
Additional chapter

Voidne was currently staying outside of the chemistery class in highschool, the teacher kicked him out because of his friends. Voidne's friends in highschool started making noices and the teacher kicked Voidne outside the class even though he did nothing.

Voidne hated the chemistery teacher, he also hated chemistery because of the teacher. the routine kept on going with the whole kicking outside of the class thing for a whole year. Voidne had it programmed in his brain that whenever the chemistery teacher enters the class he will get out immediately to make things easier for him and for the teacher.

Later in the end of the year, Voidne was called to the principle office to sort this problem, because his grades were low in chemistery, while he aced every other subject. The teacher started to talk about how disrespectful Voidne is to him, Voidne did not interrupt the teacher because of his speech etiquette. Once the teacher finished with his ranting; the principle looked at Voidne with shook in his eyes. Voidne was known in the school to be one of the most respectful people to both teachers and students, and also as one of the top students in term of grades.

Voidne felt sorrow that his public image is being ruined by this teacher that he hates so much. He look at the principle and said "I feel wronged. Teachers are supposed to have the student's back, and believe in them, but teacher Majid (aka chemistery teacher) started kicking me from the chemistery class everyday for no reason. The students near me were the ones making the noices, and they even admitted it to the teacher after a month, yet the teacher kept on targetting me. Even my test grades in chemistery are now just avrage, I don't know how will I face my family if they knew the shame that I brought them by pulling off those grades in chemistry"

The teacher then started arguing and replying the same point over and over again, Voidne felt annoyed an asked to leave since he have another class right now that he needs to attend. In the end, the principle and the teacher called Voidne's family, telling them about the problem.

Once Voidne returned home, his mother was mad at him, he knew what happened and tried to explain, but his mother just grabbed an electricity wire and started hitting him everywhere in his body. Voidne started running to bed trying to hide under his blanket, maybe it will make the hitting less painful. After 20 minutes of taking shots to the ribs and hits with a wire while under the blanket, his mother finally got tired and left him alone.

Voidne always remembered everything his abusive family did to him, specially his older brother which was 6 years older than him. He would search for any excuse to hit Voidne. Voidne came from a country that had no child rights, it was a third world country. He had no one to trust and no one to turn to.

After crying in the bed for 10 minutes without releasing any sound, recalling all the torture he went through and his sad childhood which was used to do labor for his older brother who bullied him 24/7, Voidne wish was to just die. He thought about suiciding, but he is a firm believer in the existance of a god; thus he was afraid of hell.

Voidne picked the family laptop, to search for informations for his biology project. His mother came and yelled at him for sometime then she left. Despite hating his mother for being abusive, Voidne still loved her too for being his mother, and also pitied her for all the surgeries she went through. His mother had a rare disease which made the body accumulate water in the skull, leading the brain to be under a lot of pressure and causing the sick person to always have headaches affecting their vision almost all of the time. Voidne also has this disease but because he was still young and the water didn't accumilate that much, it was ok for him to withstand the pain of his headaches, all his other brothers and sisters were fine.

Voidne, to make himself feel better opened some manga website, started reading manga while keeping 3 biology related pages open so if someone entered on him, he will be able to close the manga fast enough so they don't catch him.

Voidne started reading some isekai, he found it enjoyable that they get to have special power when they go to another world, but he always disliked their characters. They will have absolute power to kill anyone, yet they will always refrain from killing the people who keep targeting them. This made Voidne really angry at every stupid isekai hero that always end up having a harem with the vilains and stuffs like that... It annoyed him because he found it not logical. 'Those who try to kill me should be killed' was his philosophy, if he gained absolute power, he would not care about anyone else since they are all garbages if they dared hurt him while he did nothing for them.

