
Prologue 3 (His side)

To anyone who is still reading my story, thank you for reading it.

Today I got the news of his death and I could do nothing except mourn. I broke down and cried and screamed but I still did not get relief. The whole school was mourning for his loss and we don't even know who the culprit is. Who ever killed my angel I will not forgive them.


Many days passed but I have been skipping my school and have stopped eating my parents looked worried but I did not have an appetite so I skipped dinner today too. Now I don't know what to do with my life I wished with all my heart and soul that if only I could save him and bring him back. At that moment there came a blinding light in my room and I had to close my eyes but when I opened them I saw a dark haired handsome guy about my age right in front of me. He opened his mouth and said 'If you want to save him than you can but for that you are going to have to sign a contract with me. Do you accept ?'.

'I accept' I said without any hesitation I don't care what kind of a contract this is or what work I have to do I will do it all to save my chu yu.

'Contract established' the guy said.

And we were transported to a pure white space that was like a bedroom as it had a bed and everything else. I got to know that the guys name was yan yu* and he told me that he was a changing the fate of the male protagonist system. He explained to me my job and said that from now on I am a transmigrator and I got to know that my angel is also one. He told me that he choose me because he and my angels system were lovers once but due to a mistake of his the administrator had frozen his time and it's been 2000 years now and I was the easiest way to search for his lover.

And then we began transferring into my first world.

I will find you my angel...