
Another Part Of Me

Life wasn't the same again when she decided to disappear from his life. Seeing her warm smile from her innocent face is what he lived for. If he can't, why would anything else matter? A part of him died with her anyway. But life has its own ways of making him feel alive again...

favourit3_becky · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Lawrence's POV

I leisurely parked the car near the biggest and famous mall in the city reading a vogue magazine, buying time while waiting for Wren, my young bro. Suddenly I saw darkness bloom in my eyes and passed out.

I came back to my senses finding myself in my room, lying on bed. Just by looking around I could tell a reasonably amount of time must have passed by. I got off bed stretching myself to shake off the fatigue I felt, trying to recall what happened. In the middle of my thoughts suddenly the door flung open and I was relieved seeing Wren walking in.

"Hey what's wrong with you man, huh? you could've just told me if you weren't feeling alright, I wouldn't have forced you to come along with me doing my crazy shopping stuff, do you have any idea how worried I was? and I was just about to call for Luke if you weren't up yet." Wren yelled as he headed for the sofa.

"Stop exaggerating. Am feeling alright now, I think its just that recently I've not been getting enough sleep due to that project we were working on last week, but glad enough it just ended successful, so I'll take my time to get a good rest, so, can you please stop your nagging." I replied drinking some water that was placed on the small table beside my bed.

"Holy shit Rence! this situation is getting out of hand, and it has already happened numerous times. God... And that overworking habit of yours isn't helping anything. It will get you killed someday. Please, next time just at least put your health into consideration before working overtime and save me from the trouble of being your life savior over and over again. Okay?" Wren kept on lamenting.

"Okay. Okay. Next time I'll be more careful, and thanks for your help" I said sarcastically as I put my shirt on. "let's have dinner, I'm really hungry, unless you want to continue staying here blabbing whole night long."

"I was worried sick about you. Do you know how I struggled bringing you all the way up to your room?" Wren said heading the way out.

I just let out a mocking laughter and started following him. "I'm pretty sure monkey did all of that" I said following him behind.

"Well, he wasn't around. I assigned him to do something at noon and he isn't back yet." Wren replied as he walked down the stairs.

"Okay. I'll buy you your favorite video game tomorrow." I offered knowing that will shut him up.

"Make it two. You've gotten heavy already." Wren said.

"You are twenty-three already for God's sake." I said looking at him in front of me beaming with happiness.

"Sir, dinner is ready, Anne my housekeeper informed me soon as she saw us.

I just replied with an OK, passed her and went to the dining table, leaving Wren behind making some jokes to Anne.

After having dinner, I decided to go back to my room as I was having a slight headache, while Wren left heading back to his house which was not far from mine. I laid flat with my back while the flash of the dream I had while I lost consciousness replay again in my mind. It was neither the first or second time I had this kind of dreams nor the first or second time I passed out. Not that I cared, I was just worried It could affect my work. I actually didn't care if it made me feel miserable or whatever. Only my work mattered now and it always came first.


"Rence, you have to be more careful, just look at how pathetic your health is becoming." Luke, my cousin snapped at me.

"Luke, I'm already doing everything I can. You know that. But I just can't." I replied while checking out something in my phone already feeling annoyed with that same sentence only God and I knows I've heard it how many times. I didn't raise my head avoiding Luke who sat opposite me as I silently cursed Wren for telling him what happened, though I seriously warned him not to.

"I already told you that you shouldn't let that matter haunt you, and you've already done everything? I don't think so. Apart from working like a devil, I don't think you've done anything else" Luke kept on lecturing me but I sat still, saying nothing tending to piss him off even more.

When I felt I couldn't take it any longer, I stood up and picked up my coat from the back of the seat, ready to leave.

"See you another time Luke, I've got to go. Probably seeing you now wasn't the best idea." I said as I exited his office.

"Hey Rence!!!! just keep in mind on what we talked about". Luke hollered out to me but I just slammed the door shut behind me turning a deaf ear on whatever was being said behind.

"Oh God why did I accept being this guy's psychiatrist? he's really insane." Luke lamented but I heard him, supposing he thought he was whispering to himself, well blame my sharp ears. I just smiled ironically. "And I must really be insane keeping coming to this damn hospital"

Soon as I got out of the hospital, I called Wren on my way out. "Hey, how's that matter proceeding?

"Everything is okay bro, got nothing to worry about. Wren replied on the other end. We were able to close the deal with Fantasy and everything went well. So just take your time and have enough rest. By the way, last week exhausted you enough already." Wren said.

Huh, being lectured everywhere.

"Good job, at last we made it. I said sighing with relief.

"So, what're you up to now? Feeling great?" Did you meet up with Luke?" Wren asked sounding concerned.

"I'm just at home, and I'm feeling much better. Nothing to worry about. Got to hang up now, see you tomorrow at the office." I replied, not tending to tell him I went at Luke's place, knowing what would be the result of it.