Voidne closed the manga website and continued his project. He was hungery so he went and made dinner for himself, but then the d*ck (his older brother) told him to make dinner for him too. Voidne disliked that he had to make dinner again for his brother while his was going to get colder, so he asked his brother if he wanted to eat Voidne's dinner and Voidne will make food for himself again, to which his brother refused because he said he didn't like the way Voidne made the eggs. Voidne then asked him if he could eat his own dinner then he will prepare the dinner for his brother. To that, his brother got annoyed and started beating the sh*t out of him. Voidne got mad and said "If you want dinner, make it for yourself... even if you kill me today, I will not make dinner for you!" His brother ended up throwing Voidne's dinner in the garbage and started making his own dinner.

Voidne feeling sad, started blaming the god for letting him grow up in such a family. He went to the bed and started crying out of hate toward everything. He then closed his eyes and started creating his own world, he started imagining that maybe the god will reward him for his patience and send him to another world in an isekai just like the manga, but he knew that it was just fake hope. He started dreaming about being send into an Isekai like a game, and then in all his dreams... he was always the vilain.

Voidne started torturing and murdering everyone in his dreams, he was broken mentally to the moment that he was smirking while sleeping. When he opened his eyes again, he swore that one day, he himself will kill his brother even if it got him to jail or hell, he doesn't give a fuck anymore about his life.

In the middle of the night, Voidne grabbed 5 knifes from the kitchen, and went to the room where his brother and mother sleep. He entered the room to find his brother is still awake playing with his phone while his mother was asleep. Voidne knew that in close combat he will lost to his brother so he started throwing knifes at his. One of the knifes penetrated his brother's hand and his brother started screaming like a bitch rolling in the ground. Voidne in the other hand started running to grab a knife and went close to his brother and tried to stab him again to kill him. But his mother woke up and kicked Voidne away.

Voidne did not want to hurt his mother who was now screaming at him again while his brother was still rolling on the ground, so he picked his knife and told her that if she said any other word he would kill her and dispose her body, and he don't give a fuck if he went to hell or to jail, he don't give a fuck about her or his family anymore.

His mother started crying in front of him, he felt sad, so instead of finishing his job to kill his brother, he stole some money from his mother's pocket and ran away from the house. He had his old phone which had one of those old green screens and big rock hard buttons with numbers and letters written under them. He called his aunt, who didn't reply because she was asleep.

Voidne started walking on the road for 3 hours in the middle of the night. Until he reached his aunt's house. His aunt(father's sister) woke up to check who was there. Once she found Voidne, she asked him what happened and was concerned about him. Voidne started crying and told her everything he did. She told him to wait in the living room and not make a lot of noice because her children are asleep right now. She picked the phone and called Voidne's mom, the mother replied that she was in the hospital right now, and that they lied and said that the knife slipped from her hand while she was cleaning fish for tomorrow's lunch, and flew toward d*ck's hand.

The injury wasn't major, and no problem went on Voidne. After that day, Voidne started living in his aunt's house until he graduated from highschool with high grades. His mother was happy and went to the education embassy, to get Voidne's username and password, since he was 17, they couldn't say no to her because she was his guardian.

His mother started signing him in scholarships that she liked, and never asked for his opinion. He felt guilt and just kept on saying ok to her without saying anything else. His brother on the other side made an issue with a girlfriend that he was dating. He blackmailed her and tried to force her into sex saying that if she doesn't give him what he want, he will share her nudes with everyone in the world. Voidne didn't care, he was glad that he is now not living under the same roof as his brother.

Time went by, and Voidne finally flew to america. He found it hard to speak to people and he was so nervous. Because of him being tortured since childhood and having a really dark past, he found it hard to speak with people in his university. His mental instability grew with his age, until he got more depressed than ever. He started writing novels like crazy, and ignored his university and everyone he knew in the new place. Because he couldn't find a friend, he became more socially awkward.

Then one day when his Visa got cancelled, he finally suicided after feeling that god was truly unfair, but he knew he could do nothing because god's authority is above every existance in the world, so he just sighed about his weakness with the last breathes he had in life.

This chapter is to tell his personality and past.

Also it is as an apology for me not posting yeterday, I will also not post tomorrow, because of the trip. Thank you everyone <3

Voidnecreators' thoughts