Marie:I have to , the divorce is done with

Jason:we can stay in different rooms but just don't go

Marie :you wanted this didn't you?just let me leave

She turns and walks out of the house


On the phone

(crying)Marie:it's done

Anne:what is done?

Marie:it's all over between Jason and I

Anne:where are you now?

Marie :I'm outside the house waiting for a cab

Anne:cancel the trip with the cab, I'll be there in a few.(ends the call)

Tamar , the house help consoles jason to talk to Marie once more .on walking out Marie is boarding Anne's car and they drive off.