
the truth

shoto was confused for a moment. "why did bakugo just kiss me?" he ask himself as bakugo went silent only moments later bakugo found himself pinning shoto to the wall before he heard dekus gasp behind him . " kachan... shoto?" dekus voice was intruped by bakugo pulling deku to him and shoto grabbing dekus arms holding him between the two as kachan kissed him shoto sucked on his neck. things would have escalated if it wasn't already to to go home. but now . deku had a idea.

(at home with shoto and bakugo. dekus at work)

bakugo made some Raman for him and shoto until deku got back and cooked dinner. bakugo didn't know why thay had done what thay did. but he wasn't that mad supriseingly . as he ate he saw shoto repeatedly looking up at him . bakugo sat his noodles down quietly and in seconds shoto was bent over the table and bakugos hand was taking shotos clothes off and minutes later he began thrusting into shoto as he kissed him. shotos bild was different from dekus. deku was small and weak and easy to overpowere during sex while shoto was more muscular and not nearly as easy to over take . but bakugo manniged to keep him down . although he knew if he wasn't a sub then he could easily overtake him. but luckily shoto was . when bakugo and shoto finished bakugo cleaned the mess shoto left up. only minutes after he n shoto got thare clothes back on and got everything cleaned up thay heard the front door open " I'm home !" deku said happly as he walked into the house

" welcome back izuku!" shoto said as he gave deku a hug then a kiss Leaving deku suprised bakugo didn't give a negative reaction and only gave him a kiss too

" oh yeah deku" kachan smiled makeing deku worried

" icey hot and I decided we're sharing you"