


This is my first book so the grammer may not be that good since english is not my native language. Now please bear with me and enjoy ~

1 st POV

Today again I go back from school to that place I call home...

My name is chu yu and I am 15 years old. I have got a younger brother who dose'nt really like me. My mom and dad own a company together that deals with chocolates, jewelries and clothes.

Its a wierd combination right but as far as I know it is very famous so we are pretty rich. My mom and dad have never really loved me, they never really give me any attention. My mom and dad are both cheating on each other but they both know about it.

Of course me and my brother do too because whenever my dad is out with his lover my mom brings her lover home behind his back. But both of them love my younger brother a lot...too much if you ask me. In my mom and dad's eyes my brother is the best in the whole world. If I ever get more marks than him (which is almost everytime) or get the first position in a competition where he also took part in, they would scream at me and hit me and then accuse me of cheating. Because according to them my brother is always better than me.

Today is yet another day of my boring life. At school there was nothing interesting going on. All my teachers loved me and I was liked by all of my classmates but none of them ever tried to talk to me, I wonder why...Anyway it's all boring because I have got a photographic memory so all my academic results are always good.

But they are always second to his results - 'Ains'*. He was the only ray of sunshine in my lonely world. He always talks to me whenever I am feeling down. I would consider him my only friend but he really isn't one - because he is my...crush. I have always been wanting to ask him out ever since I first talked to him and found out I was gay. But whenever I am about to ask him out I get nervous and start stuttering and blabbering nonsence >_<.

Oh, its lunch break already well it dose'nt matter because most of the time I eat alone. But today Ains visited me in my classroom and asked whether he could have lunch with me, I hurriedly agreed like an idiot because I was too excited. He sat down beside me. The lunch break passed preety fast today (Sigh). After school I again got to walk home with him together.

(Next day)

Today I met Ains while walking alone to school. He is very popular at school and has a lot of friends but he hangs out with me most of the time and I like it. Afterschool I had my tuitions and music classes so I had to hurry back without Ains.

So I first went home to change and I remembered that tomorrow is my 16th birthday. I was walking down the stairs and my brother came out of his room and offered me a piece of chocolate cake. He apologized to me for everything he had done and said that he baked the cake himself for my birthday. I got very happy and I forgave him easily.

Then I took the cake and tasted it, its taste was a little weird but I ate it anyway since my brother baked it only for me. I was feeling so good that I had reconciled with my brother that I forgot about my music lessons. We stayed on top of the stairs and started talking but I should have known better because then all I knew was that I felt a sharp pain in my stomach area. And I fell down on the floor and rolled down the stairs...I realised I was poisoned by my own brother.

Then I heard the maniacal laughter of my brother. I also heard my brother saying how I was better than him at everything and how much of a nuisance I was in his eyes. He also said that no one would notice my disappearance ...he was right no one would care. But I wondered if Ains would care and mourn for me since no one else would and that was my last thought before I took my last breath.