"Hey! hey! what's that! At the office!? You know there's nothing much to do lately as we've just successfully closed this deal. Just rest well, and catch up by next week. I'll take care of everything. And I'll be dropping by later at evening." Wren replied.

"What? Next week? Can't stay home doing nothing the whole week, by the way am feeling okay now. It's not like am severely ill. Stop making a big deal out of it."

"Who said you'll just stay home doing nothing? Just take your time man, hang out, refresh your mind. Trust me, you need it." Wren suggested." You should also start letting go of her."

I stayed silent for almost one minute and didn't say a word.

"Hey Rence are you still there? hello- hello- he-hellooo, Rence? Darn it."

"I think you have a point. I should take this week off" I finally spoke up.

"Okay I'll drop by later to...Wren couldn't finish up what he was saying when someone behind me blared a car honk. "Hey Rence where ar...." I disconnected the call before he could talk more.

I realized the traffic lights allowed the vehicles to pass by already and other cars behind me were blaring honks so I could move my car. I drove away relieved being saved from giving explanation to Wren the busybody.

In less than twenty minutes I reached home. I sighed heavily with relief as I removed my coat and shoes. I stayed idle on my bed with many things running in my mind. Then I stood up and started packing up my clothes and some of the stuffs I would need for the short vacation as Wren called it. "I think I need to do this" I murmured, convincing myself on what I was about to do. soon as I'd managed to keep everything in order, I went downstairs to make myself some dinner after I had dismissed all of my workers, giving them a one-week short break.

"Ow-wow. I guess August is the best month to be born in so far. The aroma of this food makes my mouth watery and my stomach growling. Can't wait to taste it." Wren said as he got inside the kitchen.

"I think giving you access to my house was the biggest mistake I've ever done." I said while throwing a glance at Wren who leaned on the kitchen counter with a sheepish grin.

"Well, you know I just can't stay alone at home. By the way where's everyone? There's no sign of life around here" Wren questioned looking around.

"You can't stand being alone at your own house and instead you'd rather come here and bother me huh!" I said as I watched Wren through the corner of my eye, still focused on what I was cooking. "I dismissed everyone for a week." I said responding to his earlier question.

"Oh, you're still human after all, showing concern to others" Wren tried making a joke and I threw him deadly glare.

"Come on, I just wanted to make sure you are alright. And also wanted to bid you farewell before you leave. Isn't that enough reason for my presence?" Wren enquired. "

"Well, as you can see me, I'm safe and sound. Thank you. I can take care of my self pretty much" I said as I made two plates and placed them on the table.

"Oh, Rence you really are my brother. How did you know I haven't eaten dinner yet?" Wren said as he took a seat.

"Come on. with all the blabbering of being born in the best month after catching up with me making dinner. Only a fool wouldn't figure that out."

Wren chuckled a bit and started eating.

"Mmmm-mm yum-mmy. He tried to speak with his mouth full of food. I really have to figure out all your secret recipes. In the future I'll cook for my girlfriend and make her fall harder for me." He said shoving more food in his mouth.

"Come-on. It's just beef Wellington and some fish and chips for God's sake. And for you to make dinner for your girlfriend you must at least make some progress on finding her first. Don't you think?" I said taking a bite of my food.

"Ooh! Look who's talking. You don't have to give me that sarcastic lecture of yours. Having no girlfriend now doesn't mean i can't find one. I'm just hanging out for now, I don't wanna be attached to anyone. I've not met my ideal type yet." Wren said as he took another bite of food. "At least I put that matter into consideration sometimes. Unlike someone here."

"Well. Speaking of girlfriend. I've just figured out that Erica has a crush on you." I said knowing that would piss him off.

"Whaaat!?" Wren said aloud and he almost choked on his food. "Erica? Me? No-no-no-no-no thank you. Please recollect your data again. You must be mistaken. Everybody knows she's into you. Man! I've got chills suddenly.

We all busted into a laughter. Erica worked at our company and she was well known of her fluttery. She was somehow closer to us as she was recommended by our aunt, Lola (Luke's mom). Many workers filed reports against her but I never had interest in whatever she was up to so she ended up acting like she owns the whole company. I know she reports to aunt on our every move. But I'm sure it's mom and dad who asked Aunt Lola to do that.

Wren tried holding his laughter as he took out a small envelope and handed it to me.

I stretched out my hand and took the envelope from him.

"It contains everything you'll be needing, including information of the hotel I booked for you" Wren said as he took another bite of his food. "I hope you made up your mind already. "

"Thank you lil bro. I'm going to take this week off, I think I really need it. I knew I could count on you on this, that's why I wasn't worried a bit. And it seems like someone will miss me terribly." I said teasingly as I really felt sorry for him with all he put himself through while I had no intentions of going someplace and relax, but just finding myself a quiet place to come up with a new project that would throw our rivals off our tails.

"Uhm, I miss home already. If we could be at home, I wouldn't be the one doing any of this, looking after you. I'm still a kid." Wren pouted as he took his plate and placed it in a sink.

"Hope you aren't having the thoughts of leaving that plate there unwashed again like how you always do, no body is going to clean it for you today." I said as I buried my head in the plate of food, not throwing a glance at Wren.

"Using that as an excuse from not trying to talk about home?" When will you accept the fact and decide once and for all to get back? For how long are you going to run from them. Huh?" Wren asked.

"Can we just talk about other things please." I stood from my chair grabbed the envelope and started heading upstairs. "You know you are free to go back anytime you feel like it, I always tell you that."

"But Rence..." Wren tried to protest but I cut him off. "Please Wren, I'm not in a good mood to talk about that. Save me from all this drama. Will you?"

"Ugh okay." Wren yelled. "This jerk. He's talking about me leaving the plate unwashed in the sink while he just left his, right here at the table. So, who's worst." Wren murmured as he took my plate and placed it in the sink.

"I heard that!" I yelled back as I stopped, turning to face him midway the stairs.

"Um. nothing. I was just wishing you a nice sleep and nice trip too." Wren said as he started washing the two plates and some other dishes I used, still murmuring some things in a low voice.

"Thank you, and have a safe stay. Behave when I'm not around, okay?" I said as I continued heading upstairs.

Wren chuckled a bit at that. "Oh, I'll miss you more bro. Have a really great vacay and remember, No Working!"

I just nodded my head not bothering to even turn my head.


A week later

"So. How was your trip? I mean your vacation." Luke said as he was looking at the menu looking for what to order.

"It was pretty fine. I guess. Seems it wasn't a bad idea. Taking the week off." I replied looking at the menu too not batting a lid.

"I told you that will work out. And it will help you clear your head a lot." Wren said proudly. "Boy, I just checked out the hotel and made a vow to also go there sometime." Wren said as he shifted his gaze from the menu to the waiter. "Bacon and chocolate chip pancakes please."

"Well at least this once you tried advising something good". I said patting Wren's shoulder. "I owe you this one"

"Okay enough with the display of affections you two. Rence let's order something as you can see someone here doesn't always have second thoughts on what to eat." Luke said as he threw a glance at Wren.

I let out a light chuckle on that. We also gave the waiter our orders and after a short while our food was brought.

We ate slowly while chitchatting about many different things, one part me trying my best to avoid talking about my fake vacation and another part talking about work.

"Oh God! you two are boring. Just talking about work whole time long. Don't you have any other things to talk about?" Luke complained.

"But we also said nothing with you telling us the same old story of you having a crush on that patient of yours. Wren said and I busted out into a laughter."

"Well, that's not so funny. I mean, I was just trying being a little professional. Can't mix my personal feelings with work. You know that."

"Well then that's too bad. Wren said as he tried holding his laughter after receiving one cold glance from Luke."

"Why don't you tell Rence. I think he has a lot to share with that vacation of his. So how many girls did you have fun with?" Luke asked.

I just threw him a "do you have a death wish" look and continued with my food. "Can we just finish off this dinner peacefully?" I said not looking at either of them.

"Oh shit. What's wrong with you man. I think now we should probably fix you a date with some girl." Wren said as he concentrated with whatever he was doing in his phone.

Luke just laughed out at that. "I think that will do." He commented.

I finished off my food and pushed my chair as I stood up. "I've to use a restroom."

"You know you can't run from us forever." Wren said as Luke also stood up and went to the counter to pay up.

"Thought he would build a relationship with some random girl out of that trip man" I heard Luke whispering but I brushed that off.

I was getting back to Wren and Luke when a girl bumped to me. Well, we bumped into each other. She raised her head looking at me straight in the eyes. I also looked at her and she seemed like she was crying? The hell would I care about that.

"Hey Rence, we gotta go now". I heard Wren calling out for me, I wanted to lift my head and look at him but I just couldn't. The girl kept on looking at me not saying a word and I swear she looked like the innocent creature alive holding me captive with those blue eyes. Jerk as I am, I was all rude to her and I'm sure a tear escaped her right eye but I didn't care. I just pushed her aside and made my way towards Wren and Luke leaving her there dumbstruck. She yelled out behind me but I didn't stop. She even called me "psycho", well, I deserved that.

"Poor girl. I just can't imagine which kind of cold words she received out there." Luke said as I reached to them, the corner of his mouth curving upward with a smile.

"You never let any girl get close to you to that extent. Only Erica succeeds in doing that, sometimes". Wren added clearing his eyes as if not believing what he just saw.

" Come-on, just give me a break" I said leading the way out not sparing even a last glance her way.